首先,我们检查了最新帧与之前所有帧之间的特征对应。如果我们能在滑动窗口中的最新帧和任何其他帧之间,找到稳定的特征跟踪(超过30个跟踪特征)和足够的视差(超过20个的旋转补偿像素),使用五点法恢复这两个帧之间的相对旋转和尺度平移。否则,将最新的帧保存在窗口中,并等待新的帧。如果五点算法成功的话,任意设置尺度,并对这两个帧中观察到的所有特征进行三角化。基于这些三角特征,采用PnP来估计窗口中所有其他帧的姿态。最后,应用全局光束平差法(BA)最小化所有特征观测的重投影误差。由于我们还没有任何世界坐标系的知识,我们将第一个相机坐标系 ( ⋅ ) c 0 (·)^{c_0} (⋅)c0设置为SfM的参考坐标系。所有帧的位姿 ( p ˉ c k c 0 , q c k c 0 ) (\bar p^{c0}_{c_k},q^{c0}_{c_k}) (pˉckc0,qckc0)和特征位置表示相对于 ( ⋅ ) c 0 (·)^{c_0} (⋅)c0。假设摄像机和IMU之间有一个粗略测量的外部参数 ( p c b , q c b ) (p^b_c,q^b_c) (pcb,qcb),我们可以将姿态从相机坐标系转换到物体(IMU)坐标系。
纯视觉初始化时,我们采用第一帧 c0 作为基准坐标系,若要转化为从 body 坐标系到 c0坐标系,可以进行如下变换,其中s是匹配视觉结构与距离尺度的尺度参数,解出尺度参数是实现成功初始化的关键。
这 一 部 分 的 内 容 对 应 于 VINS-Mono 代 码 initial_aligment.cpp 中 的
考虑滑动窗口中连续两帧 b k b_k bk和 b k + 1 b_{k+1} bk+1,我们从视觉sfM中得到旋转 q b k c 0 q^{c0}_{b_k} qbkc0和 q b k + 1 c 0 q^{c0}_{b_{k+1}} qbk+1c0,从IMU预积分得到的相对约束 γ b k + 1 b k γ^{b_k}_{b_{k+1}} γbk+1bk。
q b k c 0 q^{c0}_{b_k} qbkc0 q b k + 1 c 0 q^{c0}_{b_{k+1}} qbk+1c0:相机从 b k b_k bk到 b k + 1 b_{k+1} bk+1下的相对旋转
γ b k + 1 b k γ^{b_k}_{b_{k+1}} γbk+1bk:陀螺仪从 b k + 1 b_{k+1} bk+1到 b k b_k bk下的相对旋转
第二个式子给出了 γ b k + 1 b k γ^{b_k}_{b_{k+1}} γbk+1bk对陀螺仪偏置的一阶近似。
因为四元数最小值为单位四元数 [1; 0v]T,所以
然后取最小二乘,当然也可以使用SVD分解等方法求解,得到了陀螺仪偏置 b w b_w bw的初始校准。然后我们用新的陀螺仪偏置重新传递所有的IMU预积分项 α ^ b k + 1 b k 、 β ^ b k + 1 b k 、 γ ^ b k + 1 b k \hat α^{b_k}_{b_{k+1}}、\hat β^{b_k}_{b_{k+1}}、\hat γ^{b_k}_{b_{k+1}} α^bk+1bk、β^bk+1bk、γ^bk+1bk 。
这一部分的内容对应于 VINS-Mono 代码 initial_aligment.cpp 中的 LinearAlignment()
其中, v b k b k v^{b_k}_{b_k} vbkbk是第k帧图像本体坐标系的速度, g c 0 g^{c_0} gc0是 c 0 c_0 c0坐标系中的重力向量,s是单目SfM到公制单位的尺度。
在 c 0 c_0 c0坐标系的预积分:
p b k + 1 c 0 p^{c_0}_{b_{k+1}} pbk+1c0和 p b k c 0 p^{c_0}_{b_{k}} pbkc0可由视觉 SFM 获得:
将等式中速度都转换到 c 0 c_0 c0 坐标系下:
将上式转换成 H x = b Hx=b Hx=b 的形式,这样便于利用 cholesky 进行求解,由 s p ˉ b k c 0 = p c k c 0 − R c k c 0 p c b s\bar p^{c_0}_{b_k}=p^{c_0}_{c_k}-R^{c_0}_{c_k}p_c^b spˉbkc0=pckc0−Rckc0pcb,带入上式得:
即: H 6 × 10 X I 10 × 1 = b 6 × 1 H^{6×10}X_I^{\ 10×1} = b^{6×1} H6×10XI 10×1=b6×1
H矩阵一定是一个正定对称矩阵,以采用快速的 Cholosky 分解下面方程求解 X I X_I XI:
可以得到滑动窗口中所有关键帧的本体坐标系速度,视觉参照系 ( ⋅ ) c 0 (·)^{c_0} (⋅)c0的重力向量,以及单目尺度因子 s 。
其中g是已知的重力大小, g ^ ˉ \bar {\hat g} g^ˉ是表示重力方向的单位向量,b1、 b2为重力向量正切空间的一对
正交基 ,如图所示,w1和w2分别是在b1和b2上的对应位移。
这样,可以用 Cholosky 分解下面方程求解 X I X_I XI:
完成初始化:经过对重力向量的细化,通过将重力旋转到z轴上,得到世界坐标系与摄像机坐标系c0之间的旋转 q c 0 w q^w_{c_0} qc0w。然后我们将所有变量从参考坐标系 ( ⋅ ) c 0 (·)^{c_0} (⋅)c0 旋转到世界坐标系 ( ⋅ ) w (·)^w (⋅)w。本体坐标系的速度也将被旋转到世界坐标系。视觉SfM的变换矩阵将被缩放到度量单位。此时,初始化过程已经完成,所有这些度量值都将被输入到一个紧耦合的单目VIO中。
直接从estimator.cpp中的 if (solver_flag == INITIAL) 开始
if (solver_flag == INITIAL) {
// 滑窗中的Keyframe达到指定大小的时候,才开始优化
if (frame_count == WINDOW_SIZE) {
bool result = false;
if (ESTIMATE_EXTRINSIC != 2 && (header.stamp.toSec() - initial_timestamp) > 0.1) {
result = initialStructure(); //! 初始化
initial_timestamp = header.stamp.toSec();
if (result) {
solver_flag = NON_LINEAR;
ROS_INFO("Initialization finish!");
last_R = Rs[WINDOW_SIZE];
last_P = Ps[WINDOW_SIZE];
last_R0 = Rs[0];
last_P0 = Ps[0];
} else
} else
//! 通过计算预积分加速度的标准差,检测IMU的可观性
//check imu observibility
// 计算均值
