[游泳] Sun Yang 1500 Swimming Stroke Analysis London 2012



Swimming biomechanics highly influence swimming success. Sun Yang 1500 swimming stroke analysis London 2012 hopes to provide a frame by frame analysis of the current top male distance swimmer. As you will see, some of the mechanics Yang uses are far superior to other swimmers, however he still has some deviations. Moreover,he demonstrates a few nuances uncommon, but potentially progressive for the stroke.




Frame 1:

Pushes off wall with streamline slightly separated from ears. Head is down facing floor of pool.Little to no flutter kick is occurring during this frame.




Frame 2:

Initiates pull withright arm. Head position remains in same position as frame 1, and kick stillappears to be minimal.




Frame 3:

Initiation of pull continues (note the absent of any white bubbles or turbulence with this hand).Both arms begins to abduct (come apart) from the head.  Head remains fixed. Right hip flexion and knee flexion while the left hip appears to extend.




Frame 4:

High elbow on right arm continues to be more pronounced with an increased in shoulder internal rotation. Right arm appears to begin flexing to help achieve an early vertical forearm. Left arm abducts slight more. Head begins to lift through an apparent cervical extension. Right leg kicks through to finish kick and left leg remains in slight extension.




 Frame 5:

Right shoulderinternally rotates more as the wrist returns to neutral, early vertical forearmis achieved. Left arms abducts even more. Head appears to extend more. Legsappear unchanged, while the right ankle appears to slightly dorsiflex to returnto streamline.




Frame 6:

Right shoulderextension begins for the catch, while the arm remains fixed in internalrotation. Left arms abducts even more and is now in full shoulder and elbowextension. Head extends and rotates right. Left hip extends more in preparationfor a downkick.




Frame 7:

Right shoulder comesunder the body with the shoulder fixed in internal rotation with the wrist inextension. The left arms appears unchanged. The head rotates and extendsmore.  The body initiates right rotation.The left leg rises, from what appears knee flexion.




Frame 8:

Right shouldercontinues catch as the arm adducts, now approximately 45 degree abduction. Leftarms remains fixed. Head appears to only rotate more. The body continues toincrease right rotation. Right leg appears to undergo slight hip extension.Left leg has large amount of knee flexion, to what appears bring the footthrough the surface of the water.




Frame 9:

Right arm adductsmore as the hand passes the hip. The left arms is still fixed (potentiallyelongating via spinal rotation). The head extends and rotates, noticeableturbulence is present on right shoulder in this frame due to this swimmer'sbreathing biomechanics. The body rotates more right. Right leg continues toextend through the hip, while the leg knee undergoes hip flexion and knee extension(downkick).




Frame 10:

Right arm is out ofview, but appears to have initiated recovery. The left arm remains still. Thehead is at it's most rotated and extended position, resulting in the largestamount of visible turbulence on the upper right side of the body. The body isin maximal right rotation (maximizing left arm elongation). The right continuesto perform an upkick (knee flexion initiating), while the left is performing astrong downkick predominantly through knee extension.




Frame 11:

Right arm likelycontinues recovery, while the left arm is still fixed. The head begins torotate left and flex to return to the water. Note the large turbulence duringthis phase. The body lowers in the water as it rotates left. The right legcontinues it's upkick through increased knee flexion. The left leg finishesit's downkick with pronounced knee extension (note the athlete's dorsiflexedankle, far from the 'typical' swimmer's body).




Frame 12:

Right arm likelycontinuing recovery, as the left arms remains fixed while the left wrist flexesto initiate the pull. Head continues to rotate left, to return to streamline.No apparent body rotation. Right leg likely is initiating downkick,  through hip flexion and knee extension. Leftleg begins upkick through hip extension.




Frame 13:

Right arm likelycontinuing recovery, left arm begins to press down (likely through glenohumeral(shoulder) internal rotation) as the wrist appears to flex slightly more. Headlikely continues left cervical rotation, no cervical flexion appears present inthis frame. The right leg continuing the downkick through knee extesion. Theleft knee continues to upkick with large knee flexion.




Frame 14:

Right arm likelyrecovering, left arm continues internal rotation as the wrist returns toneutral. Head likely continuing left cervical rotation. Right leg  is finishing the downkick with knee extensionas the left leg finishes the upkick with knee flexion.




Frame 15:

Right arm enters thewater above head visible turbulence during this re-entry. Left arm undergoesmore internal rotation to achieve early vertical forearm. Head continues torotate left (currently near neutral position), cervical extension persists.Body rotates left and slightly drops. Right leg likely initiating upkick. Leftleg is performing downkick with knee extension.




