Kinect想必大家已经很熟悉了,最近基于Kinect的创意应用更是呈井喷状态啊!看到很多国外大牛用Kinect做三维重建,其中最著名的要数来自微软研究院的Kinect Fusion了,可以看看下面这个视频,或者。
可惜Kinect Fusion是不开源的,不过PCL实现了一个差不多的开源版本,。有兴趣同时电脑配置高的朋友可以研究一下。
最近比较闲,有一点手痒,想自己做一个三维重建,不过肯定不会像Kinect Fusion那么强大,只是自己练练手、玩玩而已。代码在最后有下载。
1. 获取Kinect深度图:
首先我使用微软官方的Kinect SDK来控制Kinect,三维绘图我选用了OpenFrameworks。OpenFrameworks(以后简称OF)是一个开源的公共基础库,将很多常用的库统一到了一起,比如OpenGL,OpenCV,Boost等等,而且有大量的第三方扩展库,使用非常方便。具体可见。
void testApp::setup(){ //Do some environment settings. ofSetVerticalSync(true); ofSetWindowShape(640,480); ofBackground(0,0,0); //Turn on depth test for OpenGL. glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); //Put a camera in the scene. m_camera.setDistance(3); m_camera.setNearClip(0.1f); //Turn on the light. m_light.enable(); //Allocate memory to store point cloud and normals. m_cloud_map.Resize(DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH,DEPTH_IMAGE_HEIGHT); m_normal_map.Resize(DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH,DEPTH_IMAGE_HEIGHT); //Initialize Kinect. InitNui(); }
void testApp::InitNui() { m_init_succeeded = false; m_nui = NULL; int count = 0; HRESULT hr; hr = NuiGetSensorCount(&count); if (count <= 0) { cout<<"No kinect sensor was found!!"<<endl; goto Final; } hr = NuiCreateSensorByIndex(0,&m_nui); if (FAILED(hr)) { cout<<"Create Kinect Device Failed!!"<<endl; goto Final; } //We only just need depth data. hr = m_nui->NuiInitialize(NUI_INITIALIZE_FLAG_USES_DEPTH); if (FAILED(hr)) { cout<<"Initialize Kinect Failed!!"<<endl; goto Final; } //Resolution of 320x240 is good enough to reconstruct a 3D model. hr = m_nui->NuiImageStreamOpen(NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH,NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_320x240,0,2,NULL,&m_depth_stream); if (FAILED(hr)) { cout<<"Open Streams Failed!!"<<endl; goto Final; } m_init_succeeded = true; Final: if (FAILED(hr)) { if (m_nui != NULL) { m_nui->NuiShutdown(); m_nui->Release(); m_nui = NULL; } } }
bool testApp::UpdateDepthFrame() { if (!m_init_succeeded)return false; HRESULT hr; NUI_IMAGE_FRAME image_frame = {0}; NUI_LOCKED_RECT locked_rect = {0}; hr = m_nui->NuiImageStreamGetNextFrame(m_depth_stream,0,&image_frame); //If there's no new frame, we will return immediately. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = image_frame.pFrameTexture->LockRect(0,&locked_rect,NULL,0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //Copy depth data to our own buffer. memcpy(m_depth_buffer,locked_rect.pBits,locked_rect.size); image_frame.pFrameTexture->UnlockRect(0); } //Release frame. m_nui->NuiImageStreamReleaseFrame(m_depth_stream,&image_frame); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr))return true; return false; }
void testApp::update(){ //Get a new depth frame from Kinect. m_new_depth = UpdateDepthFrame(); if (m_new_depth) { Mat depth_frame = Mat(DEPTH_IMAGE_HEIGHT,DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH,CV_16UC1,m_depth_buffer); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>imshow("Depth Frame", depth_frame); } }
void testApp::update(){ //Get a new depth frame from Kinect. m_new_depth = UpdateDepthFrame(); if (m_new_depth) { Mat smoothed_depth = Mat(DEPTH_IMAGE_HEIGHT,DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH,CV_16UC1,m_depth_buffer); medianBlur(smoothed_depth,smoothed_depth,5); imshow("Depth Frame", smoothed_depth); } }
2. 通过深度图得到点云:
为了得到点云,我专门写了一个类来完成这一操作。这个类不仅会根据深度图计算点云,还会将得到的点云以矩阵的形式存放起来,矩阵中每一个元素代表一个点,同时对应深度图中具有相同行列坐标的像素。而计算点云的方法,Kinect SDK自身有提供,即NuiTransformDepthImageToSkeleton()函数,具体用法可看官方文档。
