BBC World News,Aug 23 2021

Hello, I’m Karen Ginoni. This is BBC World News, the headlines.

Taliban leaders including the head of its political wing Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar are expected in the Afghan capital Kabul later as the insurgents look to consolidate power and form a new government.

the head of its political wing政治派别领导人

are expected in预计在

insurgents 起义者 叛乱者 造反者

Look to寄望;指望;依靠;考虑;预想;展望

consolidate power and form a new government 巩固权力 组建新政府

Protests have been held across Europe calling on governments to do more to help Afghans trying to leave.

Calling on 呼吁

European leaders say they’re working quickly to try to help Afghans who worked with western forces

is working quickly to try to help正尽快努力帮助

The authorities in Haiti now say nearly 2000 people are known to have died as a result of Saturday’s powerful earthquake.

The authorities in Haiti 海地当局

powerful earthquake强烈地震,强地震,大地震

The United Nations Children’s Fund estimates that around 1.2 million people in Haiti are affected.

And the trial of the American R&B singer R Kelly is to get underway at a U.S. federal court in New York.

the trial of… 的审判

Get underway 平静的生活就结束了,起航 ,还是,实施了

federal court美国等的)联邦法院

He’s accused of racketeering bribery and recruiting women and girls to engage in illegal sexual activity.

Accused of 指责 被控 控告

racketeering, bribery,敲诈勒索,贿赂

to engage in从事

你可能感兴趣的:(BBC World News,Aug 23 2021)