Viewpoint specification
[az,el] = view
T = view
The position of the viewer (the viewpoint) determines the orientationof the axes. You specify the viewpoint in terms of azimuth and elevation,or by a point in three-dimensional space.
view(az,el) and view([az,el]) setthe viewing angle for a three-dimensional plot. The azimuth, az,is the horizontal rotation about the z-axis asmeasured in degrees from the negative y-axis.Positive values indicate counterclockwise rotation of the viewpoint. el isthe vertical elevation of the viewpoint in degrees. Positive valuesof elevation correspond to moving above the object; negative valuescorrespond to moving below the object.
view([x,y,z]) sets theviewpoint to the Cartesian coordinates x, y,and z. The magnitude of (x,y,z) isignored.
view(2) sets the defaulttwo-dimensional view, az = 0, el = 90.
view(3) sets the defaultthree-dimensional view, az = –37.5, el= 30.
view(ax,...) uses axes ax insteadof the current axes.
[az,el] = view returnsthe current azimuth and elevation.
T = view returns the current4-by-4 transformation matrix.
Azimuth is a polar angle in the x-y plane,with positive angles indicating counterclockwise rotation of the viewpoint. Elevation is the angle above (positive angle) or below (negativeangle) the x-y plane.
This diagram illustrates the coordinatesystem. The arrows indicate positive directions.
View the object from directly overhead.
az = 0; el = 90; view(az, el);
Set the view along the y-axis,with the x-axis extendinghorizontally and the z-axisextending vertically in the figure.
view([0 0]);
Rotate the view about the z-axisby 180º.
az = 180; el = 90; view(az, el);
viewmtx, hgtransform, rotate3d
Camera Viewpoint for related functions
Axes graphics object properties CameraPosition, CameraTarget, CameraViewAngle, Projection
Definingthe View for more information on viewing concepts and techniques
TransformingObjects for information on moving and scaling objects in groups
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