MFS02 E04

S02 E04

Oh my God, that’s so freaking funny.

I know,right?

What? Dad just wrote  another classic one. Tell her.

I don’t know about “Classic,” but here we go. If you ‘re looking for a two story house. I’m your man, I’ll tell you one story before you buy it, and another story after.

No ,you didn’t.

tognight is the S.C.A.R.B..

The Southern California Annual Realtor’s Banquet.

I think they know what it is. it’s the mother of all residential-real-estate banquets.

Now, for the last five years, Gil Thorpe has hosted, but as luck would have it, he’s having a sketchy-looking polyp remove. so they’ve asked me to …”Phil in.”

See what I did?


Phil, You think I should open with that?

You betcha. You should.

Phil is gonna bomb.  It’ s not that he’s not fun. He is so fun. He’s just not funny. It’s probably my fault. Because I laugh at all of his jokes. With my mouth not with my eyes.

I see the great realtor Margaret Wilson is here, looking more curvaceous than ever, talk about your balloon payment.

so freaking funny 笑死我了 freaking 加强语气

a two story house双层小楼 买两层小楼,买有两个故事的小

Annual 一年一次 年度

Realtor 房地产经纪

residential-real-estate banquets 住宅地产类宴会的鼻祖

residential real-estate 住宅类房地产

banquets 宴会

mother of all 最大的 …鼻祖

but as luck would have it但幸运的是 凑巧的是

sketchy 粗略的

sketchy-looking; sketchy本来是粗略的 打草稿 但是形容息肉可以理解为很难看的a sketchy-looking polyp remove 一个难看息肉的切除手术

Phil in这里=fill in 指替换替补

See what I did? 你听出笑点没,看到我做了什么没

betcha 打赌  you betecha当然啦

bomb=fail 失败 Phil is gonna bomb. 颜面扫地

He is so fun.自娱自乐

With my mouth not with my eyes皮笑肉不笑

curvaceous 有曲线美

balloon paymen 期末整付;瓢浮式付款;分期付款中最后一笔较大金额的付款;;


Gloria, do we have to keep this Colombia/Brazil soccer game.

Yes, I haven’t seen it yet. It’s been sitting in there for five months.  I mean, I can tell you who wins. An d what about this two-hour “Antiques roadshow?”

i'll watch it today.

Fine. I’m gonna play some golf.

No. What about Mirabel’s daughters Quinceanera?

I honestly didn’t get any of that.


Mirabel. She works for you, Her daughter, Rosalba, is celebrating her Quinceanera her 15th birthday. She incited us. You just going to ignore it.

Of course not. I get this all the time. I throw it on my secretary’s desk. And she sends them a Omaha steak.

Ay, Jay.


Manny’s right. The Quinceanera is very important in the Latin Culture. The moment the father dances with his little princess. Ay, I remember my own father holding my hand. There wasn’t a dry eye in the cartel.在场无不泪流满面

But these people don’t want me there. See, they’re just being polite. I’m the boss.

That’’s what you tell yourself so you can stay ahove them. You just throw them an “Obama” steak and run to the golf course.

I’m not trying to stay above them. I just don’t think I have to go all “arriba, arriba”with them.

Because you’re better than them?

No, of course not. I mean, I’m better than some of them.

Do you even know these people, Jay, hmm? Or they’re just the backs you step on?

I know you like to make me out as an elitist, but the truth is, I’m close with these people. Then prove it, just go to the party.

Fine, one hour,you drive, ‘cause I don’t want to give my valet ticket to the wrong guy have you all over me. 


Where do you keep popping out from?!

Colombia/Brazil=Colombia with Brazil

Antiques roadshow 古董路演


the backs you step on 垫脚石    back背 踩着比尔呢到背爬上去

elitist 精英阶层

valet ticke 代客泊车卡

all over me 唠叨我;烦我

keep popping out from不断从身边冒出来

Stay above凌驾于某人之上

close with these people 亲民

so,Cam has started working out again. Which is it’s great. He’s feeling good about himself, and I want to be healthy. So it’s all good. Except  for one thing.