map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator frame_it;
Vector3d sum_g;
for (frame_it = all_image_frame.begin(), frame_it++; frame_it != all_image_frame.end(); frame_it++)
double sum_dt = frame_it->second.pre_integration->sum_dt;
Vector3d tmp_g = frame_it->second.pre_integration->delta_v / sum_dt;
sum_g += tmp_g;
Vector3d aver_g = sum_g * 1.0 / ((int)all_image_frame.size() - 1);
// 计算方差
double var = 0;
for (frame_it = all_image_frame.begin(), frame_it++; frame_it != all_image_frame.end(); frame_it++)
double sum_dt = frame_it->second.pre_integration->sum_dt;
Vector3d tmp_g = frame_it->second.pre_integration->delta_v / sum_dt;
var += (tmp_g - aver_g).transpose() * (tmp_g - aver_g);
// 计算标准差
var = sqrt(var / ((int)all_image_frame.size() - 1));
//ROS_WARN("IMU variation %f!", var);
if(var < 0.25) //! 以标准差判断可观性
ROS_INFO("IMU excitation not enouth!");
//return false;
struct SFMFeature
bool state;//状态(是否被三角化)
int id;
vector<pair<int,Vector2d>> observation;//所有观测到该特征点的图像帧ID和图像坐标
double position[3];//3d坐标
double depth;//深度
// 遍历滑窗内所有的Features,以vector形式保存滑窗内所有特征点
vector<SFMFeature> sfm_f;
for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
int imu_j = it_per_id.start_frame - 1;
SFMFeature tmp_feature;
tmp_feature.state = false;
tmp_feature.id = it_per_id.feature_id;
for (auto &it_per_frame : it_per_id.feature_per_frame)
Vector3d pts_j = it_per_frame.point;
tmp_feature.observation.push_back(make_pair(imu_j, Eigen::Vector2d{pts_j.x(), pts_j.y()}));
1.先通过 FeatureManager::getCorresponding()获取滑动窗口中第i帧和最后一帧的特征匹配corres
2.如果第i帧和最后一帧的特征匹配数corres大于20,且所有匹配的特征点的平均视差大于一定阈值,通过solveRelativeRT(定义在solv_5pts.cpp类中)用五点法求本质矩阵cv::findFundamentalMat 计算出当前帧到参考帧的 T值得注意:relativePose得到的位姿是第l帧的,第l帧的筛选是从第一帧开始到滑动窗口所有帧中一开始满足平均视差足够大的帧,这里的第l帧会作为参考帧到下面的全局SFM使用。这样得到图像的特征点2d坐标的提取,相机第l帧和最后一帧之间的旋转和平移
if (!relativePose(relative_R, relative_T, l))
ROS_INFO("Not enough features or parallax; Move device around");
return false;
bool relativePose(relative_R, relative_T, l)
bool Estimator::relativePose(Matrix3d &relative_R, Vector3d &relative_T, int &l) {
// find previous frame which contians enough correspondance and parallex with newest frame
// 在滑窗内寻找与最新的关键帧共视点超过20(像素点)的关键帧
for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {
vector<pair<Vector3d, Vector3d>> corres;
corres = f_manager.getCorresponding(i, WINDOW_SIZE);
// 共视的Features应该大于20
if (corres.size() > 20) {
// 求取匹配的特征点在图像上的视差和(归一化平面上)
double sum_parallax = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < int(corres.size()); j++) {
Vector2d pts_0(corres[j].first(0), corres[j].first(1));
Vector2d pts_1(corres[j].second(0), corres[j].second(1));
double parallax = (pts_0 - pts_1).norm();
sum_parallax = sum_parallax + parallax;
// 求取所有匹配的特征点的平均视差
double average_parallax = 1.0 * sum_parallax / int(corres.size());
// 视差大于一定阈值,并且能够有效地求解出变换矩阵
if (average_parallax * 460 > 30 && m_estimator.solveRelativeRT(corres, relative_R, relative_T)) {
l = i;
ROS_DEBUG("average_parallax %f choose l %d and newest frame to triangulate the whole structure",
