

1. 主语

名词, 代词, 非谓语动词, 从句

2. 谓语

实役动词, 系动词

3. 宾语

名称, 代词, 非谓语动词, 从句

4. 表语 (描述主语状态)

名词, 代词, 非谓语动词, 从句, 形容词, 介词短语

5. 同位语

名词, 代词, 非谓语动词, 从句

6. 定语

名词, 代词, 非谓语动词, 从句, 形容词, 介词短语

7. 状语

副词, 介词短语, 非谓语动词, 从句

my ma is an elegant lady 
my ma is a lady of elegance //名词修饰名称
my ma is a lady as lily // 介词短语
my ma is a lady looking as elegant a lady // 非谓语动词
my ma is a lady who looks as elegant a lady// 从句
she killed her husband with a sharp knife//介词短语 做状语
she,applying a sharp knife,killed her husband //非谓语动词
when she applied a sharp knife,killed her husband//从句
she killed her husband curelly //副词
That I met you is my honor //从句
Meeting you is my honor // 非谓语动词
My dream is to pass the exaimnation of the postgradutes //非谓语动词 做表语
My dream is that I pass the exaimnation of the postgradutes // 从句做表语

英语长难句模样 :

(状语),主语(定语/同位语/状语) 谓语 宾语(定语/同位语/状语)

