MFS02 E07

S02 E07

what are you doing?

Shh. One of the smoke alarms is chirping. I’m trying to figure out which one it is so I can change the battery.

Well, if anybody can find it it’s you

You sound horrible. Why don’t you go back to bed?

‘Cause I’ve got too much to do. I’ve got to make the ladyfingers for the bake sale, and I’ve got to go by the gym— I left my phone yesterday.

I’ll do all that. We’re a team. When one of us is weak, we lean on the other.

Honey, you don’t have to do that stuff.

Honey, with all you do for me. Including go to the gym four times a week to keep me interested, I got this.

don’t you have houses to show today?

They canceled.

Ohh, pumpkin.

Are you kidding me? It’s lucky. This way I get stay here and take care of you.



Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Dunphy. Is Haley ready for school?

She’s on he way down.

Don’t get too close to my wife.

Haley told you about that? It’s just a dream.

Oh, god.

Okay, that came from the kitchen.

I thought it was in here.

Really? Okay, you wait in here and listen for. I’m gonna wait in there.

I mean, it’s the least I can do, after… well, you know.

I’m coming with you. Boy, I wish Haley would date some other boys.

What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson?

don’t. I just feel like she owes it to herself to see what else is out there. The way that Dylan’s alway hanging around here, he’s probably gonna try to marry her the second she turns 18.

Hey, you never know. Maybe those two were meant to be together. Like we were.

Honey, Haley and Dylan are not us.

Shh 嘘

Smoke alarms烟雾警报器



Get to 开始 ; 到达,抵达 ; 抓住;接触,和…取得联系

Go by 流逝,过去 ; 遵循 ; 遵照

Lean on依赖;依靠

don’t you have houses to show today?你今天不是要带人看房子吗

She’s on he way down.她快下来了

I just feel like she owes it to herself我只是觉得她这样对自己有亏欠

to see what else is out there看看外面还有什么。 What else 还有呢? out there向那边

Mean to be命中注定;命中注定的;意味

No, I think that amount will be fine. I’m just happy you want lily. I think you’re be very happy with her. Okay. Oh.

Cam,did you just sell our baby?

No. But  do you remember that agent we met that represents child actors, the one who said lily might have what it takes, and gave us his card?

Yeah, that o threw away.

That I fished out of the trash? That was him on the phone they’re shooting a children’s-furniture-store commercial today, and they want lily.

Look, I threw away that card for a reason.

Come om, it’ll be fun. Lily will be on TV, and we can put the money in her college account.

No let’s just let our daughter have a normal childhood, huh?

I think that gay cruise has sailed.

It’s just one commercial.

I don’t like it. No. No.

Oh, what, so that’s it? You’re the parent with the final say?

Why is that? Because you make the money?

It’s not about that, and you know it.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand us. You ‘re not theater folk.

Neither are  u. You did “Godspell” one summer in a barn. You’re barn folk. 

Get used to that  Jealously , Lily. Ordinary people just don’t understand us.

Amount 金额;数量;数额

agent 代理人

Represents 声称

Have what it takes有..的天赋, 具备.. 成功条件

Fish out (从…中)取出,掏出,摸出,这里就是他又捡回来了


Commercial (电台或电视播放的)广告

gay cruise基佬的船


Final say最终决定权,最终发言权, 按你说了算吗

You ‘re not theater folk. 你不是戏剧界的人;theater剧场;戏剧;战场;(某一国,某一作家的)戏剧作品


barn 马厩;  barn folk可以理解为民间艺人

Ordinary people just don’t understand us. 燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉

Dennis to shipping and receiving.

Hola, Jack. Hey! What  are your guys doing here? Manny had a doctor’s appointment. So we’re gonna catch lunch with Jay—is he there?

Yeah, he is in back.


Good day,Jackson.

Good day,Manuel.

I see you’re still forklifting.

More like lifting the fork.

Man, was gonna say that joke!

I’m sorry, but I gotta have lunch with my wife today. I know, baby, but I had marry her so she should stay in the country.

Oh, no. where am I gonna find another husband that was sweatpants to work?

resort wear.

maybe last restore 太休闲了

Listen, I’m glad you guys step by for lunch, ‘cause you know what? I got yo work a little late tonight.

No,not tonight. Did you forget our date?

No! No! I was kidding! I have no idea what was she talking about. Gloria-hod love her— likes to celebrate every possible milestone in our relationship— day we met… our first date—which I forgot, so we got in a big fight. Now we commemorate the big fight.

I thought we chould re-create the day. Do everything that we did the first time. So romantic.

