

  • 1.简述
  • 2.头文件
  • 3.源文件
    • 3.1.isInFrustum()
    • 3.2. PosInGrid()
    • 3.3. GetFeaturesInArea()



class Frame

    // Copy constructor.
    Frame(const Frame &frame);

    // Constructor for stereo cameras.
    Frame(const cv::Mat &imLeft, const cv::Mat &imRight, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor* extractorLeft, ORBextractor* extractorRight, ORBVocabulary* voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth);

    // Constructor for RGB-D cameras.
    Frame(const cv::Mat &imGray, const cv::Mat &imDepth, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor* extractor,ORBVocabulary* voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth);

    // Constructor for Monocular cameras.
    Frame(const cv::Mat &imGray, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor* extractor,ORBVocabulary* voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth);

    // Extract ORB on the image. 0 for left image and 1 for right image.
    void ExtractORB(int flag, const cv::Mat &im);

    // Compute Bag of Words representation.
    void ComputeBoW();

    // Set the camera pose.
    void SetPose(cv::Mat Tcw);

    // Computes rotation, translation and camera center matrices from the camera pose.
    void UpdatePoseMatrices();

    // Returns the camera center.
    inline cv::Mat GetCameraCenter(){
        return mOw.clone();

    // Returns inverse of rotation
    inline cv::Mat GetRotationInverse(){
        return mRwc.clone();

    // Check if a MapPoint is in the frustum of the camera
    // and fill variables of the MapPoint to be used by the tracking
    bool isInFrustum(MapPoint* pMP, float viewingCosLimit);

    // Compute the cell of a keypoint (return false if outside the grid)
    bool PosInGrid(const cv::KeyPoint &kp, int &posX, int &posY);

    * 找到在 以x, y为中心,边长为2r的方形搜索框内且在[minLevel, maxLevel]的特征点
    * @param x        图像坐标u
    * @param y        图像坐标v
    * @param r        边长
    * @param minLevel 最小尺度
    * @param maxLevel 最大尺度
    * @return         满足条件的特征点的序号
    vector<size_t> GetFeaturesInArea(const float &x, const float  &y, const float  &r, const int minLevel=-1, const int maxLevel=-1) const;

    // Search a match for each keypoint in the left image to a keypoint in the right image.
    // If there is a match, depth is computed and the right coordinate associated to the left keypoint is stored.
    void ComputeStereoMatches();

    // Associate a "right" coordinate to a keypoint if there is valid depth in the depthmap.
    void ComputeStereoFromRGBD(const cv::Mat &imDepth);

    // Backprojects a keypoint (if stereo/depth info available) into 3D world coordinates.
    cv::Mat UnprojectStereo(const int &i);

    // Vocabulary used for relocalization.
    ORBVocabulary* mpORBvocabulary;

    // Feature extractor. The right is used only in the stereo case.
    ORBextractor* mpORBextractorLeft, *mpORBextractorRight;

    // Frame timestamp.
    double mTimeStamp;

    // Calibration matrix and OpenCV distortion parameters.
    cv::Mat mK;
    static float fx;
    static float fy;
    static float cx;
    static float cy;
    static float invfx;
    static float invfy;
    cv::Mat mDistCoef;

    // Stereo baseline multiplied by fx.
    float mbf;

    // Stereo baseline in meters.
    float mb;

    // Threshold close/far points. Close points are inserted from 1 view.
    // Far points are inserted as in the monocular case from 2 views.
    float mThDepth;

    // Number of KeyPoints.
    int N;

    // Vector of keypoints (original for visualization) and undistorted (actually used by the system).
    // In the stereo case, mvKeysUn is redundant as images must be rectified.
    // In the RGB-D case, RGB images can be distorted.
    std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> mvKeys, mvKeysRight;
    std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> mvKeysUn;

    // Corresponding stereo coordinate and depth for each keypoint.
    // "Monocular" keypoints have a negative value.
    std::vector<float> mvuRight;
    std::vector<float> mvDepth;

    // Bag of Words Vector structures.
    DBoW2::BowVector mBowVec;
    //mFeatVec是一个std::map >
    DBoW2::FeatureVector mFeatVec;

    // ORB descriptor, each row associated to a keypoint.
    cv::Mat mDescriptors, mDescriptorsRight;

    // MapPoints associated to keypoints, NULL pointer if no association.
    std::vector<MapPoint*> mvpMapPoints;

    // Flag to identify outlier associations.
    std::vector<bool> mvbOutlier;

    // Keypoints are assigned to cells in a grid to reduce matching complexity when projecting MapPoints.
    static float mfGridElementWidthInv;
    static float mfGridElementHeightInv;
    std::vector<std::size_t> mGrid[FRAME_GRID_COLS][FRAME_GRID_ROWS];

    // Camera pose.
    cv::Mat mTcw;

    // Current and Next Frame id.
    static long unsigned int nNextId;
    long unsigned int mnId;

    // Reference Keyframe.
    KeyFrame* mpReferenceKF;