Knock, knock. Look who’s there.

Maybe there’s a person in this world who looks good in bike shorts. But my boyfriend is not that person.and I can’t tell him because he gets incredibly sensitive about even the tiniest comment concerning his physique.

hey, I think I’m gonna take this spin class tomorrow morning.

oh, sure.

Oh, i get it. Message received.

I didn’t’t say anything!

Bike short 骑行短裤

gets incredibly sensitive about 极度敏感 敏感异常

tiniest comment 不经意的一句话/评价

concerning his physique 涉及他的体格

spin class  动感单车课

Okay, can’t you just run like a normal person?

What?  It’s a troga.

it’s what?

You never heard of troga? 

I hate it when  you do that.


You’ve never heard of troga? You never tried octopus? You never did this amazing thing? I’ve just discovered yesterday, but I pretend like I’ve done my whole life?

So, troga is treadmill yoga. It’s de rigueur. 这是社交之中必备的哦(?)

it’s de-dorky. 蠢蛋社交必备

what is your deal today? 你今天吃错药了?

I’m sorry. Phil is hosting that thing tonight, and he’s been writing jokes.

ooh, yikes. 哎呀

I know. And I’m worried he’s gonna humiliateself in front of all those important people.i can’t say anything because-

No,no, I get it. I get it. I get it. Because it would hurt him even more coming from you. You know, I’m kind of going through something similar with Cam right now.


He’s started exercising again.

Well, that’s good for him.

Yeah, he’s wearing bike shorts.

That’s bad for you.

And I’m the last person who can say anything, because he’s… okay, wait. No, no. all right. You know the movie  “Strangers on a train”?

Hm, I never saw it.

You’ve never seen “strangers on a ..” i’m sorry. Great film. But it’s these guys who both discover that they want someone out of their lives. So one of the guys proposes the perfect crime. Then will do each other’s murders. We should do that.

All right. so I would tell Cam to lose the bike shorts?

Keeping me out of it. And I tell Phil to lose the jokes.

I like it. I’m in.

All right.

I am in.

trago 跑步瑜伽


octopus 章鱼

de 关于 属于

Dorky 傻瓜

humiliateself 自惭形秽

I’m the last person who can say 我是最不能说这话的人

Strangers on a train火车怪客


Lose丢了 别穿

Keeping me out of it. 与我无关

Hey, Mackenzie. Stop it. It’s Alex. Hey, so I was thinking later we’d— oh, no. whatever you want. Call me later! Or I’ll call you later, or—

So , who’s Mackenzie?

You don’t know her.

Oh, I know Mackenzie. Cute. Popular. I am Mackenzie. I invented Mackenzie. And the way she’s making my sister run around… it's kind of funny, but… I can’t have it, it’s bad for the family.

What are you doing? I was about to call—

Mackenzie? Yeah, I know. Now shut up and let me help you. The world is divided into two groups— cool girls and girls like you. and you  have been given a rare opportunity to move from the former to the latter.

The latter to the former.

Whatever. Oh, my god. You’re such a geek. Now, do you want to be smart, or do you want to be  popular? I think I want to be popular.

Of course you do.

You just can’t be so obvious about it.

You’ve given Mackenzie way too much power, and you need to take some power back.

it’s her.

Here’s what you’re gonna say—“ hey, Mackenzie. I’m busy. Call me back later.” Then you hang up.

No way.

Then you’re not getting the phone back.

Just give it to me.

"Hey, Mackenzie. I’m busy. Call me back later.”then you hang up.

I can’t.

Do it.

Okay! Damn you.

Hey, Mackenzie. I’m busy. Call me back later. That was hard.

If it was easy, everyone would be popular.

Knock knock!

Come on in! It’s open!

I just wanted to drop off these old baby clothes for lily.

Oh, that’s right. You’re so sweet. I hope I didn’t come at a bad time. 

Not at all.  I was just deciding where to take Lily for our bike ride— the lake or the park. I’m leaning towards the park.

I can see that.

