siggraph2008 papers




SIGGRAPH 2008 papers on the web

This page tracks the new paper links made to our list of SIGGRAPH 2008 papers.

Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang. If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.

October 7, 2008

  • Animating Oscillatory Motion With Overlap: Wiggly Splines
  • Backward Steps in Rigid Body Simulations

September 4, 2008

  • Example-Based Dynamic Skinning in Real-Time
  • Interactive Relighting of Dynamic Refractive Objects

August 26 2008

  • A Survey of Spatial Deformation From a User-Centered Perspective

August 6 2008

  • Larrabee: A Many-Core x86 Architecture for Visual Computing (PDF) (Resource)

August 4 2008

  • Freeform surfaces from single curved panels

July 31 2008

  • Geometric Skinning with Approximate Dual Quaternion Blending

July 27 2008

  • Added a new list with chronological order

July 25 2008

  • 3D-Modeling by Ortho-Image Generation from Image Sequences
  • Added six new sections for Transaction on Graphics Technical Papers (to be presented at SIGGRAPH 2008)
  • Evaluating Motion Graphs for Character Animation (ACM DL)
  • Synthesis and Evaluation of Linear Motion Transitions (ACM DL)
  • Free-Form Motion Processing (ACM DL)
  • Out-of-core and compressed level set methods (ACM DL)
  • Parallel Algorithms for Approximation of Distance Maps on Parametric Surfaces
  • Computation of Rotation Minimizing Frame (ACM DL)
  • A Framework for Precomputed and Captured Light Transport (ACM DL)
  • Resolution-Matched Shadow Maps (ACM DL)
  • Logarithmic Perspective Shadow Maps
  • Radiance Caching for Participating Media (ACM DL)
  • Knowledge and Heuristic Based Modeling of Laser-Scanned Trees (ACM DL)
  • Sketching Reality: Realistic Interpretation of Architectural Designs (ACM DL)
  • Statistical Reconstruction and Animation of Specific Speakersˇ Gesturing Styles (ACM DL)
  • Modeling and Rendering of Heterogeneous Translucent Materials Using The Diffusion Equation (ACM DL)
  • Realistic Rendering of Birefringency in Uniaxial Crystals (ACM DL)
  • A Precomputed Polynomial Representation for Interactive BRDF Editing With Global Illumination (ACM DL)
  • Real-Time Rendering of Textures With Feature Curves (Project) (ACM DL)
  • Bicubic Polar Subdivision (ACM DL)
  • Approximating Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces With Bicubic Patches (ACM DL)
  • SOHO: Orthogonal and Symmetric Haar Wavelets on the Sphere (ACM DL)
  • N-Symmetry Direction Field Design (ACM DL)

July 16 2008

  • Dual Scattering Approximation for Fast Multiple Scattering in Hair (Project 1 & Project 2)

July 11 2008

  • Curved Folding
  • Video updated. Porous Flow in Particle-Based Fluid Simulations

July 2 2008

  • Conformal Equivalence of Triangle Meshes

July 1 2008

  • Face Swapping: Automatic Face Replacement in Photographs (Project)

June 30 2008

  • Feedback Control of Cumuliform Cloud Formation based on Computational Fluid Dynamics

June 27 2008

  • Modeling Anisotropic Surface Reflectance with Example-Based Microfacet Synthesis

June 24 2008

  • Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting (Project)

June 20 2008

  • Light-Field Transfer: Global Illumination Between Real and Synthetic Objects

June 18 2008

  • Interactive Visual Editing of Grammars for Procedural Architecture

June 13 2008

  • Unwrap Mosaics: A new representation for video editing (Project)

June 12 2008

  • Discovering Structural Regularity in 3D Geometry (Project)

June 10 2008

  • Unwrap Mosaics: A new representation for video editing

June 7 2008

  • BSGP: Bulk-Synchronous GPU Programming

June 3 2008

  • AppProp: All-Pairs Appearance-Space Edit Propagation
  • Face Swapping: Automatic Face Replacement in Photographs

June 1 2008

  • Two-way Coupling of Fluids to Rigid and Deformable Solids and Shells
  • Sync with program

May 31 2008

  • Structure-aware Halftoning
  • Real-Time Smoke Rendering Using Compensated Ray Marching (TR)

May 29, 2008

  • Simulating Knitted Cloth at the Yarn Level
  • A Mass Spring Model for Hair Simulation

May 27, 2008

  • Efficient Multiple Scattering in Hair Using Spherical Harmonics

May 26, 2008

  • Real-Time Data-Driven Deformation Using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis

