amcl 代码研究(4)—— map

// Description for a single map cell.
typedef struct
  // Occupancy state (-1 = free, 0 = unknown, +1 = occ)
  int occ_state;

  // Distance to the nearest occupied cell
  double occ_dist;

  // Wifi levels
  //int wifi_levels[MAP_WIFI_MAX_LEVELS];

} map_cell_t;

// Description for a map
typedef struct
  // Map origin; the map is a viewport onto a conceptual larger map.
  double origin_x, origin_y;
  // Map scale (m/cell)
  double scale;

  // Map dimensions (number of cells)
  int size_x, size_y;
  // The map data, stored as a grid
  map_cell_t *cells;

  // Max distance at which we care about obstacles, for constructing
  // likelihood field
  double max_occ_dist;
} map_t;
