
Will be transformed my whole world,没人问你是谁,Say nurturing for him, 那我第1次看到我的孩子的,每个小人在我面前,然后他开始对世界东张西望的时候,我想到的只有一件事情,就是我作为他的父亲,我要做些什么事情能够保证他成长起来的时候,他是处于一个能够一个让他能够健康的,环境当中呢,我怎么样为他创造这个环境,is a very powerful feeling,这是一个非常有力量的一种感觉,It is due to care for him until I met him at the first time,我们真正的做父母之前我从来没有想过,Have thought that I would have have been given some consideration to that before I had him but I was too stupid and and to ignorance um, and it really didn't become very important to me until I saw him and I held him and realized I need to do something. And so I asked everyone, what can I do to make sure that the world is a is a healthy and safe one for gabriel, my son to grow up, 那么我你可能会想我作为一个教授,我知道抱着他,第1次看着他在我眼前的时候,我开始意识到这个问题的重要性,我开始在想,到底我要做些什么才能够让他成长的,世界是健康的,是安全的,and maybe you have volkswagen,II ask everyone and跟科研my students when I went back to to my classroom, my wharton MBA classroom, I ask them, what are you going to do?And we cultivate not just the next generation of leadership talent. But what are we going to do to cultivate the next generation of people?,同样的一个的问题,我问他你会做些什么,让你的孩子会生长在一个健康的安全的世界里面,不但是你作为一个商界的领导者,你做一个人怎么样去保证你的孩子,你的下一代可以在一个健康的安全的环境怎么样帮他们开发出新一代的,这种领导力不只是作为领导者,而是作为一个人本身,Reacted very strongly to that question, 因为我们的学生对这个问题的反应都很大,So there was that also they were wondering, what do what does children have to do with business? I want to see the connection, 有的人就很迷茫,他就说你的孩子跟这个
