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今天分享的这篇论文是基于光线投射算法的,而体绘制(将三维立体的内部信息呈现在最后的二维纹理中)这一领域,实现绘制的算法除了光线投射算法,还有其他的方法,比如最大强度投影算法,抛雪球法(足迹表法),剪切曲变法(在CPU上速度最快的体绘制方法?)等等,不同的体绘制方法都有基于这种方法的加速手段,于是这些加速算法今天都不考虑==,提供一些搜索的关键字咯:早期光线终止(Early Ray Termination),八叉树,BSP空间分割,自适应多分辨率,预积分体绘制,图形硬件加速等方法…
基于光线投射算法,想要尽量减少不必要的体素渲染数量,那就把那些空体块跳过呗,怎么跳过?先把一个大的初始三维图形分块,再将每个块标记上0-1值(0代表empty/1代表occupied),再计算并记录每个块与相离最近的块的距离,然后再最后的光线投射算法中根据记录的距离值判断跳过多少空体块,最后渲染。基于切比雪夫距离的空间跳跃加速方法(Empty Space Skipping-ESS)基本思想就是这样。
先附上本文要详细解说的论文,今年Sigraph Asia里的一篇:
accelerated volume rendering with chebyshev distance maps
这篇论文新鲜出炉,并且分量十足,登在Sigraph Asia 2019,并且论文还在github上附有源码,于是今天把最重要的计算着色器的内容拿出来分析一下,希望理解了计算着色器里计算occupancy_map和distance_map的思想,就可以动手在其他工程里用到这种加速方法了。
大体的思路就是,给一个初始Volume,其3个维度为[width,height,depth],将初始Volume分块,每个块的大小为block_size(表示一个block中包含的体素个数),想象一下一个大的正方体变成小些的正方体,大的正方体存储width* height* depth个体素,而小的正方体里存储(width/block_size) * (height/block_size)* (depth/block_size)个体素,小的正方体就叫做occupancy_map,这个occupancy_map里只记录0-1值,就将原Volume分块了,表示这个Volume的这么多部分中,哪一块是非空的,哪一部分是空的。我们只想渲染那些非空的部分,这时候需要一个和occupancy_map一样大的distance_map,用来记录该体块到距离最近的非空体块的切比雪夫距离。(分别计算对比三个轴方向xoy,xoz,yoz的最短距离)
以上是计算跳过一个block剩余部分的公式,而实际上,我们要计算的是跳过的两个部分的切比雪夫距离,对于第2部分(1.当前block的剩余部分2.空的体块) 。切比雪夫距离如何计算呢?
#version 460
layout (local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 8) in;
layout (set = 0, binding = 0, r8) uniform image3D volume; // r8 = float unorm
layout (set = 0, binding = 1, r8) uniform image3D gradient;
layout (set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D transfer_function; // transfer function (rgba)
layout (set = 0, binding = 3, r8ui) uniform uimage3D occupancy_map;
layout(push_constant) uniform PushConsts {
vec4 block_size;
float grad_magnitude_modifier;
float intensity_min;
float intensity_max;
float gradient_min;
float gradient_max;
const uint OCCUPIED = 0;
const uint EMPTY = 1;
void main() {
const ivec3 dimDst = imageSize(occupancy_map);
if(any(greaterThanEqual(gl_GlobalInvocationID, dimDst))) return;
const ivec3 dimSrc = imageSize(volume);
const ivec3 start = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID * block_size.xyz);
ivec3 end = ivec3(min(dimSrc, start + block_size.xyz));
end.x = (dimSrc.x - end.x) < block_size.x ? dimSrc.x : end.x;
end.y = (dimSrc.y - end.y) < block_size.y ? dimSrc.y : end.y;
end.z = (dimSrc.z - end.z) < block_size.z ? dimSrc.z : end.z;
float intensity_range_inv = 1.0f / (intensity_max - intensity_min);
float gradient_range_inv = 1.0f / (gradient_max - gradient_min);
//calculate theh occupency_map which only contains the intensity
ivec3 pos;
for (pos.z = start.z; pos.z < end.z; ++pos.z)
for (pos.y = start.y; pos.y < end.y; ++pos.y)
for (pos.x = start.x; pos.x < end.x; ++pos.x) {
// Intensity
float intensity = imageLoad(volume, pos).x;
// Gradient from precomputed texture
float gradient = imageLoad(gradient, pos).x;
// Gradient on-the-fly using tetrahedron technique http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/normalsSDF/normalsSDF.htm
ivec2 k = ivec2(1,-1);
vec3 gradientDir = (k.xyy * imageLoad(volume, clamp(pos + k.xyy, ivec3(0), ivec3(dimSrc)-1)).x +
k.yyx * imageLoad(volume, clamp(pos + k.yyx, ivec3(0), ivec3(dimSrc)-1)).x +
k.yxy * imageLoad(volume, clamp(pos + k.yxy, ivec3(0), ivec3(dimSrc)-1)).x +
k.xxx * imageLoad(volume, clamp(pos + k.xxx, ivec3(0), ivec3(dimSrc)-1)).x) * 0.25f;
float gradient = clamp(length(gradientDir) * grad_magnitude_modifier, 0, 1);
// Get alpha from transfer function texture
float alpha = textureLod(transfer_function, vec2(intensity, gradient), 0.0f).a;
// Get alpha from simple grayscale transfer function
float alphaIntensity = clamp((intensity - intensity_min) * intensity_range_inv, 0, 1);
float alphaGradient= clamp((gradient - gradient_min) * gradient_range_inv, 0, 1);
float alpha = alphaIntensity * alphaGradient;
