r o l l : [ − π , π ] ; p i t c h : [ − π / 2 , π / 2 ] ; y a w : [ − π , π ] roll:[-\pi, \pi];\quad pitch:[-\pi/2, \pi/2];\quad yaw:[-\pi, \pi] roll:[−π,π];pitch:[−π/2,π/2];yaw:[−π,π]
0 : [ 0 : π ] ; 1 : [ − π : π ] ; 2 : [ − π : π ] 0: [0:\pi];\quad 1:[-\pi:\pi];\quad 2: [-\pi:\pi] 0:[0:π];1:[−π:π];2:[−π:π]
Eigen库中所有均是右手坐标系的右乘,即内在旋转,输出欧拉角第一个范围[0, pi],第二个范围[-pi, pi],第三个范围[-pi, pi],所有的输出结果以保证第一个值的范围
// 轴角 -> 欧拉角(Z-Y-X,即RPY) (确保第一个值的范围在[0, pi])
Eigen::Vector3d eulerAngle_aa = angleAxis_ea.matrix().eulerAngles(2,1,0);
cout << "EulerAngle(y,p,r) <-- AngleAxis: " << eulerAngle_aa.transpose()*180/M_PI << endl;
// 旋转矩阵 -> 欧拉角(Z-Y-X,即RPY)(确保第一个值的范围在[0, pi])
Eigen::Vector3d eulerAngle_rm = rotationMatrix_ea.eulerAngles(2,1,0);
cout << "EulerAngle(y,p,r) <-- RotationMatrix: " << eulerAngle_rm.transpose()*180/M_PI << endl;
// 四元数 -> 欧拉角(Z-Y-X,即RPY) (确保第一个值的范围在[0, pi])
Eigen::Vector3d eulerAngle_qu = quaternion_ea.matrix().eulerAngles(2,1,0);
cout << "EulerAngle(y,p,r) <-- Quaternion: " << eulerAngle_qu.transpose()*180/M_PI << endl;
Eigen库中所有均是右手坐标系的右乘,即内在旋转,不论输出顺序如何,输出欧拉角第一个值范围[0, pi],第二个范围[-pi, pi],第三个范围[-pi, pi],所有的输出结果以保证第一个值的范围为基础。例如:
四元数 x y z w ( 0.00392036 , − 0.00511095 , − 0.613622 , 0.789573 ) xyzw(0.00392036, -0.00511095, -0.613622, 0.789573) xyzw(0.00392036,−0.00511095,−0.613622,0.789573);
在Eigen中转换为欧拉角 y p r ( 1.82026 , − 3.13833 , − 3.12913 ) ypr(1.82026, -3.13833, -3.12913) ypr(1.82026,−3.13833,−3.12913);
如果要确保输出的pitch角满足范围 [ − π / 2 , π / 2 ] [-\pi/2, \pi/2] [−π/2,π/2],
即得到欧拉角 y p r ( − 1.32133 , − 0.00325971 , 0.0124636 ) ypr(-1.32133, -0.00325971, 0.0124636) ypr(−1.32133,−0.00325971,0.0124636),
//四元数 --> 欧拉角(Z-Y-X,即RPY)(确保pitch的范围[-pi/2, pi/2])
Eigen::Vector3d Quaterniond2EulerAngles(Eigen::Quaterniond q) {
Eigen::Vector3d angles;
// roll (x-axis rotation)
double sinr_cosp = 2 * (q.w() * q.x() + q.y() * q.z());
double cosr_cosp = 1 - 2 * (q.x() * q.x() + q.y() * q.y());
angles(2) = std::atan2(sinr_cosp, cosr_cosp);
// pitch (y-axis rotation)
double sinp = 2 * (q.w() * q.y() - q.z() * q.x());
if (std::abs(sinp) >= 1)
angles(1) = std::copysign(M_PI / 2, sinp); // use 90 degrees if out of range
angles(1) = std::asin(sinp);
// yaw (z-axis rotation)
double siny_cosp = 2 * (q.w() * q.z() + q.x() * q.y());
double cosy_cosp = 1 - 2 * (q.y() * q.y() + q.z() * q.z());
angles(0) = std::atan2(siny_cosp, cosy_cosp);
return angles;
//旋转矩阵 --> 欧拉角(Z-Y-X,即RPY)(确保pitch的范围[-pi/2, pi/2])
Eigen::Vector3d eulerAngle_mine;
Eigen::Matrix3d rot = rotationMatrix_ea;
eulerAngle_mine(2) = std::atan2(rot(2, 1), rot(2, 2));
eulerAngle_mine(1) = std::atan2(-rot(2, 0), std::sqrt(rot(2, 1) * rot(2, 1) + rot(2, 2) * rot(2, 2)));
eulerAngle_mine(0) = std::atan2(rot(1, 0), rot(0, 0));
【1】Conversion between quaternions and Euler angles