You know, that’s exactly what I was thinking. Jack is so nice. I think he really likes Manny.

What he likes is getting out of work.

Wait a minute. Is that Manny driving?

Is it?

Yeah, it’s him.




Lunch with和…一起吃午饭



resort wear休闲装



Get out of 摆脱 ; 逃避

Ay, my pool papi. Two doctors in one day.

Mom, I’m fine. The hospital said I could go back to school.

No, you suffered a traumatic experience.

I barely remember it. I remember crashing through the wall, and the ambulance ride to the hospital.

That wasn’t an ambulance. I drove you.

Then what was that siren?

That was your mother.

I was not that loud

Cars pulled over, honey.

Jay. I’m sorry about your wall.

Wasn’t your fault, was Jack’s, and I’ve already taken care of him.

You killed him?

You can’t kill people here. I fired him.

But It was just an accident! He didn’t mean it!

The guy’s a screw-up. Should have been gone months ago.

Can’t we just give him another chance?

What is this “we”? Let me explain something to you people. Here in this family, it’s we.  At work, it’s me. My rules, my decisions… period.

that’s not fair!

You mad at me, too?

No, you’re right. It’s your work. Besides. I can’t mad at you-not on our special day.

Honey, I was thinking—with what happened to Manny. Maybe we better postpone our special day. Until next weekend.

no. next weekend is the  of the first time that I cooked for you.

Two doctors in one day.一天看两次医生


Pull over车)驶到路边停下;(警察)令(驾车者或车辆),指车子都给你让道了

Screw-up 搞糟;弄砸;出错. (认为他是个废物)

period=end of story到此为止 完毕

Besides 另外 况且



What you doin’, typhoid clairey?

Hey, what are you doing home?

She caught your cold and had to come home. I thought we should contain you two. And keep it from spreading through the house.

Come here. I’m sorry.

It’s okay.

Hey, did you finsh my ladyfingers?

Not yet.

Did you pick up my phone from the gym?

Not yet.

Is that the smoke detector? I thought you fixed that.

Boy, you’re really starting the sound like your own self.

You know what this reminds me of? When you were little and we used to snuggle and watch soap operas together. Remember that? Nothing’s changed!sonya’s still married to that guy.

One second.

The one with the …bad hairline.



God, I miss you, too.

Oh, it’s just a cold, silly. You don’t have to conceive of a world without me. Oh,nothing, I’m just in a bed with my mom.

Stop fearing out. It it not coming true.

typhoid伤寒,比较严重的感冒=catch a cold


Boy, you’re really starting the sound like your own self.你真的听起来好的差不多了

snugglet together依偎在一起



To conceive of sth 想出

Stop fearing out别怕

Uh. Mrs. vaughn? It’s Phil Dunphy. It’s about 3:30. Now, I know you said you’d moved on. But, um, there’s been a significant price reduction,in the, uh, house in Sullivan canyon, which I know you loved. So, uh, if there’s any chance you might reconsider. I know you will not be sorry. I can meet you anytime, so just give me a call.  Any — anytime. I can meet you wherever that… place is that you feel, uh, that would be best.


Hey,boddy? How are ya? What are you doin’? 

Keeping the germs off me.

You care about germs? I’ve seen you kiss a pigeon on the mouth.

My class is going to Disneyland in two days. I can’t get mom’s cold.

Good plan. I remember this. My dad bought it during the cuban missile crisis. I never got a turn in that. You think maybe later I could—

Yeah, maybe.

What are you doing home in the afternoon?

Oh, no big deal. Just had a couple of showing fall through.


You know what I always say.

Sure do. Can’t get back on that horse unless you fall off.

That’s right.

That’s loud.

Sorry. Where is that coming from?

Changing a battery in a smoke detector is what they teach you in Man 101. so, of course, every time I hear that noise. All I hear is,” Beep beep— you’re not a man. Really?!

Hey,dad. Can you open this for me?

Oh, sure, buddy.

What happened?

I broken a nail. 

Move on离开;继续前进;(警察等)命令…不要停留(或走开);(结束或停下某活动)接着做其他事; 有了新的选择

significant 重要的;值得关注的

price reduction 削价,价格降低

keep off (使)不接近;挡住;(雨、雪等)没有下;(使)不接近于


Keeping the germs off me. 防止细菌入侵

cuban missile crisis古巴导弹危机

Fall through (安排、计划、交易等)落空,没有落实


You know what I always say.你知道我常说什么?你知道我的口头禅是什么。

Can’t get back on that horse unless you fall off. 不经历风雨 怎见彩虹?

