




I’m Amanda Gorman, I’ve been crazy about writing poetry since third grade. After polishing my skills for about a decade and having judges review  my poetry and videos of my performances, I was named the country’s Youth Poet Laureate in 2017, I’ve read my work at the Library of Congress. It’s been an excellent journey especially since I used to have trouble saying half the alphabet.

My twin sister Sarah and I were born very prematurely, which led to lots of ear infections. I didn’t have as much luck as Sarah and the ear infections left me with a severe hearing problem, making it difficult to understand speech, which caused me to develop a speech impediment. My sister would have to translate when I spoke because people had no idea what I was saying. Writing wasn’t just fun: it was a way to have my voice heard and to stop me from feeling pity for my disability. And I was determined to read my poetry in front of audiences.     

Our single mom couldn’t always afford medical help. Sometimes she had to choose: Shall I put food on the table or make sure Amanda can say this word? When we couldn’t pay, I’d spend about an hour a day recording my talking and correcting the mistakes gain and again. But poetry was a constant恒定的. I didn’t need expensive materials to train myself to be better at that.

At age 20, I still suffer from self-doubt, but i have got a necklace which my grandmother gave me. When I’m nervous before performing, I hold it and say, “I am the daughter of black writers who fought for their freedom, broke their chains枷锁 and changed the world” And 100 percent of the time after saying that, I’m ready to go.


1.crazy about: 热衷,着迷;狂热的             review:回顾复习       Congress:国会    prematurely :过早的   infections:传染病

2.polishing:磨砺    impediment:口吃    stop sb from doing阻止某人做某事