I invented Macknzie.我曾经就是M 我是她的鼻祖

make sb run around 耍的团团转

I can’t have it我受不了

I was about to call我正要打电话

you  have been given a rare opportunity 你恰逢千载难逢的机会

Geek 极客 怪咖


I hope I didn’t come at a bad time我希望我来的别不是时候

lean toward 倾向于

You didn’t have to do that. You guys are a touch old class.

Well, it is a big night for you, so

French. 法国红酒

Those guys.

So, have you given any thought to what you might say? 

Oh, actually. I’m trying not to think about my act right now. I’m kind of fighting the old butterflies, to be honest.

That’s normal.

I hear The Jonas Brothers get scared before every concert.

Not Kevin? The guy’s a rock.

Especially Kevin.

I’m kind of fighting the old butterflies 我内心有点挣扎

concert 音乐会 这里就是指演出前

Rock 这指很厉害 牛叉

Oh, can’t believe I ever bought this for Alex. I wish somebody had said something.

Oh, come on. That was probably cute 10 years ago.

No,no. It never was. And you know— I’m the exact same way about my clothes. Most of the time, great. But every now and again, there’s one outfit. I just wish smoebody would be honest with me and say.”what you’re wearing is inappropriate.” Do you know what I mean?

I think I do,Claire. I think I do. and my answer is yes.


I would love to dress you,

No. It— I don’t want you to dress me.

No, and I owe it to you to be honest, so I’m just gonna say that you need to lose the bicycle shorts.

excuse me?

They’re not working for you, Cam. Please don’t take this personally. I mean, nobody looks good in bike shorts, I just — I feel that I owe it to you to be honest. So, we’re good, right?

We’re great.

We’re great. You should probably just show yourself out. I hear— I hear some crying down the hallway.

Look at that. That’s a good dad. Because you’ve got a baby and you hear every little sound. I wouldn’t have—  I wouldn’t have even noticed… crying.

Uh,okay. All right. All you need to know about this one is that Skip Woosnum is a well-known realtor and he’s old.

Got it.

Skip woosnum. Realtor. old. Here we go. I’m not saying realtor Skip Woosnum is old, but the first property he ever sold… was a cave. 

you’re not, uh… not laughing.

Why  aren’t you laughing, uncle Mitchell?

‘ Cause he doesn’t think it’s funny. Or maybe—maybe you don’t think I’m funny.

I just got it. Oh

That one’s kind of a thinker.(需要点脑力)


I’m kind of fighting the old butterflies, to be honest.

I hear The Jonas Brothers get scared before every concert.

every now and again 间或 时不时

inappropriate 不合适

Owe 应该给予

you should probably just show yourself out 你走的时候我就不送了

cave 洞穴

There he is. all right, now.

Knock it off,Jay. You don’t know anyone’s name here.

Are you kidding me? Carlos!

Lucky guess.

I’m lucky only one turned around. (还好只有一个人回头-意思是他喊了一个常见的名字碰运气)

Listen—I need a favor. I overestimated the number of people I know at this party. So you go around, introduce yourself, and I’ll hear the names.

You realize you’re asking me to help prove my own mother wrong.

I’ll pay two bucks per introduction. 每介绍一次我付两美金

All right, well. That’s Ramona.

She’s crazy for bingo.


What’s going on next door?

It’s a Quinceanera.

Another Quinceanera?

This is not a Quinceanera. This is an engagement party. Look.

stoping being such a snob.

Come over and meet my friend Julio and his wife— uh,’m sorry. Your name again?


I think you’re really gonna hit it off with Kay!

Knock it off少来了 别闹了

Lucky guess 运气不错


bingo 醉酒

engagement 订婚

stoping being such a snob snob本来是势利眼的人,这里就是别这么清高,别不跟大家一起玩

hit it off with与某人关系融洽

I mean, she’s gonna tell me how to dress?! She ought to stick to things she knows more about. Like overcooking salmon.她该干她擅长的。

So, she actually said that you don’t look good in bicycle shorts?


you don’t look good in bicycle shorts.


Oh, and here she is.

Okay, you know what? I can’t be here. I’m going out for some air. 