average_parallax * 460, l);
return true;
return false;
vector<pair<Vector3d, Vector3d>> FeatureManager::getCorresponding(int frame_count_l, int frame_count_r) {
vector<pair<Vector3d, Vector3d>> corres;
for (auto &it : feature) {
// 保证两帧的id大于当前特征点的起始id小于当前特征点的终止id
if (it.start_frame <= frame_count_l && it.endFrame() >= frame_count_r) {
int idx_l = frame_count_l - it.start_frame;
int idx_r = frame_count_r - it.start_frame;
Vector3d a = it.feature_per_frame[idx_l].point;
Vector3d b = it.feature_per_frame[idx_r].point;
corres.push_back(make_pair(a, b));
return corres;
bool MotionEstimator::solveRelativeRT(const vector<pair<Vector3d, Vector3d>> &corres, Matrix3d &Rotation, Vector3d &Translation)
if (corres.size() >= 15)
//! Step1:提取匹配完的Features
vector<cv::Point2f> ll, rr;
for (int i = 0; i < int(corres.size()); i++)
ll.push_back(cv::Point2f(corres[i].first(0), corres[i].first(1)));
rr.push_back(cv::Point2f(corres[i].second(0), corres[i].second(1)));
cv::Mat mask;
//! Step2:利用Ransac算法计算本质矩阵,内外点的阈值距离设定为0.3 / 460
cv::Mat E = cv::findFundamentalMat(ll, rr, cv::FM_RANSAC, 0.3 / 460, 0.99, mask);
cv::Mat cameraMatrix = (cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
//! Step3:计算变换矩阵并得到内点个数
cv::Mat rot, trans;
int inlier_cnt = cv::recoverPose(E, ll, rr, cameraMatrix, rot, trans, mask);
//cout << "inlier_cnt " << inlier_cnt << endl;
//! 得到变换矩阵 ll ==> rr
Eigen::Matrix3d R;
Eigen::Vector3d T;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
T(i) = trans.at<double>(i, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
R(i, j) = rot.at<double>(i, j);
//! Step4:得到旋转矩阵和平移量 rr ==> ll
Rotation = R.transpose();
Translation = -R.transpose() * T;
//! 判断求取的内点个数是否满足要求
if(inlier_cnt > 12)
return true;
return false;
return false;
// 三角化恢复滑窗内的Features
GlobalSFM sfm;
Quaterniond Q[frame_count + 1];
Vector3d T[frame_count + 1];
map<int, Vector3d> sfm_tracked_points;
if(!sfm.construct(frame_count + 1, Q, T, l, relative_R, relative_T, sfm_f, sfm_tracked_points))
ROS_DEBUG("global SFM failed!");
marginalization_flag = MARGIN_OLD;
return false;
bool GlobalSFM::construct()
frame_num=frame_count + 1=11,frame_num-1表示当前帧
3.pnp求解参考坐标系到第l+1开始的每一帧的变换矩阵R_initial, P_initial,保存在Pose中,并与当前帧进行三角化
bool GlobalSFM::construct(int frame_num, Quaterniond* q, Vector3d* T, int l,
const Matrix3d relative_R, const Vector3d relative_T,
vector<SFMFeature> &sfm_f, map<int, Vector3d> &sfm_tracked_points)
feature_num = sfm_f.size();
//cout << "set 0 and " << l << " as known " << endl;
// have relative_r relative_t
// intial two view
q[l].w() = 1;
q[l].x() = 0;
q[l].y() = 0;
q[l].z() = 0;
q[frame_num - 1] = q[l] * Quaterniond(relative_R);
T[frame_num - 1] = relative_T;
//cout << "init q_l " << q[l].w() << " " << q[l].vec().transpose() << endl;
//cout << "init t_l " << T[l].transpose() << endl;
//rotate to cam frame
Matrix3d c_Rotation[frame_num];
Vector3d c_Translation[frame_num];
Quaterniond c_Quat[frame_num];
double c_rotation[frame_num][4];
double c_translation[frame_num][3];
Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 4> Pose[frame_num];
c_Quat[l] = q[l].inverse();
c_Rotation[l] = c_Quat[l].toRotationMatrix();
c_Translation[l] = -1 * (c_Rotation[l] * T[l]);
Pose[l].block<3, 3>(0, 0) = c_Rotation[l];
Pose[l].block<3, 1>(0, 3) = c_Translation[l];
c_Quat[frame_num - 1] = q[frame_num - 1].inverse();
c_Rotation[frame_num - 1] = c_Quat[frame_num - 1].toRotationMatrix();
c_Translation[frame_num - 1] = -1 * (c_Rotation[frame_num - 1] * T[frame_num - 1]);
Pose[frame_num - 1].block<3, 3>(0, 0) = c_Rotation[frame_num - 1];
Pose[frame_num - 1].block<3, 1>(0, 3) = c_Translation[frame_num - 1];
//1: trangulate between l ----- frame_num - 1
//2: solve pnp l + 1; trangulate l + 1 ------- frame_num - 1;
for (int i = l; i < frame_num - 1 ; i++)
// solve pnp
//pnp求解参考坐标系到第l+1开始的每一帧的变换矩阵R_initial, P_initial,保存在Pose中
if (i > l)
Matrix3d R_initial = c_Rotation[i - 1];
Vector3d P_initial = c_Translation[i - 1];
if(!solveFrameByPnP(R_initial, P_initial, i, sfm_f))
return false;
c_Rotation[i] = R_initial;
c_Translation[i] = P_initial;
c_Quat[i] = c_Rotation[i];
Pose[i].block<3, 3>(0, 0) = c_Rotation[i];
Pose[i].block<3, 1>(0, 3) = c_Translation[i];
// triangulate point based on the solve pnp result
triangulateTwoFrames(i, Pose[i], frame_num - 1, Pose[frame_num - 1], sfm_f);
//3: triangulate l-----l+1 l+2 ... frame_num -2
for (int i = l + 1; i < frame_num - 1; i++)
triangulateTwoFrames(l, Pose[l], i, Pose[i], sfm_f);
//4: solve pnp l-1; triangulate l-1 ----- l
// l-2 l-2 ----- l
for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//solve pnp
Matrix3d R_initial = c_Rotation[i + 1];
Vector3d P_initial = c_Translation[i + 1];
if(!solveFrameByPnP(R_initial, P_initial, i, sfm_f))
return false;
c_Rotation[i] = R_initial;
c_Translation[i] = P_initial;
c_Quat[i] = c_Rotation[i];
Pose[i].block<3, 3>(0, 0) = c_Rotation[i];
Pose[i].block<3, 1>(0, 3) = c_Translation[i];
triangulateTwoFrames(i, Pose[i], l, Pose[l], sfm_f);
//5: triangulate all other points
for (int j = 0; j < feature_num; j++)
if (sfm_f[j].state == true)
if ((int)sfm_f[j].observation.size() >= 2)
Vector2d point0, point1;
int frame_0 = sfm_f[j].observation[0].first;
point0 = sfm_f[j].observation[0].second;
int frame_1 = sfm_f[j].observation.back().first;
point1 = sfm_f[j].observation.back().second;
Vector3d point_3d;
triangulatePoint(Pose[frame_0], Pose[frame_1], point0, point1, point_3d);
sfm_f[j].state = true;
sfm_f[j].position[0] = point_3d(0);
sfm_f[j].position[1] = point_3d(1);
sfm_f[j].position[2] = point_3d(2);
//cout << "trangulated : " << frame_0 << " " << frame_1 << " 3d point : " << j << " " << point_3d.transpose() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < frame_num; i++)
q[i] = c_Rotation[i].transpose();
cout << "solvePnP q" << " i " << i <<" " <
//full BA
ceres::Problem problem;
ceres::LocalParameterization* local_parameterization = new ceres::QuaternionParameterization();
//cout << " begin full BA " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < frame_num; i++)
