MFS02 E12

S02 E12

Honey, honey, look, look. She’s doing that thing with her jaw again.

poor kid. She put so much pressure on herself.

It’s an obsessive-compulsive thing. I have read like 100 articles about it. Where does she get it from?

Yeah, it’s —it’s a mystery.

I know.

Alex, honey, hi! Hi, hi, hi. Why don’t you take a break?

Mom, the test. Is tomorrow morning. I’m not taking any breaks.

Just a little--oh, okay.

She does that jaw thing every six seconds. It’s like the hippopotamus at the miniature-golf place.

Ohh, I’ve bounced so many balls off those big teeth.

It’s all about the timing!


So close!

Stop it, you idiot!

Hey, hey, Luke, go to your room.

Go on!

She’s got to eat. I did it out of love.


Jaw 下巴

Obsessive- compulsive  强迫性;强迫症状

hippopotamus 盒马

miniature 小型;miniature-golf place迷你高尔夫球场

Bounce off 反弹

Out of 从…里面(走出);离开;从…的状态中

 I did it out of love. 我处于爱才这么做

Look at her with the little harmonica.

I know, she’ s like a little Junior Junior Wells. Where did you buy it for her?

I thought u got it for her.

Oh, no, Cam. She must have grabbed it from that store.

Okay, honey… listen. Stealing is wrong. Now, we have to go back and pay for it.

Cam, it’s so far away.

No, I’m not going back there.


Oh, my god. Mitchell.

Uh, this is — this is Cameron, my partner… and, our daughter, Lily.

Oh, Cam, this is Tracy.

Oh. “Tracy” Tracy.


Oh, hi.

Tracy was my high-school girlfriend. yes, it’s true. I had girlfriends —  quite a few, actually.

I too, too my fair share of ladies to the hen house. Literally. I did take them to the hen house. That’s the only place you could get some privacy on a farm.


What were there —  what were these girl’s names?

Oh, well, there was Nellie Forbush. Betty Rizzo…


Doolittle. These are characters from musicals. You’re so guy, you can’t even think of real girl’s name.

Kim Mcafee—that’s a real one.

“Bye bye Birdie.”

Harmonica 口琴


Quite a few 相当多

My Fair Lady窈窕淑女

hen house鸡窝;鸡笼;鸡舍 hen母鸡;雌禽

What’s new?

I got married last year.

That’s great. How long are you in town for?

Just a couple of days. We’re staying at my folks’.

Oh, I want to hear all about Mitchell from high school. Did he have a beard?

Uh, you’re looking at her. Of course I didn’t know it back then.

But we should— we should all hang out.

Uh… no. well, take care.

Okay, bye.

Thumpers thump-thump. Look at frosty go!

That was weird.

Well, don’t worry about it. It’s high school, honey.

Well, actually…


At our 10-year reunion, we got a little drunk, started reminiscing, one thing led to another…

You went back.

I think I just wanted to see if I could, turns out I could.

Where did this happen?

Um, in the nurse’s office. I can still hear the crinkling of the paper. After that, I didn’t return any of her phone calls, and I haven’t seen her since.

You naughty little girl.

Well, you know, that’s what happens when you give me Kahlua.

Folks (尤指)爹妈

Of course I didn’t know it back then. 当然那时候我不知道

Hang out晾晒(洗好的衣物);闲逛;逗留

We should all hang out 一起出来聚聚


Thump 重击;狠打;(尤指用拳)捶击;(使)撞击,嘭地发出 闷响;强有力地跳动;怦怦地跳


reunion 重聚联欢会

reminiscing(reminisce) 回忆,追忆,缅怀(昔日的快乐时光)

One thing led to another 顺理成章;自然而然; 不知不觉 

nurse’s office. 这里校医办公室?

Crinkling (尤指皮肤、布料或纸张)变皱,起皱纹

I haven’t seen her since. 我再没见过她

kahlua 甘露咖啡力娇酒;咖啡酒

Jay, guess, who called. The Haffmans.


