mdl_puma560 %载入提供的puma560机械臂模型
T1 = transl(0.4, 0.2, 0) * trotx(pi);
%T1 = SE3(0.4, 0.2, 0) * SE3.Rx(pi);
T2 = transl(0.4, -0.2, 0) * trotx(pi/2);
%T2 = SE3(0.4, -0.2 0) * SE3.Rx(pi/2);
q1 = p560.ikine6s(T1);
q2 = p560.ikine6s(T2);
t = [0:0.05:2]';
q = jtraj(q1, q2, qt);
%q = mtraj(@tpoly, q1, q2, t);
%q = mtraj(@lspb, q1, q2, t);
%[q,qd,qdd] = jtraj(q1, q2, t);
q = p560.jtraj(T1, T2, t);
p560.plot(q) %绘制关节角的变化如图a
plot(t, q) %绘制关节角随时间的变化,如图a
T = p560.fkine(q); %得到三位笛卡尔轨迹
p = transl(T);%轨迹的位移部分
% plot(p(:,1),p(:,2)) %绘制xy平面内的轨迹,如图c
% plot(t, tr2rpy(T)) %画出另一种位姿表达,如图d
Ts = ctraj(T1, T2, length(t));
%plot(t, transl(Ts) )
%plot(t, tr2rpy(Ts) )
qc = p560.ikine6s(Ts);
path = [1 0 1
1 0 0
0 0 0
0 2 0
1 2 0
1 2 1
0 1 1
0 1 0
1 1 0
1 1 1];
plot3(path(:,1), path(:,2), path(:,3), 'color', 'k', 'Linewidth', 2);
p = mstraj(path, [10 10 10], [], [2 2 2], 0.02, 0.01);
Tp = transl(0.1 * p);
Tp = homtrans( transl(0.4, 0, 0), Tp);
p560.tool = trotx(pi); %考虑姿态,保证z轴向下
q = p560.ikine6s(Tp);
p560.plot(q) %绘制出动画
我们要建立好一条腿的模型,规定其走动的姿态变化,比如抬腿,前移,放下等等;完成一条腿的步行仿真后,再以此设置其他三条腿的变化,这里我以Peter Corke给出的walking example为例讲解,实际上下载下来的原版有点小错误,我已经修改并验证过好用了。
% set the dimensions of the two leg links
% Copyright (C) 1993-2017, by Peter I. Corke
% This file is part of The Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB (RTB).
% RTB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% RTB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Leser General Public License
% along with RTB. If not, see .
% http://www.petercorke.com
function walking(varargin)
opt.niterations = 500;
opt.movie = [];
opt = tb_optparse(opt, varargin);
L1 = 0.1; L2 = 0.1; %这一句是单腿模型长度的设置,相当于设置大腿和小腿长度
fprintf('create leg model\n');
% create the leg links based on DH parameters 按照DH参数法设置腿足
% theta d a alpha
links(1) = Link([ 0 0 0 pi/2 ], 'standard');
links(2) = Link([ 0 0 L1 0 ], 'standard');
links(3) = Link([ 0 0 -L2 0 ], 'standard');
% now create a robot to represent a single leg 设置一条腿的模型
leg = SerialLink(links, 'name', 'leg', 'offset', [pi/2 0 -pi/2]);
% define the key parameters of the gait trajectory, walking in the
% x-direction 下面几句是设置步行是抬起的高度限制之类的
xf = 5; xb = -xf; % forward and backward limits for foot on ground
y = 5; % distance of foot from body along y-axis
zu = 2; zd = 5; % height of foot when up and down
% define the rectangular path taken by the foot
segments = [xf y zd; xb y zd; xb y zu; xf y zu] * 0.01;
% build the gait. the points are:
% 1 start of walking stroke
% 2 end of walking stroke
% 3 end of foot raise
% 4 foot raised and forward
% The segments times are :
% 1->2 3s
% 2->3 0.5s
% 3->4 1s
% 4->1 0.5ss
% A total of 4s, of which 3s is walking and 1s is reset. At 0.01s sample
% time this is exactly 400 steps long.
% We use a finite acceleration time to get a nice smooth path, which means
% that the foot never actually goes through any of these points. This
% makes setting the initial robot pose and velocity difficult.
% Intead we create a longer cyclic path: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. The
% first 1->2 segment includes the initial ramp up, and the final 3->4
% has the slow down. However the middle 2->3->4->1 is smooth cyclic
% motion so we "cut it out" and use it.
fprintf('create trajectory\n');
segments = [segments; segments];
tseg = [3 0.25 0.5 0.25]';
tseg = [tseg; tseg];
x = mstraj(segments, [], tseg, segments(1,:), 0.01, 0.1); 设定好连续姿态
% pull out the cycle
fprintf('inverse kinematics (this will take a while)...');
xcycle = x(100:500,:);
qcycle = leg.ikine( transl(xcycle), 'mask', [1 1 1 0 0 0] );
% dimensions of the robot's rectangular body, width and height, the legs
% are at each corner.
W = 0.1; L = 0.2;
% a bit of optimization. We use a lot of plotting options to
% make the animation fast: turn off annotations like wrist axes, ground
% shadow, joint axes, no smooth shading. Rather than parse the switches
% each cycle we pre-digest them here into a plotopt struct.
% plotopt = leg.plot({'noraise', 'nobase', 'noshadow', ...
% 'nowrist', 'nojaxes'});
% plotopt = leg.plot({'noraise', 'norender', 'nobase', 'noshadow', ...
% 'nowrist', 'nojaxes', 'ortho'});
plotopt = {'noraise', 'nobase', 'noshadow', 'nowrist', 'nojaxes', 'delay', 0};
% create 4 leg robots. Each is a clone of the leg robot we built above,
% has a unique name, and a base transform to represent it's position
% on the body of the walking robot. 这里是设置4条腿
legs(1) = SerialLink(leg, 'name', 'leg1');
legs(2) = SerialLink(leg, 'name', 'leg2', 'base', transl(-L, 0, 0));
legs(3) = SerialLink(leg, 'name', 'leg3', 'base', transl(-L, -W, 0)*trotz(pi));
legs(4) = SerialLink(leg, 'name', 'leg4', 'base', transl(0, -W, 0)*trotz(pi));
% create a fixed size axis for the robot, and set z positive downward
clf; axis([-0.3 0.1 -0.2 0.2 -0.15 0.05]); set(gca,'Zdir', 'reverse')
hold on
% draw the robot's body
patch([0 -L -L 0], [0 0 -W -W], [0 0 0 0], ...
'FaceColor', 'r', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5)
% instantiate each robot in the axes
for i=1:4
legs(i).plot(qcycle(1,:), plotopt{:});
hold off
% walk! 循环四条腿的动作,完整的步行
k = 1;
A = Animate(opt.movie);
for i=1:opt.niterations
legs(1).animate( gait(qcycle, k, 0, 0));
legs(2).animate( gait(qcycle, k, 100, 0));
legs(3).animate( gait(qcycle, k, 200, 1));
legs(4).animate( gait(qcycle, k, 300, 1));
k = k+1;