//double array for ceres
c_translation[i][0] = c_Translation[i].x();
c_translation[i][1] = c_Translation[i].y();
c_translation[i][2] = c_Translation[i].z();
c_rotation[i][0] = c_Quat[i].w();
c_rotation[i][1] = c_Quat[i].x();
c_rotation[i][2] = c_Quat[i].y();
c_rotation[i][3] = c_Quat[i].z();
problem.AddParameterBlock(c_rotation[i], 4, local_parameterization);
problem.AddParameterBlock(c_translation[i], 3);
if (i == l)
if (i == l || i == frame_num - 1)
for (int i = 0; i < feature_num; i++)
if (sfm_f[i].state != true)
for (int j = 0; j < int(sfm_f[i].observation.size()); j++)
int l = sfm_f[i].observation[j].first;
ceres::CostFunction* cost_function = ReprojectionError3D::Create(
problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, NULL, c_rotation[l], c_translation[l],
ceres::Solver::Options options;
options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR;
//options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
options.max_solver_time_in_seconds = 0.2;
ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary);
//std::cout << summary.BriefReport() << "\n";
if (summary.termination_type == ceres::CONVERGENCE || summary.final_cost < 5e-03)
//cout << "vision only BA converge" << endl;
//cout << "vision only BA not converge " << endl;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < frame_num; i++)
q[i].w() = c_rotation[i][0];
q[i].x() = c_rotation[i][1];
q[i].y() = c_rotation[i][2];
q[i].z() = c_rotation[i][3];
q[i] = q[i].inverse();
//cout << "final q" << " i " << i <<" " <
for (int i = 0; i < frame_num; i++)
T[i] = -1 * (q[i] * Vector3d(c_translation[i][0], c_translation[i][1], c_translation[i][2]));
//cout << "final t" << " i " << i <<" " << T[i](0) <<" "<< T[i](1) <<" "<< T[i](2) << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)sfm_f.size(); i++)
sfm_tracked_points[sfm_f[i].id] = Vector3d(sfm_f[i].position[0], sfm_f[i].position[1], sfm_f[i].position[2]);
return true;
// solve pnp for all frame
map<int, Vector3d>::iterator it;
map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator frame_it = all_image_frame.begin( );
for (int i = 0; frame_it != all_image_frame.end( ); frame_it++)
// provide initial guess
if((frame_it->first) == Headers[i].stamp.toSec())
frame_it->second.is_key_frame = true;
frame_it->second.R = Q[i].toRotationMatrix() * RIC[0].transpose();
frame_it->second.T = T[i];
if((frame_it->first) > Headers[i].stamp.toSec())
// 将滑窗内第i帧的变换矩阵当做初始值
Matrix3d R_inital = (Q[i].inverse()).toRotationMatrix();
Vector3d P_inital = - R_inital * T[i];
cv::Mat rvec, t, tmp_r;
cv::eigen2cv(R_inital, tmp_r);
cv::Rodrigues(tmp_r, rvec);
cv::eigen2cv(P_inital, t);
frame_it->second.is_key_frame = false;
vector<cv::Point3f> pts_3_vector;
vector<cv::Point2f> pts_2_vector;
for (auto &id_pts : frame_it->second.points)
int feature_id = id_pts.first;
for (auto &i_p : id_pts.second)
it = sfm_tracked_points.find(feature_id);
if(it != sfm_tracked_points.end())
Vector3d world_pts = it->second;