That’s right. The ones from the hotel bar in Cabo. They’re in town for the night. They want to go to dinner.

Oh, hell. The boring guy and the  loudmouth?

I know. Was so excited that they called.

I don’t want to see them.

I know! So much fun!

You’re with them right now, aren’t you?

Yes! Ha ha. And they can’t wait to see u, too.

Okay, pencils down. You’re taking a break.

No, I can’t afford to take a break. Sanjay Patel’s not taking a break.

Well, obviously, Sanjay’s parents don’t care about him.  Or “her”.

What is that—“Sanjay”?

Sanjay’s the only one in class who might do better than me, and I cannot let that happen.

Honey. Listen to yourself. It’s just not healthy.

This is my fault. You see me achieve excellence, and it puts a lot of pressure on u.

what about me?

Sorry. Yeah.

I puts a lot of pressure on both of u.

Thanks, Phil.  Okay, come on. Let’s go have some fun!


Let’s go!

Doesn’t this feel good, sweetheart?

It’s fun, right?

Afford to 负担得起;

achieve excellence 取得成绩,如此优异

Honestly, I think you’re overly worried about Lily. it’s not like she’s gonna grow up to be a thief.

And besides, at the end of the day, who does she learn her behavior from?

us. We’re her role models. Like mama always said, our children are just miniature versions of us.

Come on.


overly 过于

And beside除此之外

at the end of the day最终

miniature versions of us 我们的缩影版,我们的迷你版

Oh, come on, Jay. Give me one smile. I know u want to.

Isn’t that fun, Jay?

Oh, this has been so much fun! 

U know, I’m surprised to hear you say that,  you’ve been pretty quiet. 

That’s because I’m a listener. I love to listen. It’s my hobby. Listening is your hobby?


U guys have got to come out and visit us. Seriously. We’re not taking no for an answer.

Oh, we would love to.

Okay, let’s slow down. You’re nice people, we’re nice people. But let’s be honest— we’ve all tried to do that thing where we force a friendship that isn’t rely there. So why don’t we just can it a day right now, and say goodbye, shake hands, wish each other well?

Oh, my god.

This is so uncomfortable.

No, no, but the beauty of it is we’re never gonna see each other again, so there’s no reason to be uncomfortable.

They’re staying with us tonight. Their bags are in our house.

Oh, then u were right. This is uncomfortable.

We’re not taking no for an answer.我们可不接受 "不 "的回答哦。

Call it a day 到此为止;结束

Do u like it? The recipe called for a cup of water, but I used milk instead to make the sauce creamier.

Cam, I need to tell u something.

You hate it.


No. You’re right. I shouldn’t try anything new ever. 

Stop it. I’m trying to talk to u. Okay, today, when we were leaving the mall. I saw Tracy by the fountain—

Please, don’t tell me u slept with her again, did you? You didn’t. Right?

you’re joking


Okay, um… I don’t know how to say this, or— or if I’m even right, I’m probably not. But, um, she was with a redheaded boy about 8 years old, which is the same number of years since we…


And she said she’d only been married a year, and it would explain why she was so awkward with me, and— I know. I know. It’s crazy. But, cam, I need to find out if he’s mine.  Are u okay?

Yeah, yeah, well, u don’t just tell your partner u may have a baby with someone else and expect him go back to eating a delicious and inventive meal like it’s nothing.

Okay, Cam, but even if he is mine. It doesn’t change anything between us.

Mitchell, I need to have need my reaction.

Call for需要



Find out 查明 搞清楚

Jay, they order a cab. Are u happy now?

I’ll be happy when I hear a trunk close.

Hey, mom. You want a drink of water.

No, paper. Not right now.

You sure? You look thirsty.

What’s with you and the water today?

It’s a dribble cup. You can’t drink from it without spilling. I think it’s going to make me very popular.

Ay, pape, why do u need these things to make u popular? First the walking stick, then the business cards. 

Are they gone yet?

Why did u talk to them like that?

What? I was just being honest. They’re boring as hell! 

Quiet! They can hear u!

Oh, he probably already heard me. His hobby is listening.

