Head Fisrt Android Development读书笔记(3)When things take time

The activity lifecycle

onCreate() : called when your activity is created and typically where layouts and configuration occurs -->

onStart(): called when your activity is displayed on the screen. -->

onResume()\onPause(): this could be caused by a phone call, an alert from another application, or a user switching to a different app.


Auto-refresh mechanism is processor and battery intensive. (How sensitive???)



android:padding="5dp" controls the spaceing between views within a layout

android:layout_marginTop="5dp" controls the spacing between this view and the views outside this layout.



android:layout_height="wrap_content": just as big bas it needs to be

android:layout_hegiht="fill_parent". fill all of the space it can


android:layout_weight="1" make the view stretch, "0" make that view just as big as needed.



show a dialog:

ProgressDialog dialog = ProgressDialog.show(this, "Loading", "Loading the image og the Day");

dismiss the dialog



Dedicated UI thread

Android has a dedicated thread for updating the UI, it it responsible for prepaints, layouts, and other graphical processing that helps keep the UI responsive and keeps animation smooth. The UI has a queue of work, and it continually gets the most important chunk of work to process.

1.KEEP the UI thread FREE of expensive processing for a responsive UI.

2.Make SURE all necessary UI code occurs on the UI thread.



handler works by keeping a reference to the thread it was created by. You can pass it work and Handler ensures that the code is executed on the insatntiated thread.

Handler handler;

public void onCreat(...)



handler = new Handler();




pass work to the Handler using post

handler.post(Runnable runnable)



WallpaperManager wallpaperManager = WallpaperManager.getInstance(NasaDailyImage.this);




Toast.makeText(NasaDailyImage.this, "Wallpaper set", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();