cv::Point3f pts_3(world_pts(0), world_pts(1), world_pts(2));
Vector2d img_pts = i_p.second.head<2>();
cv::Point2f pts_2(img_pts(0), img_pts(1));
if(pts_3_vector.size() < 6) {
cout << "pts_3_vector size " << pts_3_vector.size() << endl;
ROS_DEBUG("Not enough points for solve pnp !");
return false;
cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
cv::Mat D;
if (! cv::solvePnP(pts_3_vector, pts_2_vector, K, D, rvec, t, true)) {
ROS_DEBUG("solve pnp fail!");
return false;
// PnP求解出的位姿要取逆
MatrixXd R_pnp;
MatrixXd T_pnp;
cv::Mat r;
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, r);
MatrixXd tmp_R_pnp;
cv::cv2eigen(r, tmp_R_pnp);
R_pnp = tmp_R_pnp.transpose();
cv::cv2eigen(t, T_pnp);
T_pnp = R_pnp * (-T_pnp);
// 转换到IMU坐标系下
frame_it->second.R = R_pnp * RIC[0].transpose();
frame_it->second.T = T_pnp;
// 视觉与IMU对齐
if (visualInitialAlign())
return true;
ROS_INFO("misalign visual structure with IMU");
return false;
bool Estimator::visualInitialAlign()
bool Estimator::visualInitialAlign()
TicToc t_g;
VectorXd x;
//solve scale
// 要注意这个地方求解出的g是在C0坐标系下
bool result = VisualIMUAlignment(all_image_frame, Bgs, g, x);
if(!result) {
ROS_DEBUG("solve g failed!");
return false;
// change state
for (int i = 0; i <= frame_count; i++)
Matrix3d Ri = all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].R;
Vector3d Pi = all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].T;
Ps[i] = Pi;
Rs[i] = Ri;
all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].is_key_frame = true;
VectorXd dep = f_manager.getDepthVector();
for (int i = 0; i < dep.size(); i++)
dep[i] = -1;
//triangulat on cam pose , no tic
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
ric[0] = RIC[0];
f_manager.triangulate(Ps, &(TIC_TMP[0]), &(RIC[0]));
double s = (x.tail<1>())(0);
for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
pre_integrations[i]->repropagate(Vector3d::Zero(), Bgs[i]);
for (int i = frame_count; i >= 0; i--)
Ps[i] = s * Ps[i] - Rs[i] * TIC[0] - (s * Ps[0] - Rs[0] * TIC[0]);
int kv = -1;
map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator frame_i;
for (frame_i = all_image_frame.begin(); frame_i != all_image_frame.end(); frame_i++)
Vs[kv] = frame_i->second.R * x.segment<3>(kv * 3);
for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
it_per_id.used_num = it_per_id.feature_per_frame.size();
if (!(it_per_id.used_num >= 2 && it_per_id.start_frame < WINDOW_SIZE - 2))
it_per_id.estimated_depth *= s;
Matrix3d R0 = Utility::g2R(g);
double yaw = Utility::R2ypr(R0 * Rs[0]).x();
R0 = Utility::ypr2R(Eigen::Vector3d{-yaw, 0, 0}) * R0;
g = R0 * g;
//Matrix3d rot_diff = R0 * Rs[0].transpose();
Matrix3d rot_diff = R0;
for (int i = 0; i <= frame_count; i++)
Ps[i] = rot_diff * Ps[i];
Rs[i] = rot_diff * Rs[i];
Vs[i] = rot_diff * Vs[i];
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("g0 " << g.transpose());
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("my R0 " << Utility::R2ypr(Rs[0]).transpose());
return true;
VINS-Mono代码解读——视觉惯性联合初始化 initialStructure sfm