    // Scale pyramid info.
    int mnScaleLevels;
    float mfScaleFactor;
    float mfLogScaleFactor;
    vector<float> mvScaleFactors;
    vector<float> mvInvScaleFactors;
    vector<float> mvLevelSigma2;
    vector<float> mvInvLevelSigma2;

    // Undistorted Image Bounds (computed once).
    static float mnMinX;
    static float mnMaxX;
    static float mnMinY;
    static float mnMaxY;

    static bool mbInitialComputations;


    // Undistort keypoints given OpenCV distortion parameters.
    // Only for the RGB-D case. Stereo must be already rectified!
    // (called in the constructor).
    void UndistortKeyPoints();

    // Computes image bounds for the undistorted image (called in the constructor).
    void ComputeImageBounds(const cv::Mat &imLeft);

    // Assign keypoints to the grid for speed up feature matching (called in the constructor).
    void AssignFeaturesToGrid();

    // Rotation, translation and camera center
    cv::Mat mRcw;
    cv::Mat mtcw;
    cv::Mat mRwc;
    cv::Mat mOw; //==mtwc



bool Frame:: isInFrustum(MapPoint *pMP, float viewingCosLimit)
    pMP->mbTrackInView = false;

    // 3D in absolute coordinates
    cv::Mat P = pMP->GetWorldPos(); 

    // 3D in camera coordinates
    const cv::Mat Pc = mRcw*P+mtcw;
    const float &PcX = Pc.at<float>(0);
    const float &PcY= Pc.at<float>(1);
    const float &PcZ = Pc.at<float>(2);

    // Check positive depth
        return false;

    // Project in image and check it is not outside
    const float invz = 1.0f/PcZ;
    const float u=fx*PcX*invz+cx;
    const float v=fy*PcY*invz+cy;

    if(u<mnMinX || u>mnMaxX)
        return false;
    if(v<mnMinY || v>mnMaxY)
        return false;

    // Check distance is in the scale invariance region of the MapPoint
    const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance();
    const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance();
    const cv::Mat PO = P-mOw;
    const float dist = cv::norm(PO);

    if(dist<minDistance || dist>maxDistance)
        return false;

   // Check viewing angle
    cv::Mat Pn = pMP->GetNormal();
    const float viewCos = PO.dot(Pn)/dist;

        return false;

    // Predict scale in the image
    const int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist,this);

    // Data used by the tracking
    pMP->mbTrackInView = true;
    pMP->mTrackProjX = u;
    pMP->mTrackProjXR = u - mbf*invz;
    pMP->mTrackProjY = v;
    pMP->mnTrackScaleLevel= nPredictedLevel;
    pMP->mTrackViewCos = viewCos;

    return true;

3.2. PosInGrid()


bool Frame::PosInGrid(const cv::KeyPoint &kp, int &posX, int &posY)
    posX = round((kp.pt.x-mnMinX)*mfGridElementWidthInv);
    posY = round((kp.pt.y-mnMinY)*mfGridElementHeightInv);

    //Keypoint's coordinates are undistorted, which could cause to go out of the image
    if(posX<0 || posX>=FRAME_GRID_COLS || posY<0 || posY>=FRAME_GRID_ROWS)
        return false;

    return true;

3.3. GetFeaturesInArea()

    * 找到在 以x, y为中心,边长为2r的方形搜索框内且在[minLevel, maxLevel]的特征点
    * @param x        图像坐标u
    * @param y        图像坐标v
    * @param r        边长
    * @param minLevel 最小尺度
    * @param maxLevel 最大尺度
    * @return         满足条件的特征点的序号
    vector<size_t> Frame::GetFeaturesInArea(const float &x, const float  &y, const float  &r, const int minLevel, const int maxLevel) const
    vector<size_t> vIndices;
    const int nMinCellX = max(0,(int)floor((x-mnMinX-r)*mfGridElementWidthInv));
        return vIndices;

    const int nMaxCellX = min((int)FRAME_GRID_COLS-1,(int)ceil((x-mnMinX+r)*mfGridElementWidthInv));
        return vIndices;

    const int nMinCellY = max(0,(int)floor((y-mnMinY-r)*mfGridElementHeightInv));
        return vIndices;

    const int nMaxCellY = min((int)FRAME_GRID_ROWS-1,(int)ceil((y-mnMinY+r)*mfGridElementHeightInv));
        return vIndices;

    const bool bCheckLevels = (minLevel>0) || (maxLevel>=0);

    for(int ix = nMinCellX; ix<=nMaxCellX; ix++)
        for(int iy = nMinCellY; iy<=nMaxCellY; iy++)
            const vector<size_t> vCell = mGrid[ix][iy];

            for(size_t j=0, jend=vCell.size(); j<jend; j++)
                const cv::KeyPoint &kpUn = mvKeysUn[vCell[j]];
                const float distx = kpUn.pt.x-x;
                const float disty = kpUn.pt.y-y;
                if(fabs(distx)<r && fabs(disty)<r)

    return vIndices;
