





1. 人称代词,如:

He loves her, and she loves him, too.

My parents love me, and I love them, too.

2. 物主代词,如:

His car is black, but hers is red.

The green T-shirt is yours, this red one is mine.

3. 反身代词,如:

Make yourself at home.

Students need to finish their homework by themselves.

4. 指示代词,如:

This is my Dad, that man over there is my uncle.

These are my candies, your candies are on the table.

5. 疑问代词,在句中应位于谓语动词之前,用来构成疑问句,常见的疑问代词有:

Whosebooks are these on the desk?

They are Lucy's.

Whatare you looking for?

I'm looking for my wallet.

Towhomdid you speak on the campus?

I spoke to Lily.

Whichgirl do you like best?

I love the one with long hair best.

What do you want to drink, tea or coffee?

Whateveryou say.

Whicheveryou choose, make sure that he loves you, too.

Whois your brother?

The boy in blue shirt.

Whereveryou go, I'll be right there waiting for you.

Whoeverarrives first will eat first.

6. 不定,即不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词

a. 常见的复合型不定代词,如:


注意:将everyone, everybody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody等不定代词当单数看待,如:

If anyone calls, tell him, I will be back later.

b. 常用不定代词的用法,如:


7. 相互代词,就是表示相互关系的代词;英语中的相互代词只有两个,即each other和one another。

A couple should loveeach other.

People should loveone another.

The students correctedeach other's mistakes in their homework.

The students correctedone another's mistakes in their homework.

8. 关系代词,就是that或疑问代词在引导定语从句时叫做关系代词。

He is the manwhotold me the news.

This is the carwhichI bought last year.

The driver,whowas very young, had just got his driving license.

He said he saw me there,whichwas a lie.
