【中级趣读】Online Dating

Amanda turns on her computer and opens her e-mail. She has a new message. She smiles. It is from Tall_and_Handsome34, a man Amanda met on FindNewLove.com, an online dating website. She really hopes to find a new love, and Tall_and_Handsome34 could be the right man for her!

Amanda reads the e-mail. Tall_and_Handsome34 asks Amanda if she would like to meet in person on Friday. He tells her his real name is Mike.

Amanda considers meeting Mike. She only chats with Mike on the computer, but she really likes him. He is smart and funny. They are the same age, share many interests, and live in the same city. She does not know what he looks like, but she enjoys the mystery of a blind date.

Amanda replies to Mike, "Hi Mike. My real name is Amanda."

They agree to meet at Amanda's favorite restaurant at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. They plan to meet beside the fountain in front of the restaurant.

On Friday, Amanda prepares for her date. She puts on a dress and curls her hair. She feels nervous and excited!

When Amanda arrives at the restaurant, she sees a tall man by the fountain. She cannot see his face.

"That must be Mike," Amanda thinks.

She walks toward the man.

"Mike?" Amanda asks as the tall man turns around. She sees Mike's face. She is surprised!

"Amanda Jones!" Mike exclaims. He realizes he knows her. Amanda Jones and Mike Miller dated in high school. "I cannot believe it is you!"

Amanda and Mike laugh and hug. "Well," Amanda thinks to herself, "sometimes you can find an old love too!"



1、 dating (n.)约会

2、 in person (phr.)亲自

3、 chat (vt.)聊天

4、 interest (n.)兴趣

5、 mystery (n.)神秘

6、 blind date (phr.)相亲

7、 fountain (n.)喷泉

8、 exclaim (vt.)大叫

9、 hug (vi.)拥抱

10、 think to oneself (phr.)心中暗想



阿曼达读了这封电子邮件。 “高又帅34”询问阿曼达是否愿意在周五亲自见面。他告诉她,他的真名是迈克。









“阿曼达・琼斯!”迈克惊呼道。他意识到他认识她。 阿曼达・琼斯和麦克・米勒在高中时约会过。 “我简直不敢相信会是你!”

阿曼达和迈克笑着拥抱。 “好吧,”阿曼达暗自思忖道,“有时候你找到的也可能是一份旧爱!”


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