May 24, 2008

  • Simulating Knitted Cloth at the Yarn Level

May 22, 2008

  • Wavelet Turbulence for Fluid Simulation

May 21, 2008

  • A Mass Spring Model for Hair Simulation
  • Two-way Coupling of Fluids to Rigid and Deformable Solids and Shells
  • Robust Treatment of Simultaneous Collisions
  • Discrete Elastic Rods

May 20, 2008

  • Face Swapping: Automatic Face Replacement in Photographs

May 19, 2008

  • Data-driven enhancement of facial attractiveness

May 18, 2008

  • High-Quality Motion Deblurring From a Single Image
  • Bubbles Alive
  • Performance Capture from Sparse Multi-view Video

May 16, 2008

  • A Meshless Hierarchical Representation for Light Transport (TR)

May 15, 2008

  • Musculotendon Simulation for Hand Animation

May 14, 2008

  • Automated generation of interactive 3D exploded view diagrams
  • Green Coordinates

May 13, 2008

  • Spline Joints for Multibody Dynamics
  • Green Coordinates (Project)
  • Continuation Methods for Adapting Simulated Skills

May 11, 2008

  • Towards Passive 6D Reflectance Field Display

May 10, 2008

  • Real-Time Motion Retargeting to Highly Varied User-Created Morphologies
  • Inverse Texture Synthesis (TR)
  • Parallel Poisson Disk Sampling (TR)

May 9, 2008

  • Glare Aware Photography: 4D Ray Sampling for Reducing Glare Effects of Camera Lenses
  • AppProp: All-Pairs Appearance-Space Edit Propagation
  • Real-time Gradient-domain Painting
  • Real-Time Motion Retargeting to Highly Varied User-Created Morphologies

May 8, 2008

  • Discrete Elastic Rods
  • Interactive Simulation of Stylized Human Locomotion
  • Articulated Mesh Animation from Multi-view Silhouettes
  • Streaming Multigrid for Gradient-Domain Operations on Large Images
  • Porous Flow in Particle-Based Fluid Simulations

May 7, 2008

  • Hair Photobooth: Geometric and Photometric Acquisition of Real Hairstyles
  • Multidimensional Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction for Ray Tracing
  • Anisotropic Noise
  • Edge-preserving decompositions for multi-scale tone and detail manipulation
  • Single Image Dehazing

May 6, 2008

  • Motion Invariant Photography
  • High-Quality Motion Deblurring From a Single Image (Project)
  • Display Adaptive Tone Mapping
  • Dynamic Range Independent Image Quality Assessment
  • Interactive Procedural Street Modeling
  • Curved Folding (Project)
  • Fluorescent Immersion Range Scanning
  • Clone Attack! Perception of Crowd Variety

May 4, 2008

  • Green Coordinates
  • A System for High-Volume Acquisition and Matching of Fresco Fragments: Reassembling Theran Wall Paintings (Project)
  • Where Do People Draw Lines?
  • Finding Paths through the World's Photos

May 3, 2008

  • Automatic Generation of Tourist Maps
  • Light Mixture Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance

May 2, 2008

  • Multiscale Texture Synthesis
  • Automatic Generation of Tourist Maps
  • A Perceptually Validated Model for Surface Depth Hallucination
  • Factoring Repeated Content Within and Among Images
  • Musculotendon Simulation for Hand Animation
  • Perception of Complex Aggregates
  • Shading-Based Surface Editing
  • Programmable Aperture Photography: Multiplexed Light Field Acquisition
  • Dual Scattering Approximation for Fast Multiple Scattering in Hair
  • Freeform surfaces from single curved panels
  • Feedback Control of Cumuliform Cloud Formation based on Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Anisotropic Noise
  • Clone Attack! Perception of Crowd Variety (Project)
  • Fast Viscoelastic Behavior with Thin Features
  • Lapped Solid Textures: Filling a Model with Anisotropic Textures
  • Real-Time, All-Frequency Shadows in Dynamic Scenes

May 1, 2008

  • Fast Modal Sounds with Scalable Frequency-Domain Synthesis
  • Animating Developable Surfaces with Nonconforming Elements
  • Real-Time, All-Frequency Shadows in Dynamic Scenes
  • Spline Joints for Multibody Dynamics
  • Dual Scattering Approximation for Fast Multiple Scattering in Hair (Project)