Man 101 可能类似《演员的基本修养》 这里指《男人基本手册》

Mitchell! What’s up?

What do yo mean? You just sent me an urgent text, saying to come and over.

That was from me. I used Jay’s phone.

Oh, what happened to your face?

Oh, just a little scrape-up.

Mitchell, I’d like to engage your legal services in representing my friend Jack in a wrongful termination suit.

Forget it. He’s not coming back. Don’t take the case, Mitchell.

I don’t think I was gonna take the case.

Fine. Then, under the circumstances, we have nothing further to talk about. These will be my last words to you.

Knock knock.

Who’s there? Okay, you got me. I hope you feel clever tricking your kid.


Hi, gloria.congratulations!

On what? Lily’s commercial.

Oh, no, no. we turned that down.

Are you sure, Because Cam sent me a picture of her in her makeup chair.

Uh, sorry. He what? Oh, it’s so exciting. You have to remember to this day so we can celebrate it every year.



in representing 代表

Wrongful termination非法解雇


Under the circumstances,在这种情况下;在那种情况下;情况既然如此

you got me你把我难倒了 我被你耍了 被你逮到了

Turn down拒绝(某人或其请求、提议等);关小;调低

Okay, folks, we’re about 10 minutes from shooting! Is talent ready?

Yes, uh, she sure is. did you hear that, lily? You’re the talent. Isn’t that magical? Grapes. And that is a prop.

Okay,we’re really gonna hang up this time. On the count of three.  Ready? One, two, three. Hello? I can’t believe he hung up. I’m calling him back.

Hey, give me that.

Oh, my god. Is that Jesse? And he’s still married to Angie. You know something else you might find interesting? Sonya is drinking, because she married a buffoon when she was young, and now she realizes she’s wasted her entire life. Can you imagine making a mistake like that?

Yeah, that must be horrible.

Yeah, now she’s just a bitter ghost of a woman, filled with resentment. But that’s what happens when you commit to someone before you see what else is out there.


She couldn’t have laid it on thicker. Ghost of a woman? Total buffoon? I’m not an idiot. She was talking about  her and my dad! Yeah, well, maybe Sonya and her husband just need to work al little harder.

Can he give her those years back? I mean, she could have been something. She could have traveled the world, been with fascinating men. She could have accomplished things. That’s all she thinks about now. .. every time she looks at him.

folks 伙计们 各位


Hang up挂电话


ghost of a woman 怨妇?

filled with 充满

resentment 怨恨

commit to 把…送交,托付给…;使(某人或自已)对…作出承诺,承担义务 或担负责任;这里指嫁给某人

Lay it on thick大肆吹捧;过分责备;灌迷魂汤;戴高帽子;夸大其词;口不择言

She couldn’t have laid it on thicker. 她不能更夸大其词了

Been with fascinating men. Fascinating极有吸引力的;迷人的 ;  结交一些好男人

have accomplished things有所成就

Is that mom’s apron?

It’s an apron. It’s unisex. Some of the world’s greatest chefs are men. 

But it’s bumped out where the boons go. That’s happening more and more.

Hadn’t noticed. Mrs. vaughn! Thanks for calling back. Yeah, I was just about to… I se. uh, is there anything I can say that will. all right, well. Thank you very much. And if —okay. Goodbye. 

Did you lose another one?

Hey. Can’t lose something you never had, right, pal?

That was the doorbell, dad.

I know.

So, what happens if people stop buying houses? Are we all have  to get jobs?

Just a little slump, buddy. Nothing I can’t handle.

Hi, I’m Ron. I work out with Claire at the gym. 

Oh! Yeah. Come on in.

I brought her phone back. She forgot it yesterday.

Great, thanks. I’m Phil, Claire’s husband.

Oh, uh Claire never mentioned she had a husband. Nice to meet you.

You too. Oh, sorry! I burnt my ladyfingers.




Just about勉强;差一点就不;差不多;几乎;近乎 正准备


can’t lose something you never had未曾得到,何谈失去

Just a little slump; slump低落 这只是个小坎

ladyfingers 指的是女人的手指,这里故意这么写,既表达他的手指饼干烤糊了,也说明他娇嫩的手指受伤了

So quiet. It’s like christian “silence”reading room.

I’m fine.

So am I.

Okay, my two stubborn burros. I’m going out. manny, be a good boy. Jay, mm, I’ll see you later. I think you know where.

Honey? You know what I was just thinking? You know how when people are in love, sometimes that finish each other’s sentences like,um… tonight we’re going to…

Have fun!


