【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】

Agent and Robot Architectures

Part 3 Reactive Architectures and the Subsumption Architecture

In these lectures, we look at alternative architectures that better support some classes of agents and robots
At the end, we then examine how hybrid architectures exploits the best aspects
of deliberative and reactive ones

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第1张图片

1. Agent Control Loop as Layers


【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第2张图片

2. Behaviour based control


【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第3张图片


  a. Pick the ``best''

  b. Sum the outputs

  c. Use a weighted sum

3. Brooks Behavioural Languages

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第4张图片

4. Emergent Behaviour


synergies:协同,配合。(这里指的是 轻微偏右运动 + 躲避障碍 = 墙体跟随 这个协同)

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第5张图片

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第6张图片

5. Subsumption Architecture

就是有很多行为指令,但每个行为指令都有优先等级,例如“躲避障碍”就是一个底层指令,“more primitive kinds of behaviour",更原始行为。



每个行为都独立,所以能被独立地:被编码 / 检测 / debugged

Higher level behaviours inhibit(抑制) lower levels 

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第7张图片

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第8张图片

Part 4 Subsumption Architecture Examples

1. Steel’s Mars Explorer System

2. ToTo

3. Summary

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第9张图片

Part 5 Potential Fields and Hybrid architectures

1. Potential Fields 人工势能场

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第10张图片
【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第11张图片
1. Simple fields can be combined to model complex environments
    (a.  Uniform - guides the robot in a straight line (useful for following a corridor)

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第12张图片

    (b.  Perpendicular - pushes the robot away from linear obstacles( good for modelling large obstacles or walls)

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第13张图片

    (c.  Tangental - guides the robot around an obstacle

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第14张图片

   (d. Attractive - draws the robot to a point (useful for defining weigh points in a path)

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第15张图片

   (e. Repulsive - pushes the robot away a point (good for modelling obstacles)

【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第16张图片

2. Navigation with Potential Fields
【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第17张图片
3. Potential Fields 的优缺点
1. Advantages
  Easy to visualise
  Easy to combine different fields
2. Disadvantages
  High update rates necessary
  Parameter tuning is important

2. Hybrid Architectures

To build a agents, neithor a completely deliberative nor completely reactive approach is suitable
An obvious approach is to build an agent out of two (or more)
1. a deliberative one, containing a symbolic world model, which develops plans and
makes decisions in the way proposed by symbolic AI; and
2.  a reactive one, which is capable of reacting to events without complex reasoning.
【COMP329 LEC 2 Agent and Robot Architectures】_第18张图片
