
why the book is called flipped?

First, It's a romantic comedy in which the author,Wendelin, tells stories from two sides--the Bryce's side and the Juli's side. Two characters each tells their side of story, so readers have to flip the book over to read the other person's point of view.

second, at the very beginning of the book, Juli flipped for Bryce and Bryce hated Juli,but then everything flipped. Bryce flipped for Juli, but Juli didn't crazy about Bryce any more.

What have I learned from this book?

First, things are almost never Black-and-White. And if we can truly see what the other person sees--understand their reasons and reactions--we find ourselves in a much better place.

Second, "See beneath the surface"

Third,every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do , nothing will compare.


Last, 好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的灵魂万里挑一。

