In order to make a decision on the appropriate distortion model to use, it is sometimes very useful to visualize the effect of distortions on the pixel image, and the importance of the radial component versus the tangential component of distortion. For this purpose, run the script visualize_distortions at the matlab prompt (this function is not yet linked to any button in the GUI window). The three following images are then produced:
为了决定一个合适的失真模型,有时候使失真图像可视化非常有用,径向分量(radical component)和切向分量(tangential component)的重要性。为了这个目的,运行visualize_distortions(这个不在gui窗口上,要在命令行上输入)。将会生成以下三幅图像:
The first figure shows the impact of the complete distortion model (radial + tangential) on each pixel of the image. Each arrow represents the effective displacement of a pixel induced by the lens distortion. Observe that points at the corners of the image are displaced by as much as 25 pixels. The second figure shows the impact of the tangential component of distortion. On this plot, the maximum induced displacement is 0.14 pixel (at the upper left corner of the image). Finally, the third figure shows the impact of the radial component of distortion. This plot is very similar to the full distortion plot, showing the tangential component could very well be discarded in the complete distortion model. On the three figures, the cross indicates the center of the image, and the circle the location of the principal point.
Now, just as an exercise (not really recommended in practice), let us run an optimization without the lens distortion model (by enforcingkc = [0;0;0;0;0]) and without aspect ratio (by enforcing both components offc to be equal). For that, set the binary variables est_dist to[0;0;0;0;0] andest_aspect_ratio to0 at the matlab prompt:
Then, run a new optimization by clicking on Calibration:
As expected, the distortion coefficient vector kc is now zero, and both components of the focal vector are equal (fc(1)=fc(2)). In practice, this model for calibration is not recommended: for one thing, it makes little sense to estimate skew without aspect ratio. In general, unless required by a specific targeted application, it is recommended to always estimate the aspect ratio in the model (it is the 'easy part'). Regarding the distortion model, people often run optimization over a subset of the distortion coefficients. For example, setting est_dist to[1;0;0;0] keeps estimating the first distortion coefficient kc(1) while enforcing the three others to zero. This model is also known as the second order symmetric radial distortion model. It is a very viable model, especially when using low distortion optical systems (expensive lenses), or when only a few images are used for calibration. Another very common distortion model is the 4th order symmetric radial distortion with no tangential component (est_kc = [1;1;0;0]). This model, used byZhang, is justified by the fact that most lenses currently manufactured do not have imperfection in centering (for more information, visit thispage). This model could have very well been used in this present example, recalling from the previous three figures that the tangential component of the distortion model is significantly smaller that the radial component.
Finally, let us run a calibration rejecting the aspect ratio fc(2)/fc(1), the principal point cc, the distortion coefficients kc, and the skew coefficient alpha_c from the optimization estimation. For that purpose, set the four binary variables est_aspect_ration, center_optim, est_dist and est_alpha to the following values:
Generally, if the principal point is not estimated, the best guess for its location is the center of the image:
Then, run a new optimization by clicking on Calibration:
Observe that the principal point cc is still at the center of the image after optimization (since center_optim=0).
Next, load the old calibration results previously saved in Calib_Results.mat by clicking on Load: