
Monk Jianzhen is holder in Daming temple. He was invited to Japan by his students from Japan because his highest knowledge.He asked his student : who want to cross sea to Japan with me ? No one can answered. Longtime the eldest student of his said : it is dangerous to Japan. At last some  students decided to follow him to cross sea for Japan .

They prepared 13 years for journey. But the first action was lose,because one of his student told his secret plan to officials. The governor withhold his ships and material . But jianzhen never give up . His second plan also be defeated. At last he  Success. Once storm over the sea all his team fall into water. Another time his students couldn't endured he risk and information local government. Many years later Jianzhen  landed Japan and he lectured buddies in Japan.

鉴真和尚是大明寺的主持。他因为学识渊博被日本学生邀请去日本传扬佛法。他问他的学生:谁想和我一起过海去日本?没有人回答。他的大弟子说:去日本很危险。最后一些学生决定跟着他渡海去日本。 他们为旅行准备了13年。但是第一次行动失败了,因为他的一个学生把他的秘密计划告诉了官员。总督扣留了他的船只和物资。但建真从未放弃。他的第二个计划也失败了。第七次他成功了。有因风暴落水中。有一次,是因为他的学生无法忍受他的冒险告诉了地方政府。许多年后,鉴真来到了日本,实现了他弘佛法的夙愿。