void PointCloudMap::Create(Mat& depth_image,USHORT max_depth,float scale) { USHORT* depth_line = (USHORT*); UINT stride = depth_image.step1(); //m_points is the place where we store the whole point cloud. ofVec3f* points_line = m_points; Vector4 vec; for (DWORD y = 0; y < m_height; y++) { for (DWORD x = 0; x < m_width; x++) { ofVec3f point(0); USHORT real_depth = (depth_line[x] >> 3); if (real_depth >= 800 && real_depth < max_depth) { //For each pixel in the depth image, we calculate its space coordinates. vec = NuiTransformDepthImageToSkeleton( x, y, depth_line[x] ); //Save the point with a scale. point.x = vec.x*scale; point.y = vec.y*scale; point.z = -vec.z*scale; } points_line[x] = point; } depth_line += stride; points_line += m_width; } }
void testApp::draw(){ if (!m_init_succeeded)return; m_camera.begin(); ofVec3f* points_line = m_cloud_map.m_points; ofVec3f* points_next_line = m_cloud_map.m_points + DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH; bool mesh_break = true; for (int y = 0; y < m_cloud_map.m_height - 1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < m_cloud_map.m_width; x++) { ofVec3f& space_point1 = points_line[x]; ofVec3f& space_point2 = points_next_line[x]; if (abs(space_point1.z) <= FLT_EPSILON*POINT_CLOUD_SCALE || abs(space_point2.z) <= FLT_EPSILON*POINT_CLOUD_SCALE) { if (!mesh_break) { //If there's no point here, the mesh should break. mesh_break = true; glEnd(); } continue; } if (mesh_break) { //Start connecting points to form mesh. glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); mesh_break = false; } //Draw the point and set its normal. glColor3f(0.7,0.7,0.7); glVertex3f(space_point1.x,space_point1.y,space_point1.z); //Draw the point below the prior one to form a triangle. glColor3f(0.7,0.7,0.7); glVertex3f(space_point2.x,space_point2.y,space_point2.z); } if (!mesh_break) { //At the end of the line, we break the mesh. glEnd(); mesh_break = true; } points_line += DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH; points_next_line += DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH; } m_camera.end(); //Draw frame rate for fun! ofSetColor(255); ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(ofGetFrameRate()),10,20); }
3. 计算顶点法向
void NormalsMap::Create(PointCloudMap& point_cloud, float max_distance)//创建一副法线图 { if (point_cloud.m_height != m_height || point_cloud.m_width != m_width) throw exception("NormalsMap has different size width the PointCloudMap"); ofVec3f* points_line0 = point_cloud.m_points; ofVec3f* points_line1 = points_line0 + m_width; ofVec3f* points_line2 = points_line1 + m_width; ofVec3f* norms_line = m_normals + m_width; vector<ofVec3f> neighbors; int y_line0 = 0; int y_line1 = y_line0 + m_width; int y_line2 = y_line1 + m_width; for (int y = 1; y < m_height - 1; y++) { for (int x = 1; x < m_width - 1; x++) { neighbors.clear(); norms_line[x] = ofVec3f(0); if (points_line1[x].z == 0)continue; neighbors.push_back(points_line1[x]); //Add all neighbor points to the vector. if (IsNeighbor(points_line0[x-1],points_line1[x],max_distance)) { neighbors.push_back(points_line0[x-1]); } if (IsNeighbor(points_line0[x],points_line1[x],max_distance)) { neighbors.push_back(points_line0[x]); } if (IsNeighbor(points_line0[x+1],points_line1[x],max_distance)) { neighbors.push_back(points_line0[x+1]); } if (IsNeighbor(points_line1[x-1],points_line1[x],max_distance)) { neighbors.push_back(points_line1[x-1]); } if (IsNeighbor(points_line1[x+1],points_line1[x],max_distance)) { neighbors.push_back(points_line1[x+1]); } if (IsNeighbor(points_line2[x-1],points_line1[x],max_distance)) { neighbors.push_back(points_line2[x-1]); } if (IsNeighbor(points_line2[x],points_line1[x],max_distance)) { neighbors.push_back(points_line2[x]); } if (IsNeighbor(points_line2[x+1],points_line1[x],max_distance)) { neighbors.push_back(points_line2[x+1]); } if (neighbors.size() < 3)continue;//Too small to identify a plane. norms_line[x] = EstimateNormal(neighbors); } points_line0 += m_width; points_line1 += m_width; points_line2 += m_width; norms_line += m_width; y_line0 += m_width; y_line1 += m_width; y_line2 += m_width; } } inline bool NormalsMap::IsNeighbor(ofVec3f& dst, ofVec3f& ori, float max_distance)//判断是否是领点 { if (abs(dst.z - ori.z) < max_distance) return true; return false; } ofVec3f NormalsMap::EstimateNormal(vector<ofVec3f>& points)//使用最小二乘法计算法线 { ofVec3f normal(0); float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; float x2 = 0, y2 = 0, z2 = 0; float xy = 0, xz = 0, yz = 0; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { float cx = points[i].x; float cy = points[i].y; float cz = points[i].z; x += cx; y += cy; z += cz; x2 += cx*cx; y2 += cy*cy; z2 += cz*cz; xy += cx*cy; xz += cx*cz; yz += cy*cz; } float D = x2*y2*z2 + 2*xy*xz*yz - x2*yz*yz - y2*xz*xz - z2*xy*xy; if (abs(D) >= FLT_EPSILON) { //Use least squares technique to get the best normal. float Da = x*(yz*yz - y2*z2) - y*(yz*xz - z2*xy) + z*(y2*xz - xy*yz); float Db = x2*(z*yz - y*z2) - xy*(z*xz - x*z2) + xz*(y*xz - x*yz); float Dc = x2*(y*yz - z*y2) - xy*(x*yz - z*xy) + xz*(x*y2 - y*xy); normal.x = Da/D; normal.y = Db/D; normal.z = Dc/D; normal.normalize(); } else { /*D == 0, it means some axes(x,y or z) are on the normal plane. We need another way to calculate normal vector.*/ ofVec3f row0(x2,xy,xz); ofVec3f row1(xy,y2,yz); ofVec3f row2(xz,yz,z2); ofVec3f vec1 = row0.getCrossed(row1); ofVec3f vec2 = row0.getCrossed(row2); ofVec3f vec3 = row1.getCrossed(row2); float len1 = vec1.lengthSquared(); float len2 = vec2.lengthSquared(); float len3 = vec3.lengthSquared(); if (len1 >= len2 && len1 >= len3) normal = vec1 / sqrt(len1); else if (len2 >= len1 && len2 >= len3) normal = vec2 / sqrt(len2); else normal = vec3 / sqrt(len3); } return normal; } void NormalsMap::FlipNormalsToVector(ofVec3f main_vector)//调整法线朝向,是其全部指向main_vector方向 { ofVec3f* normal = m_normals; for (int i = 0; i < m_width*m_height; i++) { if ((*normal).dot(main_vector) < 0) (*normal) *= -1; normal++; } }
void testApp::draw(){ if (!m_init_succeeded)return; m_camera.begin(); ofVec3f* points_line = m_cloud_map.m_points; ofVec3f* points_next_line = m_cloud_map.m_points + DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH; ofVec3f* normals_line = m_normal_map.m_normals; bool mesh_break = true; for (int y = 0; y < m_cloud_map.m_height - 1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < m_cloud_map.m_width; x++) { ofVec3f& space_point1 = points_line[x]; ofVec3f& space_point2 = points_next_line[x]; if (abs(space_point1.z) <= FLT_EPSILON*POINT_CLOUD_SCALE || abs(space_point2.z) <= FLT_EPSILON*POINT_CLOUD_SCALE) { if (!mesh_break) { //If there's no point here, the mesh should break. mesh_break = true; glEnd(); } continue; } if (mesh_break) { //Start connecting points to form mesh. glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); mesh_break = false; } //Draw the point and set its normal. glColor3f(0.8,0.8,0.8); glNormal3f(normals_line[x].x,normals_line[x].y,normals_line[x].z); glVertex3f(space_point1.x,space_point1.y,space_point1.z); //Draw the point below the prior one to form a triangle. glColor3f(0.8,0.8,0.8); glVertex3f(space_point2.x,space_point2.y,space_point2.z); } if (!mesh_break) { //We break the mesh at the end of the line,. glEnd(); mesh_break = true; } points_line += DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH; points_next_line += DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH; normals_line += DEPTH_IMAGE_WIDTH; } m_camera.end(); //Draw frame rate for fun! ofSetColor(255); ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(ofGetFrameRate()),10,20); }
最后给出代码的下载地址 点击打开链接
代码在Windows7 ultimate,OpenCV 2.4.3,OpenFrameworks 0073,Kinect SDK 1.7 下编译通过。