ICPC North Central NA Contest 2017 - Is-A? Has-A? Who Knowz-A? (Floyd求传递闭包)


Two familiar concepts in object oriented programming are the is-a and has-a relationships. Given two classes A and B, we say that A is-a B if A is a subclass of B; we say A has-a B if one of the fields of A is of type B. For example, we could imagine an object-oriented language (call it ICPC++) with code like that in Figure E.1E.1, where the class DayDay is-a TimeTime, the class AppointmentAppointment is both a DateBookDateBook and ReminderReminder, and class AppointmentAppointment has-a DayDay.
ICPC North Central NA Contest 2017 - Is-A? Has-A? Who Knowz-A? (Floyd求传递闭包)_第1张图片
These two relationships are transitive. For example if A is-a B and B is-a C then it follows that A is-a C. This holds as well if we change all the is-a’s in the last sentence to has-a’s. It also works with combinations of is-a’s and has-a’s: in the example above, AppointmentAppointment has-a TimeTime, since it has-a DayDay and DayDay is-a TimeTime. Similarly, if class DateBookDateBook has-a YearYear then AppointmentAppointment has-a YearYear, since AppointmentAppointment is-a DateBookDateBook.In this problem you will be given a set of is-a and has-a relationships and a set of queries of the form AA is/has-a BB. You must determine if each query is true or false.

Input starts with two integers nn and mm, (1≤n,m≤10000)(1≤n,m≤10000), where nn specifies the number of given is-a and has-a relationships and mm specifies the number of queries. The next nn lines each contain one given relationship in the form are single-word class names, and rr is either the string “is-a” or “has-a”. Following this are mm queries, one per line, using the same format. There will be at most 500500 distinct class names in the n+mn+m lines, and all class names in the last mm lines will appear at least once in the initial nn lines. All is-a and has-a relationships between the given classes can be deduced from the nn given relationships. Is-a relationships can not be circular (apart from the trivial identity “xx is-a xx”).

For each query, display the query number (starting at one) and whether the query is true or false.

1.题目大意:给出面向对象的一些概念,如"A is-a B"代表A是B的子类。然后还有一个"A has-a B"代表A类下有B类的定义。先给出若干这些关系式,然后给出m个表达式判断是对还是错


3.但是"has-a"关系怎么判断,其实类似,但是题目都给我们说明白了:These two relationships are transitive. For example if A is-a B and B is-a C then it follows that A is-a C. This holds as well if we change all the is-a’s in the last sentence to has-a’s. It also works with combinations of is-a’s and has-a’s: in the example above, Appointment has-a Time, since it has-a Day and Day is-a Time. Similarly, if class DateBook has-a Year then Appointment has-a Year, since Appointment is-a DateBook. 仔细读这句话,我们发现如果在得出所有的"is-a"关系的判断后,那么就直接按上面这三个条件“松弛”另外一个图的边即可(比赛时把最后一个since翻译成了结果,但是实际上是条件)


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <tr1/unordered_map>
using namespace std;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
tr1::unordered_map<string,int> mp;
int n,m,num;
string a,b,c;
int is[505][505],has[505][505];

void getID(string s){

void Floyd1(){
    for(int k=1;k<=502;k++)
    for(int i=1;i<=502;i++)
    for(int j=1;j<=502;j++){
        if(is[i][k] && is[k][j])

void Floyd2(){
    for(int k=1;k<=502;k++)
    for(int i=1;i<=502;i++)
    for(int j=1;j<=502;j++){
        if(has[i][k] && has[k][j]){
        }else if(has[i][k] && is[k][j]){
        }else if(is[i][k] && has[k][j]){

int main()
    memset(is,0,sizeof is);
    memset(has,0,sizeof has);
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
        }else if(b[0]=='h'){
    for(int i=1;i<=502;i++){
    int kase=1;
    for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
            cout<<"Query "<<kase++<<": "<<(is[mp[a]][mp[c]]==0?"false\n":"true\n");
        }else if(b[0]=='h'){
            cout<<"Query "<<kase++<<": "<<(has[mp[a]][mp[c]]==0?"false\n":"true\n");
    return 0;
