Last summer Peter was at his granny's in the country, when a wolf attacked sheep in the nearby forest. Now he fears to walk through the forest, to walk round the forest, even to get out of the house. He explains this not by the fear of the wolf, but by a strange, in his opinion, pattern of the forest that has n n n levels, where n n n is an even number.
In the local council you were given an area map, where the granny's house is marked by point H H H , parts of dense forest are marked grey (see the picture to understand better).
After a long time at home Peter decided to yield to his granny's persuasions and step out for a breath of fresh air. Being prudent, Peter plans the route beforehand. The route, that Peter considers the most suitable, has the following characteristics:
You should find the amount of such suitable oriented routes modulo 1000000009.
The example of the area map for n = 12 n=12 n=12 is given in the picture. Since the map has a regular structure, you can construct it for other n n n by analogy using the example.
给定一个有规律的金字塔形的图形,其中一部分三角形是黑色的(见图)。 要求统计所有从最顶端出发,沿着黑线走了一条闭合简单路径又回到最顶端,且没有任何黑色三角形在闭合简单路径内部的路径条数
为了叙述方便,我们不妨将第 2 i − 1 2i-1 2i−1和第 2 i 2i 2i层看作第 i i i层。
当我们只经过第一层时,顺时针和逆时针各有 5 5 5 种方法,即 10 10 10 种。
我们设 a n s \mathrm{ans} ans为从第一层某一个点下去,再从另外某个点上来的方案数。具体的,我们可以表示为以下路径:
对于前四种逆时针路径中,答案显然为 a n s \mathrm{ans} ans,加上顺时针的贡献,贡献为 8 × a n s \mathrm{8\times ans} 8×ans.对于最后一种路径中,逆时针的贡献为 a n s 2 \mathrm{ans^2} ans2.加上顺时针同样为 2 × a n s 2 \mathrm{2\times ans^2} 2×ans2。
则这些路径的总贡献为: 8 × a n s + 2 × a n s 2 + 10 \mathrm{8\times ans + 2\times ans^2 + 10} 8×ans+2×ans2+10
这样,我们就把问题转化为了如何求解计算 a n s \mathrm{ans} ans。
无论你是先从外面进从中间回来,还是从中间进去外面回来,总有一条路径面临着进入中间“凹糟”(不知道怎么形容) 的机会。考虑某一层的凹槽,发现第 i i i 层最多往里面走 i − 2 i-2 i−2 格。
如图,第四层最多完里面走 3 3 3格,并且我们标记了 3 3 3 个决策点。
因此,如果我们往里面前进了 i i i个格子,就有 2 × 2 i = 2 i + 1 2\times 2^i=2^{i+1} 2×2i=2i+1种方案。
那么我们经过了第 k k k层,就一共了 1 + ∑ i = 1 x − 2 2 i + 1 = 2 x − 3 1+\sum_{i=1}^{x-2} 2^{i+1}=2^x-3 1+i=1∑x−22i+1=2x−3
因此就得到了 a n s \mathrm{ans} ans的计算方式: a n s = ∑ i = 2 k [ 4 × ∑ j = 2 i ( 2 j − 3 ) ] \mathrm{ans}=\sum_{i=2}^{k} [4\times \sum_{j=2}^{i}(2^j-3)] ans=i=2∑k[4×j=2∑i(2j−3)]
#define int long long
using namespace std;
const int N = 3e6;
const int P = 1e9 + 9;
int n, ans(0);
int res[N], power[N];
signed main(void)
cin >> n; n >>= 1;
res[1] = power[0] = 1;
for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) power[i] = power[i-1] * 2 % P;
for (int i=2;i<=n;++i) res[i] = res[i-1] * (power[i] - 3) % P;
for (int i=2;i<=n;++i) ans = (ans + 4 * res[i]) % P;
int val = 10 + 8 * ans % P + 2 * ans * ans % P;
cout << val % P << endl;
return 0;