{ ID: ymwbegi1 PROG: shuttle LANG: PASCAL } var n,i,tot:longint; state:array[1..120000,-1..30] of longint; num,fa:array[1..120000] of longint; function check(x:longint):boolean; var i:longint; begin check:=true; for i:=1 to n do begin if state[x,i]<>2 then exit(false); if state[x,n+i+1]<>1 then exit(false); end; end; procedure print(x,y:longint); begin if fa[x]<>1 then print(fa[x],y); write(num[x]); inc(tot); if (tot mod 20>0)and(x<>y) then write(' '); if tot mod 20=0 then writeln; end; procedure bfs; var x,head,tail,i:longint; begin x:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin state[1,i]:=1; state[1,n+i+1]:=2; end; head:=0; tail:=1; repeat inc(head); for i:=1 to n*2+1 do begin if (state[head,i-1]=0)and(i>1)and(state[head,i]=2) then begin inc(tail); state[tail]:=state[head]; state[tail,i-1]:=state[tail,i]; state[tail,i]:=0; fa[tail]:=head; num[tail]:=i; if check(tail) then begin print(tail,tail); exit; end; end; if (state[head,i+1]=0)and(i<n*2+1)and(state[head,i]=1) then begin inc(tail); state[tail]:=state[head]; state[tail,i+1]:=state[tail,i]; state[tail,i]:=0; fa[tail]:=head; num[tail]:=i; if check(tail) then begin print(tail,tail); exit; end; end; if (state[head,i-2]=0)and(state[head,i-1]=1)and(i>2)and(state[head,i]=2) then begin inc(tail); state[tail]:=state[head]; state[tail,i-2]:=state[tail,i]; state[tail,i]:=0; fa[tail]:=head; num[tail]:=i; if check(tail) then begin print(tail,tail); exit; end; end; if (state[head,i+2]=0)and(state[head,i+1]=2)and(i<n*2)and(state[head,i]=1) then begin inc(tail); state[tail]:=state[head]; state[tail,i+2]:=state[tail,i]; state[tail,i]:=0; fa[tail]:=head; num[tail]:=i; if check(tail) then begin print(tail,tail); exit; end; end; end; until head>=tail; end; begin assign(input,'shuttle.in'); assign(output,'shuttle.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); readln(n); bfs; if tot mod 20>0 then writeln; close(input); close(output); end.