Frame 16:

Right arm extendsforward with minimal turbulence, left arm performs adduction to catch water.Head and body rotate left. Right leg undergoes knee flexion for upkick and leftleg finishes downkick through knee extension.




Frame 17:

Right arm extends(likely from left body rotation). Left arm continues to catch water with a highelbow as arm during adduction. Head rotates left and extends. Body rotatesleft. Right leg begins downkick through knee extension while the left hipextends for the initiation of the upkick.





Frame 18:

Right arm continuesto extend as the left arm undergoes shoulder extends to finish the catch. Thehead and body rotate left. The right knee kicks down through knee extension.The left knee begins knee flexion.




Frame 19:

Right arms remainsfixed. Left arm undergoes recovery. Head maintains cervical left rotation andextension (note large frontal turbulence at the head). Body begins rotationright. Left leg performs knee extension for downkick and right knee flexes tofinish upkick.




Frame 20:

Right arms pressesdown (likely from body dropping due to recovery arm) and wrist slightly flexes.Left arm continues to recover. Head remains fixed as turbulence remains high.Body continues to rotate right. The right leg finishes downkick with ankledorsiflexion while the left leg initiates down kick with slight hip flexion.




Frame 21:

Right arm continuesto press down, now likely due to recovery arm and initiation of shoulderinternal rotation. Left arm continues recovery. Head begins rotation right withcontinued frontal turbulence. Body has slight rotation right. Right hipextends. Left knee extends.




Frame 22:

Right continues tolower beginning catch while left arm still recovering. Head performs morerotation right. Body rotation appears constant. Right leg upkick continues andleft leg downkick finishes.




Frame 23:

Right arm internallyrotates for the catch phase, left arm re-enters water with minimal turbulenceat left hand. Head rotates right and flexes. Body rotates right. Right hipflexes for downkick and left hip extends.




Frame 24:

Right arm maintainsinternal rotation and begins to adduct. Right arm continues to re-enter waterwith turbulence visible at elbow and upper arm. Head rotates right and slightlyextends. Body rotates right. Right knee extends and the left hip extends.




Frame 25:

Right arm continuesto adduct and wrist appears to have slight extended, potentially finishing thecatch phase too early. Left arm continues to extend forward, while the headrotates right and extends. Body continues to rotate right. Right leg beginsupkick with hip extension as the left leg undergoes knee flexion.




Frame 26:

Right arms returnsto a straight forearm to finish the catch. Left arm continues to extend (viaright body rotation). Head and body continue right rotation. The right legcontinues to perform slight hip extension. The right hip flexes to initiate thedownkick.




Frame 27:

The right armfinishes the catch through adduction and extension. The left arm continues toachieve relative extension via right body rotation. The head rotates right andextends. The body rotates right. The right leg performs knee flexion while theleft knee undergoes knee extension.





Notable features:



Streamlined bodythroughout the stroke. Minimal turbulence upon hand re-entry. turbulence aroundhead and shoulder during poor breathing mechanics. One of the best EVF,especially on the left side. Streamlined body balance through matchedcontralateral down kick and hand re-entry. Streamlined head position when theathlete is not breathing.


整个游进过程都保持流线型。最小的手部入水水花。换气时,头和肩膀周围的水花也很小。最佳的EVF(Early VerticalForearm),特别是左边。通过匹配身体对侧的下踢和入水保持流线型身体平衡。不呼吸的时候头部也保持了流线型。


He clearly uses ahigh elbow anchor position on his left arm. This allows him an elongateddistance per stroke and endurance capability. His right arm uses a little lowerelbow anchor position, potentially helping him utilizes his hips more.Unfortunately, this angle prevents the reviewer from seeing the distance thearm is from the bodyline.




Areas to improve:

 · Breathing mechanics, remove cervicalextension during breath

 · Ankle dorsiflexion during upkick, as thislikely increases turbulence in the water [not sure if this feature facilitiesthe rest of the downkick]



1. 呼吸时,减少颈部拉伸。

2. 上踢时,脚踝背曲,这样会可能会增加水中的水花。


Areas to copy:

 · Streamline of body (except during breathing)

 · Early vertical catch, especially on left

 · Body balance between hand re-entry anddownkick



1. 身体的流线型 (除了换气时)

2. 早期垂直抓水,特别是左手

3. 手入水和下踢时的身体平衡


(analysis byswimming science)

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