When we get to…

together later.

You have no idea where you’re going, do you?

Tell me. 

Hire Jack back.

Forget it.

Your funeral.

christian “silence”reading room教堂图书馆

Stubborn burro固执的小驴

sometimes that finish each other’s sentences? 有时候他们以…结束对话 接对方的话茬

funeral 葬礼;这是你自作自受;那你可要倒霉了

Okay, lily, daddy’s gonna be right over here. Okay. Oh, and ,um, by the way, if it helps, I can have a list of things lily can do. She can blow a kiss, uh, flap her arms like a bird…

Thank you . I’ll keep at in mind.

Cam. Cam. How did you get on set? 你怎么到片场的

I walked on. It’s not MGM. It’s a warehouse behind a mattress store. I can’t believe you went behind my back. We ag

We didn’t agree on anything. You agreed . We don’t have to agree on everything. I didn’t like the book you bought her last week. But I didn’t stop you from reading it to her.

Well, what was wrong with it?

How was to a big day for biscuit, mitchell? How?

Oaky, this isn’t about biscuit.

I know. It’s about our daughter, lily.

No, you want to know the truth? I think it’s about you, Cam. I think you’re using our daughter to fulfill some childhood dream of yours.

Okay. Parents… we’re ready to start rolling. Now, while we’re doing the shoot. Jim and Deb here will be doing the kid’s voice-overs into the mike—kind of like “look who’s talking”.

Oh. That’s great. There are a lot of important people here, but I resent the implication that I would do anything that’s not in the best interest of our daughter. 我对你的言下之意感到愤怒,你居然说我会对我们女儿做不利的事

Okay, let’s try a take. And action!

Oh,no. We are lost in a city of Hugh furniture prices!

Ohh! Can no one protect us from these high prices?!

Cut! Lighting problem.

One sec.

You can apologize to me anytime you’re ready.你随时可以向我道歉

Are you kidding me?


This commercial—it’s a big stereotype.

It’s called “ironic.”

No, this is why Lily was perfect— she’s Asian. She’s a prop.

It’s called “niche casting.”

Stop telling me what stuff is called. You’re so blinded by the spotlight. You can’t see what’s going on here. 

Let’s go again. All right. Here we go. Let’s roll, please! Action!

Oh,no. We are lost in a city of Hugh furniture prices!

Ohh! Can no one protect us from these high prices?!

Look! Over there! It’s save-villa!(不知道啥)

He’s knocking down prices on everything from bibs to cribs!

Half off on playpens. High chairs are low chairs!

Excuse me. Excuse me. 

What’s the problem?

Well,don’t you think this commercial just might be the teeniest bit racist?

I mean. Um, save-villa?

It’s not racist, it’s satire.

No. I know, but maybe… maybe we could just tone it down a bit. Maybe not hit the accents so hard?

This is the commercial you agreed to.

Yeah, well, I know, I just… I can’t let my daughter do this. 

We had an agreement.

Well, I also have the best attorney town, so do your worst. And by the waylay is Vietnamese, not Japanese. There’s a big difference, but you wouldn’t know that, because you’r only interested in seeing tases children as interchangeable stereotypes, not human beings. Come on, Lily. Let’s go.

Cam? That’s not—

Hi,buddy. There we go.


Blow a kiss飞吻

Flap  拍打

I’ll keep at in mind 我会记得的


mattress store床垫店

start rolling开拍

will be doing the kid’s voice-overs into the mike将为孩子们配音

Resent 对… 感到愤怒

implication暗示 言外之意

try a take试拍

Pretect from 保护;保护……免受;不受…之害

One sec 片刻 ; 霎时 稍等

Stereotype 模式化观念(或形象);老一套; 刻板印象,陈见

ironic反讽 讽刺

Niche casting; 天生我材必有用




Knock down (被车)撞倒;推倒,拆掉,拆毁(建筑物);降(价);杀(价);减(量)

everything from bibs to cribs  从围嘴到婴儿床 每件东西

palypen(幼儿)玩耍护栏 ,这里大概指婴儿游戏床

the teeniest bit racist; teeny极小; 有丁点种族歧视



the best attorney town本镇最好的代理律师

so do your worst放马过来

interchangeable stereotypes可替换的模版

Going to meet your mother. Figured it out all by myself. Two years ago, we got our marriage license, we went to a little hot dog stand. She said was the most romanic meal she ever in her life. That’s it, isn’t is? Yeah, that’s it. Get this into your head. You can gibe me the cold shoulder the rest of your life, Jack’s not coming back. See, I could overlook the goofing off, but you could have seriously hurt today. Anybody puts my kid endanger, doesn’t get a second chance ever. I’ll see you later .