if (alpha > 0.0f) {
// Set region as occupied
imageStore(occupancy_map, ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID), ivec4(OCCUPIED));
// Set region as empty
imageStore(occupancy_map, ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID), ivec4(EMPTY));
#version 460
layout (local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8) in;
layout (binding = 0, r8ui) uniform uimage3D dist;
layout (binding = 1, r8ui) uniform uimage3D dist_swap; // occupancy_map on stage 0
layout(push_constant, std430) uniform PushConsts {
uint stage;
// Based on [Saito and Toriwaki, 1994]
// "New algorithms for euclidean distance transformation of an n-dimensional digitized picture with applications"
// with modifications:
// * runs on a GPU, uses a 3D swap image rather than a 1D buffer
// * compute Chebyshev distance rather than Euclidean distance
// * specific optimisations related to Chebyshev/GPU and sample reduction
// call as:
// pushConsts(0)
// dispatch(rndUp(height, 8), rndUp(depth, 8));
// pushConsts(1)
// dispatch(rndUp(width, 8), rndUp(depth, 8));
// pushConsts(2)
// dispatch(rndUp(width, 8), rndUp(height, 8));
const uint OCCUPIED = 0;
const uint EMPTY = 1;
uint occupancy_to_max_dist(uint occupancy) {
return occupancy == OCCUPIED ? 0 : 255;
void main() {
ivec3 pos;
if (stage == 0) {
pos = ivec3(0, gl_GlobalInvocationID.x, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y);
} else if (stage == 1) {
pos = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x, 0, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y);
} else {
pos = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y, 0);
const ivec3 dim = imageSize(dist);
if(any(greaterThanEqual(pos, dim))) return;
if (stage == 0) { // "Transformation 1"
// Forward
uint gi1jk = occupancy_to_max_dist(imageLoad(dist_swap, ivec3(0, pos.y, pos.z)).x);
for (int x = 0; x < dim.x; ++x) {
ivec3 p = ivec3(x, pos.y, pos.z);
uint gijk = occupancy_to_max_dist(imageLoad(dist_swap, p).x);//从dist_swap取
uint gijk_new = min(gi1jk + 1, gijk);
imageStore(dist, p, ivec4(gijk_new)); //存在dist中
gi1jk = gijk_new;
// Backward
gi1jk = imageLoad(dist, ivec3(dim.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z)).x;
for (int x = dim.x - 2; x >= 0; --x) {
ivec3 p = ivec3(x, pos.y, pos.z);
uint gijk = imageLoad(dist, p).x;//从dist取
uint gijk_new = min(gi1jk + 1, gijk);
imageStore(dist, p, ivec4(gijk_new));//存在dist中
gi1jk = gijk_new;
} else if (stage == 1) { // "Transformation 2"
for (int y = 0; y < dim.y; ++y) {
ivec3 p = ivec3(pos.x, y, pos.z);
uint gijk = imageLoad(dist, p).x;
uint m_min = gijk;
// zigzag out from the voxel of interest, stop as soon as any future voxels
// are guaranteed to return a higher distance
for (int n = 1; n < m_min && n < 255; ++n) {
if (y >= n) {
const uint gijnk = imageLoad(dist, ivec3(pos.x, y - n, pos.z)).x;//从dist取
const uint m = max(n, gijnk);
if (m < m_min)
m_min = m;
if ((y + n) < dim.y && n < m_min) { // note early exit possible
const uint gijnk = imageLoad(dist, ivec3(pos.x, y + n, pos.z)).x;//从dist取
const uint m = max(n, gijnk);
if (m < m_min)
m_min = m;
imageStore(dist_swap, p, ivec4(m_min));//存在dist_swap中,方便下面取
} else if (stage == 2) { // "Transformation 3"
// same as transformation 2 but on the z axis
for (int z = 0; z < dim.z; ++z) {
ivec3 p = ivec3(pos.x, pos.y, z);
uint gijk = imageLoad(dist_swap, p).x;
uint m_min = gijk;
for (int n = 1; n < m_min && n < 255; ++n) {
if (z >= n) {
const uint gijnk = imageLoad(dist_swap, ivec3(pos.x, pos.y, z - n)).x;//从dist_swap取
const uint m = max(n, gijnk);
if (m < m_min)
m_min = m;
if ((z + n) < dim.z && n < m_min) { // note early exit possible
const uint gijnk = imageLoad(dist_swap, ivec3(pos.x, pos.y, z + n)).x;//从dist_swap取
const uint m = max(n, gijnk);
if (m < m_min)
m_min = m;
imageStore(dist, p, ivec4(m_min));//存在dist中,就是最终的distance_map