
under /below 

1 there is a chair under the desk.

在某物下面 与物体没有接触

there are lot of minesbelow under the surface. 

在什么下方 与物体接触    在。。。温度之下

it will be below 0’C tomorrow.  


before  in front of  in the front of  都表示在什么前面 

before having breakfast, we need to wash our hands.


in front of the classroom, there is a tree. 

在。。。什么前面  在范围之外 大

in the front of the classroom, there is a teacher. 

在,,,,什么前面 在范围之内 小 

across/ through 穿过

the man is coming across the road.


a group of people dare not go throughthe forest. 



after,behind  /at the back of  在。。。后面

after several days the enemies came . 在。。。时间的后面  用于一般过去时

behind him, there is a pretty gril  在。。。位置的后面  

A lady is siting at the back of me  在某人的后面 

among , in the middle of , in the center of  / between  四者都表示在。。。中间

That is my son among of a crowd of boys. 在多样事物中间

In the center of the hall stands a handsome man .在。。。(某物)中央

Between your mother and your father there is a gap. 在两者之间

you can came here between 1 and 2 

There is a computer in the middle of the room .在某物中间