Jay, you don’t treat people like that.

What? I should do what u do? Pretend to like some one u don’t.

I’m doing it right now.

Can I tell u something, Gloria? When u reach a certain age, I want to spend what precious little time u have left with people u actually like, not some bozos who glommed onto u.

Tell me about it. 

I’ve got a clingy fifth grader I can’t shake.

See, even Manny knows.

I got your back, jay. Thirsty?支持你

Manny, go to sleep.

Can we just please forget about this now? 

And the worst thing is that you sold me out without warning, and made me look like a fool. Husband and wife are supposed to help each other, not throw each other under the bus. I would never do that to u!

Gloria—Gloria, wait!  Could u get my book for me? I left it downstairs.

cab 出租车

Dibble 滴下; dribble cup滴水杯

Spilling 溢出



Tell me about it. = I totally agree with u= u can say that again 我深有同感


There u are. Our cab is here.

I am so sorry.

Not your fault. Well, goodbye.

Ay, wait. U left this.

Oh, no, that’s …for u. In Cabo, u mentioned u were a fan of Concordia García Márquezso, so we tracked him down and got him to sign a copy of “One Hundred Years of Solitude” for u.

That’s amazing.


No, no. don’t go. I really want u to spend the night here.

Jay clearly doesn’t.

Jay doesn’t know what her wants. I don’t like to tell this to people, but, uh… jay’s mind is … going away. 脑袋不好使

Oh, my god.


He’s so old, some nights it’s like… he’s not even here. 神智不清

Gloria, honey.

That’s it. We’re not going anywhere. Come on.

Track down 追踪到;追查到;搜寻到


You never came to bed.

I fell asleep in the den.

Cam, we need to talk about—

Mitchell, wait. Listen. I was up all night, thinking about it. And here’s the thing. If u would have told me 10 years ago that I would be living with someone and raising a beautiful baby girl, I would have said you were crazy. But here we are. And u and lily are the best things that ever happened to me. So if you’re telling me there’s another kid. How can that be anything but good?

Oh, Cam, that’s — that means so—

No, it’s okay.

No, I need to have my reaction.

We’re gonna be okay. So what do we do now? 

I don’t know. I guess I’m gonna have to—I’m gonna have to call Tracy and tell her that we need to talk.

Okay, are u nervous?

I’m terrified. Yes, I mean, what’s kid gonna think of me? I’ve been absent for the first eight years of his life. I mean, how do u make up for time like that when—

Okay, slow down. You ‘re spinning out. It’s probably just a false alarm.

No, you’re right. This could be my “going bald” scare all over again.

Yeah, and we know how that turned out.

Den 休息室;书房

Make up for 弥补,补偿(令人不快的遭遇或损失)

You ‘re spinning out. 失控(本意指驾车时失控,打转)

spin out 失控

spin sth out 拖时间

Spin out sth详细阐述故事和想法

False alarm 假警报;虚惊


Honey. What would happen if the greatest scientists on earth got together to mate nature’s two most violent predators.

Are we talking about “Croctopus” in 3D?

At 2 10.(two ten 2张10元)

Book it!

Claire and I share a true love of cheesy cinema. Our favorite categories include genetically engineered animals gone wrong…

Old and young people switching bodies.

Tough guys taking care of babies.

Any sequel three and higher. 以上续集的任何一部

Oh, yeah. Usually get a new cast around five— that’s where the magic really happens.

Hey, honey, how’d your test go?

Second highest in the class.

Well, that’s great.

It’s not. Sanjay Patel edged me out by 12 points. 比我高12分

Oh, honey, who cares what she did?

It’s a he! Sanjay is a very common Indian boy’s name. There are like millions of them.

Sweetheart, it’s still a great score. I hope u’re not beating yourself up.

I’m not. 

That’s our girl.

Sanjay’s dad’s a surgeon. His mom’s a professor. I can’t compete with that. I’ll just have to do the best I can with what I was given.

Good for u.

We’re proud of u, honey.

She’s such a good kid.