Yes. Yes, go. This —this could get ugly. hello, Claire.

You are a gutless weasel.

Oh,yeah, no. I heard what you said to my boyfriend. You told Phil he was hysterical! You said he was the generation’s Richard Pryor!

Well, I am not the one that you need to apologize to. 

What are you babbling about? You owe me a murder. 

Okay,Claire, I c— I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t crush Phil’s dreams.

We had a deal, I told Cam about the bike shorts.

No! No! The deal was to get Cam to take off the bike shorts. But guess what— he is still in stupid bike shorts. Can I call you back? Turns out Cam was here the whole time, and he just heard everything I said.

Ooh. Did he just run into the bedroom and cry?

Oh, yes, ’cause that’s what all gay men do. We all dissolve into—你认为所有基佬都这样?

Yes,that Is what he did.

There are challenging moments in every marriage. Um… having to tell your husband that he’s not funny so that he won’t humiliate himself. has to be one of the toughest. so I went a different way.

overcooking  将… 煮过头

Salmon 三文鱼


get ugly 变得令人不愉快,可能吵起来的意思

gutless weasel 没用的家伙 胆小如鼠 gutless 怯懦的;weasel 鼬

hysterical 及其可笑

generation 新一代

What are you babbling about? 你胡说什么 你啰嗦啥 自说自话什么

Crush dreams 打破梦想

Turn out原来

Dissolve into 禁不住( 哭起来或笑起来),如此软弱。

humiliate 羞辱

Stop talking. I just need some time for this wound to become a scar. I’m sorry I got Claire incolved, but— and this is not a criticism, but sometimes you can be a little sensitive about your… appearance.

Well, this is a criticism— sometimes you cane insenstive about everything. 

I just can’t— I just feel like our  relationship’s strong enough to survive a little candor.

I mean, look, you could tell me if there’ something about me you’d like to change.

I hate your beard.  Well,you had that bullet in the chamber.

I never said anything because I never wanted to hurt you. But I’ve always found you beard off-putting.

See? Hurts.

Mitchell? Mitchell, get back here.

What are you doing?

I’m shaving off the beard.


Yeah, well, the man I love doesn’t like it, so off it goes.



Great. Okay. One. Two. Three.

Wait. The fact that you’re willing to do it is enough for me. I love your beard. I love that when you drink cappuccino you get foam in it, and when you’re nervous, your little… hairs twitch.

well, you couldn’t have told me before took a notch out?

I’m sorry. I—I— listen. I know… I can be touchy about… this. But you’re this amazing-look guy, and—

I am not amazing-

Really? I wouldn’t change anything.

You should know that every day, I wake up very grateful to have you in my life, I’m the one who got lucky, handsome. Maybe I just don’t show it enough.

Well, you can make it up to me by doing my shoulders.


I meant a massage. What are you saying?

Oh, Mitchell. Mitchell.

criticism 批评

appearance 外表

our relationship’s strong enough to survive a little candor我们之间的感情经得起一点坦诚的考验

candor 坦率

You had that bullet in the chamber 你还有这么一手;bullet子弹 chamber 弹膛

Off-putting 令人烦恼的;令人讨厌的=annoying

foam 泡沫 这里指奶油

twitch 颤动 抖

notch 缺口 take down a notch表示降低一个等级, 低调一点

Take out去除;除掉;取得,获得


It’s Mackenzie, again.

She wants me to come to this party she’s throwing. She texted me earlier.

You texted her back, right?

No. I’m …proud? Tell her you’ll try and come. And then when she says—

Haley… I got this. Hey. Who’s this? Brilliant. No, I didn’t se it. I get a lot of texts. 

I have a sister.

When’s the party? I’ll trying come. You know. I’m kind of busy. I have a life. You know, stuff. Homework. I mean, not homework. It’s not work If you love it.

Oh,god. Hang up. Hang up.

Um, I have to go. I’ll call you later. Or you call me later. Love you!

Shut up!

Not you. Mackenzie.

Drop the phone and kick it over here!

to throw a party 举办派对 

Thry were right in here!

