[Onnx简化库深度剖析] OnnxSimplifier和OnnxOptimizer解读-(2)

[Onnx简化库深度剖析] OnnxSimplifier和OnnxOptimizer解读-(2)





  • 含义:所有优化项的基类,每个优化项必须拥有唯一的名字,用来注册和管理。
  • 概念:
    • 优化类型(PassType):
      • Fuse: 会融合算子的优化项
      • Nop: 会移除无用的算子的优化项
      • Separate:
      • Immutable:
      • Replace: 会进行节点替换的优化项
      • Other: 其他
    • (PassAnalysisType):
      • Empty
      • CountBased
    • (PassEfficiency):
      • Partial
      • Complete
    • (PassOptimizationType):
      • None
      • Compute: 针对计算优化
      • Memory: 针对内存优化
      • ComputeMemory: 针对计算和内存优化
      • Stability: 稳定
  • 基类的代码:
class Pass {
  PassType pass_type;
  PassEfficiency pass_efficiency;
  PassOptimizationType pass_optimization_type;

  Pass(PassType pass_type, PassEfficiency pass_efficiency,
       PassOptimizationType pass_optimization_type);
  virtual ~Pass();

  PassType getPassType() const {
    return this->pass_type;
  PassEfficiency getPassEfficiency() const {
    return this->pass_efficiency;
  PassOptimizationType getPassOptimizationType() const {
    return this->pass_optimization_type;
  virtual PassAnalysisType getPassAnalysisType() const = 0; // 
  virtual std::string getPassName() const = 0; // 返回优化项的名字

  virtual bool initializePass(Graph &) { // 可有可无的函数实现
    return false;
  virtual bool finalizePass(Graph &) { // 可有可无的函数实现
    return false;
  virtual std::shared_ptr runPass(Graph &graph) = 0; // 子类必须实现该函数,用于运行模型优化

  // Iterates through the elements in the graph and counts the number of times
  // the transform is successfully run.
  unsigned int DescendOnGraphAttributesAndCount(
      Node *n, std::function fn);
  // A more general version of the function above that doesn't constrain the
  // return type of fn.
  void DescendOnGraphAttributesUnconstrained(Node *n,
                                             std::function fn);


Pass PassName PassType PassEfficiency PassOptimizationType 描述
AdjustAdd adjust_add Immutable Complete Compute 交换add第一个constant_input到第二位置上
RenameInputOutput rename_input_output Other Complete None 修改模型输入/输出为统一的预设的或者默认的格式:input_%d/output_%d
SetUniqueNameForNodes set_unique_name_for_nodes Other Complete None 为name为空的node设置唯一的node_name
EliminateNopCast eliminate_nop_cast Nop Complete Compute 移除那些目标输出数据类型等于输入数据类型的cast算子
EliminateNopDropout eliminate_nop_dropout Nop Complete Compute 移除那些ratio=0.0的dropout算子
EliminateNopFlatten eliminate_nop_flatten Nop Complete Compute 移除那些对shape无影响的Flatten算子
ExtractConstantToInitializer extract_constant_to_initializer Nop Complete Memory 移除Constant算子,放置到Initializer内
EliminateConsecutiveIdempotentOps eliminate_consecutive_idempotent_ops Fuse Complete Compute 融合连续的op,比如"Ceil", “Floor”, “Round”, “Relu”, "Reshape"等
EliminateIfWithConstCond eliminate_if_with_const_cond Nop Complete Compute 消除输入条件cond为常量的if算子
EliminateNopMonotoneArgmax eliminate_nop_monotone_argmax Nop Partial Compute 消除输入条件cond为常量的if算子