Yeah, she is. did she just say she was gonna do the best with what she was given?

I don’t know. I was still thinking about all the sanjays. I don’t know any, but I know three Miltons.

She’s saying we’re stupid!

Well, she’s wrong.

Is she? Honey, look at how long it just took us to figure out that she’s insulting us. Are we holding our kids back?

no. We’re both bright people. We’re college graduates. We read. I’d go so far as to say we’re as intellectual and sophisticated as—sweet! “Croctopus” tickets confirmed.

to mate 配对


Cheesy 劣质的;粗俗的;庸俗的;


genetically engineered animals转基因

Go wrong 失控;(情况)出岔子,出差错

Sequel 续集=Feature film专题电影 

Edge out险胜;勉强击败

Beat up (因为…而)自责

Hold back (使)退缩; 阻挡; 阻止; 拖后腿

Go so far as to至若;竟至;竟然;至于

Intellectual 有才智的


Oh, I just think that we should offer to take Manny.

Maybe for a weekend. Something.

Hey, guys.

Hey, Manny.

Where are u going? Got a golf lesson. My swing’s a mess. Manny’s coming with Me.

No, you can’t go downstairs now.  You’ll run into the Hoffmans.

Actually, I want to talk to them. Because I’ve been thinking about what u said last night, and I’m sorry if I embarrassed u. You’re right. You never would have done that to me.

I forgive u!

So I’ll say goodbye.

No, Jay. Don’t do that. First they think u like them. Then they think u don’t like them. Don’t confuse them.

I want to do this for u.

Jay, wait! It’s okay. Ay, jay, wait.

So, hey, how — how are u handling things, you know, with Jay?

What do u mean?

Honey, your mom told us that Jay’s, you know, a little off his game.

A little? It’s hard to watch.不堪入目

It must be so frustrating for him.

Well, he does swear a lot. You know, the worst is when he goes off into the woods. Oh, and when he drives— oh, my god. Look out. I’m surprised he hasn’t killed anybody yet!

他经常骂人。 你懂的,当他把球打进树丛的时候。 哦,还有他开车的时候——简直了,得当心。我真意外他竟然还没撞死过谁。(此处是高尔夫球场上的场景)

I’m so glad you guys are still here, I just want to say… sorry for last night.

It’s okay, we understand.

You see? Problem is solved. Now go, u’re going to be late.

There’s nothing wrong with u guys, you know, it’s—it’s me.

We know, we went through the same thing with Steph’s father.

Bow I’m confused. I’m Steph.

Uh, here, Jay. I poured u a glass of orange juice.

Thanks, kid. What the hell? What’s wrong with me?!

It’s always funny.

Jay, go change. I’ll be there in one second.

Maybe we should get going.

Well, at least let me drive u to the airport.

No, no. we’ll call a cab.


Run into遇到(问题、困难等)

Off one’s game状态不好

Go through the same thing 经历过同样的事

Pour 倒

Get going (尤指耽搁后)开始做,出发

Honey, do u want popcorn or anything?

No, I’m good…

’N’ plenty. So hold your water, ‘cause I’ve got some “Twix”up my sleeve.

You may be cool, but I’m… wine cooler.

I love us. Thank u.

Well, hello, Dunphy!

Who is that?

It’s the Patels, Sanjay’s parents. Hey. Hey, how are u? I heard Sanjay did so well on his test today.

Oh, yes, we’re very proud of him.


Are u here to see “Deux jour de la vie”?

Well, we’re not here to see “Croctopus”!

Forgive Viish if you hear him groan. He gets annoyed if the subtitles are mistranslated.

well, that makes “Deux”of us.

I guess we’ll… see u in there.

All right. See u in there!

Phil, where are u going?


Honey. Honey! I think we should go see this movie. Why do I have to watch a French movie? I didn’t do anything wrong. Well, maybe Alex has a point. How can we encourage our kids to have intellectual curiosity when we don’t have any?

I don’t know.

It’s two hours of our life.


For our kids.

Sometimes I hate the kids.

I know.

I’m so confused.