Did you just call me a kid?

Oh, geez.

You’ve never said that before.

Sure I have. Of course you’re my kid. I mean, what do you think?

You’re going to the wrong place.


It’s not your wedding license.

What is it?

First kiss.

No, just tell me.

I mean, your first kiss with my mom.

My god, you’re right.


The pier.


hot dog stand 热狗摊

Cold shoulder 冷落;冷淡

Overlook 忽略

goofing off 闲荡游手好闲 偷懒


But maybe Sonya didn’t make a mistake. Maybe she just met her soul mat when she was young.

No, no, no. that never happens. See, she threw her life away and now she wants out.

Okay, let’s cut the crap. We’re not talking about some character on a soap opera here,are we?

No. No, we’re not. Honey, I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but… I’ve been feeling this way for a really long time, and … can we be honest with each other? He’s kind of a doofus.

I guess, but… I thought you liked that about him.

No, I never did. Believe me, honey. There are many better options out there.

Like who?

Off the top of my head, uh… how about that cut guy who delivers the pizzas?

She’s like 18!


Don’t mind melodies. This is the last one. I’ve changed the batteries in every last smoke detector in the house.

Hey,dad. I think I found a place online where I can sell this organ. Can you drive me to the black market?

I think they mean a different kind of organ, buddy.

Sweeite, why are you trying to sell that?

In case things with dad’s job get even worse.

Honestly, I don’t why everybody’s making such a big deal. Everything’s fine. It makes no sense! I changed every one!

I’m gonna call my dad.

No, we’re not calling anyone! I can handle this. I just need the old burglar basher.

Is that your college cheerleading baton?

not when you’re on the business end of it. Guess that one won’t be chirping anymore, will it?


Go after him.

Oh, no, he just need to blow off some steam.

How’s that for battery?

Mom, like it or not, you made a commitment, and maybe that doesn’t mean anything to you anymore, but you owe it to this family to save your marriage, and give it one more try.


End of the line,smoley Joe!

Look, dad may be a doofus, but he is 10 times better any pizza-delivery boy. Go to him.

Did you— I just detected your ass gettin‘ kicked!



Thought I forgot about you, didn’t you?


No, stop. I gonna stop the damn chirping.

This isn’t about the noise. Sweetie… you’re having a bad day.

At the end of a bad month.

I know.

You know how scary that is ?

No. No, I don’t , because you never tell me the bad stuff, you only share all the good stuff. Honey, what happened to us being a team?  Right? We’re supposed to lean on each other. I have faith in you.

I must be catching your cold.

Okay, you know what. Let’s just get new smoke detectors.

We already changed them out last year. Remember, buddy? You helped me.

Sure did.

Wait a minute. What’d you do with the old ones?

You told me to throw them in the garbage. So I put them in the attic to make a robot.

It’s the old ones. The batteries are dying. And we can hear them through the vents. You did it, buddy! I’m sorry. I love you.

I love you.

I did that.(是我的功劳)

Cut the crap(粗俚)废话少说

doofus蠢 傻子

Off the top of my head我马上能想出来的, 我脑海里首先浮现的是

Every last所有 ; 全部


burglar basher 打窃贼的东西, 片中是棍子,所以此处指的是防狼棍



cheerleading baton拉拉队指挥棒

Go after追逐;追求;追击(让她追上去安慰老爸)

Blow off 炸掉;吹掉,吹走;放气

blow off some steam=venting 发泄情绪

doesn’t mean anything to you anymore 一切对你不再有任何意义,一切对你来说如过眼云烟

Owe to 欠…(某物);应该感谢;把…归功于(说明)owe to作此解时不用于进行体。

End of the line 穷途末路 无路可逃啦

I have faith in you我对你有信心


Oh. That must be the pizza I dordered.

Pizza? You ordered pizza?

Yeah. I was just sort of in the mood, you know?

But we had pizza a couple nights ago.

I know, but I had an urge, and when you have an urge, you get an urge.但我就是想吃呀

Okay, here, I’ll get it!

No,sweetie. I’ve got it.

No, mom. You’re always asking me to do things, I’ll get it. Here, just sit back, relax. I’ll get the pizza. Don’t worry.

I really— okay, get the change.记得找零

Here! And I think it’s best you don’t come around here anymore!

In the mood兴致勃勃 心血来潮 突然想


when you have an urge, you get an urge想做就做嘛心动不如行动

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