Synthesizable and Non-Synthesizable Verilog constructs——Verilog可综合和不可综合的结构

Synthesizable Non-Synthesizable
Basic Identifiers, escaped identifiers, Sized constants (b, o, d, h), Unsized constants (2’b11, 3’07, 32’d123, 8’hff), Signed constants (s) 3’bs101, module, endmodule, macromodule, ANSI-style module, task, and function port lists —— 标识符、转义标识符、大小常量 (b、o、d、h)、未大小常量 (2’b11、3’07、32’d123、8’hff)、有符号常量 (s) 3’bs101、module、endmodule、宏模块、ANSI 样式模块、任务和函数端口列表 system tasks, real constants
Data types wire, wand, wor, tri, triand, trior, supply0, supply1, trireg (treated as wire), reg, integer, parameter, input, output, inout, memory(reg [7:0] x [3:0] `;), N-dimensional arrays, real, time, event, tri0, tri1
Module instances Connect port by name, order, Override parameter by order, Override parameter by name, Constants connected to ports, Unconnected ports, Expressions connected to ports, ——按名称、顺序连接端口、按顺序覆盖参数、按名称覆盖参数、连接到端口的常量、未连接的端口、连接到端口的表达式、 Delay on built-in gates 内置门延迟
Generate statements if,case,for generate, concurrent begin end blocks, genvar,
Primitives and, or, nand, nor, xor, xnor,not, notif0, notif1, buf, bufif0, bufif1, tran, User defined primitives 用户定义的原语 (UDPs), table, pullup, pulldown, pmos, nmos, cmos, rpmos, rnmos, rcmos, tranif0, tranif1, rtran, rtranif0, rtranif1,
Operators and expressions +, - (binary and unary)
Bitwise operations &, |, ^, ~^, ^~
Reduction operations &, |, ^, ~&, ~|, ~^, ^~, !, &&, || , ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, <<, >>, <<< >>>, {}, {n{}}, ?:, function call === , ! ==
Event control event or, @ (partial), event or using comma syntax, posedge, negedge (partial), Event trigger (->), delay and wait (#)
Bit and part selects Bit select, Bit select of array element, Constant part select, Variable part select ( +:, -`:), Variable bit-select on left side of an assignment ——位选择、数组元素的位选择、常量部分选择、变量部分选择(+:、-:)、赋值左侧的变量位选择
Continuous assignments net and wire declaration, assign Using delay
Procedural blocks always (exactly one @ required), initial
Procedural statements ;, begin-end, if-else, repeat, case, casex, casez, default, for-while-forever-disable(partial), fork, join
Procedural assignments blocking (=), non-blocking (<=) force, release
Functions and tasks Functions, tasks
Compiler directives `define, `undef,`resetall, `ifndef, `elsif, `line, `ifdef, `else, `endif, `include