I’m not. I love this.

U do not. Name one thing  you’ve liked about this.

I liked the scene with the old man on the beach.

That was a trailer for a different movie.

So he’s not coming back?

No, he’s not coming back, and I’m not coming back, either!

Some of us are trying to enjoy this film.

While Claire watched one of the most highly acclaimed films of the year, I sat through a baldy made schlockfest with absolutely no redeeming value. And it was awesome.

Oh, my god. It feels like I have ink on me!


Oh, my god.

I fall asleep. I missed it.

Yeah, it’s go home.

I can’t believe I fell asleep and u left. Alex is right — we’re idiots. Claire, stop it. Look, our kid got the second-best grade in the class. Dumb parents don’t make kids that smart. She got the best of both of us. Kind of like if you combined the jaw strength of a crocodile and the ink-spraying capabilities of an octopus. You’d end up with something unstoppable.

But they did stop him in the end, didn’t they?

“Her”. And she laid eggs.




Have a point 有道理

Intellectual curiosity 求知欲;好奇心;求知的好奇心

the scene with 与.. 有关的场景


Highly acclaimed films of the year 年度最佳口碑电影

schlockfest 廉价低质的电影 


no redeeming value毫无价值毫无意义

Combine 结合

crocodile 鳄鱼


Unstoppable 不可阻挡的

Check out Einstein over there.

Well, that’s just sad.

Hey, Wish. U just do this. 

Thank u. So did u enjoy the film?

Not in the least.

I actually found it quite two-dimensional. Well, lovely to see u.

Good to see u, too.

All right, bye.

After you , doctor.

After you , professor.

Not in the least.一点也不

in the least 毫不,丝毫;绝

Two-dimensional 平面的;无深度的;二度空间的;二维的

Mitchell, cam, come on in.

Um, so … we-we need to talk.

About what?

Did u mind if we sit down?


Um, Tracy, I have something to say, and I’m afraid that if I just don’t say it at once, I’m never gonna say it. So…

This takes me back to prom night. Again… sorry about that. Anyway, uh, I saw you yesterday across the mell after we spoke and couldn’t help but notice that u weren’t alone.  Uh, you were with… I don’t know even how to put this.

His name…is Bobby.

Such a lovely name.


Is he…

Yes, Mitchell. He is. oh, my god. okay. Why didn’t u tell me?

Mitchell, you and I don’t have a relationship anymore. I called u after our little… visit to the nurse’s room. You never returned any of my calls.

I was freaked out, Tracy, and I—

Hey, let’s not rehash the past… but rather, focus on the future.

Yes, yes. Cam and I, um want to know if u’re open to us getting to know Bobby. I don’t think that’s a very good idea.

Okay, I understand. No, it might be little awkward at first, but I think after some time… we brought him a present.

For Bobby?

Please, we just— we really just want to meet him.



Bobby? Could u come out here?

Hey, honey. What’s up? I wanted to introduce u to Mitchell and Cameron. This is my husband.

Hey. How ya doin’?

Hey, what’s up, dude?

So, uh, how do you know Tracy?

Mitchell took me to the prom.

The prom.

Oh, a redhead. You really have a type, don’t you? 

They got u a present?

Oh… it’s not…

You don’t need to..

I wouldn’t even—

You don’t..

“Li’l slugger”?

I’m just gonna go and Let u two catch up.


Prom 正式舞会


let’s not rehash the past 抛开过去

Slugger重炮手;强击;斯拉格;猛击者;强打者“Li’l slugger”美国儿童棒球用品品牌

Catch up了解近况;叙旧

I never realized that you ever had sex with a girl.

I kind of got around back then, actually.

More than one?


Well, there was Tracy. Who else?

Uh, Betty Rizzo.

Don’t remember her.

Eliza Doolittle? Nellie Forbush?

These were classmates?

Well, some were older. Some were younger. Uh, Liesel and Gratel Von Trapp. Sisters, obviously—too far?

I’m not an idiot. You played that record night and day.  Why would u tell e a thing like that?

I just…


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