April 30, 2008

  • 4-points Congruent Sets for Robust Surface Registration
  • Edge-preserving decompositions for multi-scale tone and detail manipulation
  • Data-driven enhancement of facial attractiveness
  • Light Mixture Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance
  • Self-Animating Images: Illusory Motion Using Repeated Asymmetric Patterns
  • Skeleton Extraction by Mesh Contraction
  • Group Motion Editing
  • 3D Unsharp Masking for Scene Coherent Enhancement
  • A Perception-based Color Space for Illumination-invariant Image Processing
  • Progressive Inter-scale and intra-scale Non-blind Image Deconvolution

April 29, 2008

  • Computing Geometry-aware Handle and Tunnel Loops in 3D Models
  • Real-Time Smoke Rendering Using Compensated Ray Marching (TR)
  • Diffusion Curves: A Vector Representation for Smooth-Shaded Images

April 28, 2008

  • Structure-aware Halftoning
  • Porous Flow in Particle-Based Fluid Simulations (Project)
  • Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting

April 26, 2008

  • Markerless Garment Capture
  • Articulated Mesh Animation from Multi-view Silhouettes
  • Interactive Simulation of Stylized Human Locomotion

April 24, 2008

  • Group Motion Editing (Project)

April 23, 2008

  • Glare Aware Photography: 4D Ray Sampling for Reducing Glare Effects of Camera Lenses
  • A Perceptually Validated Model for Surface Depth Hallucination
  • Bubbles Alive

April 22, 2008

  • Lapped Solid Textures: Filling a Model with Anisotropic Textures (Project)

April 21, 2008

  • Interactive Procedural Street Modeling
  • A System for High-Volume Acquisition and Matching of Fresco Fragments: Reassembling Theran Wall Paintings
  • Performance Capture from Sparse Multi-view Video.
  • Fluorescent Immersion Range Scanning
  • Towards Passive 6D Displays for Relighting

April 20, 2008

  • Unwrap Mosaics: A new representation for video editing
  • Continuation Methods for Adapting Simulated Skills

April 18, 2008

  • Dual Scattering Approximation for Fast Multiple Scattering in Hair (Project)
  • 3D Unsharp Masking for Scene Coherent Enhancement

April 17, 2008

  • A Perception-based Color Space for Illumination-invariant Image Processing
  • Diffusion Curves: A Vector Representation for Smooth-Shaded Images (Project)

April 16, 2008

  • Automatic Generation of Tourist Maps
  • Automated generation of interactive 3D exploded view diagrams

April 14, 2008

  • Upright Orientation of Man-Made Objects

April 12, 2008

  • Multiscale Texture Synthesis

April 11, 2008

  • Perception of Complex Aggregates
  • Fast Viscoelastic Behavior with Thin Features

April 9, 2008

  • Self-Animating Images: Illusory Motion Using Repeated Asymmetric Patterns (Project)
  • Progressive Inter-scale and intra-scale Non-blind Image Deconvolution
  • BSGP: Bulk-Synchronous GPU Programming
  • Example-Based Dynamic Skinning in Real-Time
  • Interactive Relighting of Dynamic Refractive Objects
  • Real-Time Smoke Rendering Using Compensated Ray Marching

April 7, 2008

  • Finding Paths through the World's Photos
  • High-Quality Motion Deblurring From a Single Image
  • Clone Attack! Perception of Crowd Variety
  • Motion Invariant Photography

April 6, 2008

  • Modeling Anisotropic Surface Reflectance with Example-Based Microfacet Synthesis
  • A Meshless Hierarchical Representation for Light Transport (TR)

April 4, 2008

  • Upright Orientation of Man-Made Objects (Project)
  • Skeleton Extraction by Mesh Contraction (Project)
  • Structure-aware Halftoning
  • Self-Animating Images: Illusory Motion Using Repeated Asymmetric Patterns
  • Discovering Structural Regularity in 3D Geometry
  • Discovering Structural Regularity in 3D Geometry (Project)
  • 4-points Congruent Sets for Robust Surface Registration (Project)
  • Curved Folding (Project)
  • Programmable Aperture Photography: Multiplexed Light Field Acquisition
  • Glare Photography

April 3, 2008

  • Real-Time, All-Frequency Shadows in Dynamic Scenes
  • Parallel Poisson Disk Sampling (TR)
  • Multidimensional Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction for Ray Tracing
  • Hair Photobooth: Geometric and Photometric Acquisition of Real Hairstyles

April 2, 2008

  • Data-driven Modeling of Skin and Muscle Deformation
  • Real-time Gradient-domain Painting
  • Backward Steps in Rigid Body Simulations
  • Parallel Poisson Disk Sampling
  • Inverse Texture Synthesis (TR)