I know, and we looked everywhere, honey. So just calm down.

Are you kidding me? Calm down? In one minuter, I’m gonna be standing up there like… like a … god. I have no material at all.

Okay, you’re gonna be fine. You don’t meed jokes. Listen to me, honey. get up there, be your charming self. Make the introductions from your head, and get out. You’re gonna be amazing,okay.

good evening. I would not be here tonight if not for the hard work of the S.C.A.R.B. Board of trustees…

I didn’t have my jokes. What choice does a guy have but to play it straight?… the support of my family, and Gil Thorpe’s colon.

But Phil Dunphy is no straight guy. So many giants of residential real estate here tonight. And, of course,J.J. McCubbin. I’m not saying J.J.  is small, but in the realty section, he was described as “Charming.” Mark Simon, you out there? There’s Mark. How are you buddy? Marks recently moved into a new model, how are you, Francine? I kid, Mark Simon. You  know that.


Board of trustees 经纪人董事会

play it straight真诚 直来直去

Colon 结肠

J.J. McCubbin. 小小麦克宾 对称房地产巨头

moved into a new model住进新的样板房 model 双关语 指他和模特好上了


Trancito, Little Manuel, and Carlos, my wife, Gloria.

We have to talk.

Un momento.(西班牙语 失陪一下)you know, I can’t believe you never met them.

You’ve never met any of there people. You don’t know anyone in this room. Vamos, Jay.

I’m not leaving before the father/daughter dance. And “These people,” as you call them, are not just employees, they’re mi familia, or “My Family.”

I know what “mi familia” is , Jay.

Oh, i was afraid of this.

At this time, I would like to bring the future groom to the dance floor.


Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. I’m gonna make this brief. I know a lot of you out there don’t even know who am I. As my lovely wife,Gloria, pointed out. That’s my fault, not yours. I’m Jay Pritchett. EI jefe. Listen— on this very, very happy occasion, I’d like to pick up the tab on the bar. You know, when I started this company… the first thing that I —oh, right, now Good, yeah. This is not about me. This is about a very special young lady. And the man who loves her more than anyone else on earth. Isn’t lovely? Taht’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Of when I used to dance with my little girl, but not like that. Slow down, there,muchacho. No,no,no,no,no. What, are you applauding this? you’re applauding this? I don’t care what kind of tradition this is.  this is gonna stop. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. No! What? Am I the only one seeing this?

future groom 准新郎

make brief 简单说几句

Out there到场的

Pick up the tab(替一群人)付账,承担费用

Muchacho革命之路;男仆 帅小伙

applauding 鼓掌

I mean, honey, I am not kidding when I tell you. There was a woman next to me gasping for a breath.

Seriously, you were so freaking funny, Phil. I have seen professional comedians. Who could never have done that. You were unbelievable—

I know it was you, Claire. You stole my index cards.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.  I thought I was protecting you. And if my plan had been successful, I would have robbed you of the greatest night ever. I’m sorry. I’m awful.

You’re not awful.

Claire, I love that you’re looking out for me. And know why you worry about me. But I know I had this tonight.

I know. Sometimes I just think my job is to make sure you guys don’t fall on your face.

That’s a hard job in the Dunphy house.

I know.

Maybe your real jo is to be the person who picks us back up, nobody does that better than you,

Thank you.

Alex. I have no friends.

You’re on the clock.

What happened?

we fall a lot.我们丢脸是常事

gasp for breath喘不过气 这指笑岔气

index cards 索引卡

Look out for 关心照顾

Make sure sb don’t fall on one’s face防止某人栽跟头 fall on face 栽跟头

You’re on the clock.该你出马了

Oh, my gosh, mom. You’re just killing me. 

It’s pretty good, right?

Pretty good? You could be, like, in Vegas.


What’s going on there?

Mom does the funniest impression of that weird lady at the supermarket. Oh,yeah. I know her. Let’s hear it.

Okay, um… “it’s cheaper if you buy two jars if pickles.”

It’s like she’s right here!

I know! Yeah!

So like she’s right here! I know.

That’s not what she sounds like.


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