


The authors extended their work to a wider area.(作者把他们的工作扩大到了更宽的领域。)

The impact of traffic congestion extended throughout the city this morning.(今天早晨交通拥塞的影响扩大到了整个城市。)

The life cycle of tokens is extended to a whole year. (令牌的生命周期已经扩大到一整年。)

Online services extended into every aspect of our lives.(在线服务扩大到了我们生活的各个方面。)

extend 有时也指扩大规模,例如:

When we extend the dataset to include thousands of images, the generalization error drops dramatically. (当我们把数据集扩大到几千张图片时,泛化误差就急剧下降。)

二、expand指扩大规模,既是及物动词也是不及物动词,可以描述实体,也可描述实体的 number/size,例如:

The memory is expanded largely to accommodate much more data and increase the speed of operation. (内存大规模扩展以存储更多数据并提高运算速度。)

For eliminating the generalization error, we should collect more images to expand the size of the dataset.(为了消除泛化误差,我们应该多采集图片以扩展数据集。)本例中the size of可以不用。

An alternative approach to enhance the viability of the C3I system is to expand the number of the radars involved. (提高C3I系统生存能力的另一个方法就是扩大所使用雷达的数量。)

Obviously, if we expand the size of the set of candidate passwords, the probability that dictionary guessing attacks succeed will decrease. (显然,当我们增加口令集合的大小时,字典猜测攻击成功概率将会降低。)本例中the size of 可不用。

The world's population keeps expanding. If no measure is taken, food crisis will occur someday.  (世界人口持续增长,如果不采取措施,迟早会发生粮食危机。)

Over twenty years ago, when researchers observed that the number of people who hooked up to the Internet expanded exponentially, they realized a new era was coming and the world would change significantly. (20多年前,当科学家观察到联网人们的数量以指数级增长时,他们意识到一个新时代来了,世界将深刻改变。)

三、enlarge 指直接扩大一个实体,用法比较简单:

To enlarge the dataset(set, group, coverage, vocabulary, flow……)
