
Aim: Find oˆ such that

Problem: Analytic solution of likelihood equations not always available.

 Example: Censored exponentially distributed observations

 Suppose that  and that the censored times


are observed. Let m be the number of uncensored observations. Then

with first and second derivative

Thus we obtain for the observed and expected information

Thus the MLE can be obtained be the Newton-Raphson iteration

Numerical example: Choose starting value in (0, 1)


Implementation in R:

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  1. #Statistics 24600 - Spring 2004  
  2. #Instructor: Michael Eichler  
  3. #  
  4. #Method : Newton-Raphson method  
  5. #Example: Exponential distribution  
  6. #----------------------------------  
  7. #Log-likelihood with first and second derivative  
  8. ln<-function(p,Y,R) {  
  9.   m<-sum(R==1)  
  10.   ln<-m*log(p)-p*sum(Y)  
  11.   attr(ln,"gradient")<-m/p-sum(Y)  
  12.   attr(ln,"hessian")<--m/p^2  
  13.   ln  
  14. }  
  15. #Newton-Raphson method  
  16. newmle<-function(p,ln) {  
  17.   l<-ln(p)  
  18.   pnew<-p-attr(l,"gradient")/attr(l,"hessian")  
  19.   pnew  
  20. }  
  21. #Simulate censored exponentially distributed data  
  22. Y<-rexp(10,1/5)  
  23. R<-ifelse(Y>10,0,1)  
  24. Y[R==0]=10  
  25. #Plot first derivative of the log-likelihood  
  26. x<-seq(0.05,0.6,0.01)  
  27. plot(x,attr(ln(x,Y,R),"gradient"),type="l",  
  28.   xlab=expression(theta),ylab="Score function")  
  29. abline(0,0)  
  30. #Apply Newton-Raphson iteration 3 times  
  31. p<-newmle(p,ln,Y=Y,R=R)  
  32. p  
  33. p<-newmle(p,ln,Y=Y,R=R)  
  34. p  
  35. p<-newmle(p,ln,Y=Y,R=R)  
  36. p  
