
     最近,在订阅中看到了Jakob JenkovHow to Become an Expert Developer 》一文,此文给我的印象深刻。笔者认为无论是广度,还是深度都值得学习。


     接下来,笔者结合文章的片段,同时分析国情,表达一些想法,希望能够和大家分享心得。 主要议题如下:

  1. 何为专家?
  2. 多久能够成为专家?
  3. 怎么样成为专家?
  4. 怎么样成为专家级开发人员?




Jakob Jenkov 写道
Keep in mind as you go through this text, that there is a difference between being an expert, and being perceived as an expert. Lots of people are being promoted as experts, who really aren't.



Jakob Jenkov 写道
there are many experts that nobody knows are experts. If you truly are an expert, your next move would be to also be perceived as an expert. How to become that is out of the scope of this text though. That's a different story about personal branding etc.







Jakob Jenkov 写道
you are not an expert after 3 months of using a skill, nor after 3 years. According to the book "Outliers" by Malcom Gladwell, it takes 10.000 hours on average to become a true expert. A virtous if you like. 10.000 hours! That's 10 hours a day, every day, for 3 years. Or, more likely, 5 hours a day, 200 days a year, for 10 years. 10 years! 



Jakob Jenkov 写道
Additionally, the industry (Java enterprise development) has changed a lot over the last 10 years, so the skill I used to master, are not all that "cool" anymore. So even if you are an expert, you may find yourself becoming obsolete, and having to start over.



Jakob Jenkov 写道
You are seldomly an expert in everything, meaning you may be better than person B in one skill, and person B may be better than you in another skill. It's not like you are either better in every skill than someone else, or worse. You can almost always learn something from everyone. Several developers I have met act as if they know everything best, even when the clearly don't.



Jakob Jenkov 写道
In fact, this is often a way to spot a noob. The believe they know it all, and will argue to death either online or offline. They will argue in absolutes, like "This is ALWAYS better than that", or "This is THE way to things" etc. Experts rarely do that. They know, that it all depends on situation, skills your developers have, tools chosen by your company, company policies, personal preferences etc. Inexperienced developers (and people in general) tend to believe the world is black and white. Experts know, it's full of gray scales, and even lots of additional colors and shades.

     本人大为赞同这点。本人曾发表过《何必较真》 ,可惜被视为灌水。任何事物都不是绝对的,或者用简单的是与非、黑与白来判定。世界是灰色的天平,存在即理由。当没有机会制定规则时,也只能适应规则,逐步改进规则,在是非之间不断地博弈。没有最好,只有更好,懂得选择,知道权衡,架构如此,人生亦如此。一个专家是一个成熟的人,事情区分轻重缓急,有所为,有所不为。






Jakob Jenkov 写道
   1. Learn it
   2. Do it
   3. Discuss it
   4. Teach it







Jakob Jenkov 写道
As a developer you will most likely be developing software for a specific industry (at least for a while), and using a specific platform. If not, if you are switching tools and industry constantly, like some web developers do, you will most likely never become a real expert. You will become a Jack-of-All-Trades, which is also useful in some situations. If you are not focused on platform and industry, and you want to become an expert, you need to focus.



Jakob Jenkov 写道
Once you begin to master your platform, you should start learning platform independent skills, like design patterns, distributed system design, architecture, usability etc. As you get better, you will spend more and more time learning these skills. This is a good thing. These skills are more easily transferable to a new technology platform.



     举例说明,Java并发编程中,特别注意三个方面:可见性、原子性和顺序性。纵向分析技术,往下走是具体如何实现线程安全,往上走是操作系统OS内核和硬件架构支持性方面。(大家如果有兴趣的话,可以关注笔者的Blog 马上要发表的《深入Java并发编程系列》)


     最后,建议大家读读作者文章 ,确实有见地。同时,笔者学识和技术有限,请大家踊跃交流和指正。

