#TCI讲座#Summative Assessment

Notes from Laurie Clarcq’s lecture “Summative Assessment”.

Traditional Curriculum and Instruction:

KNOWLEDGE about the language in order to USE the language.

1. Thematic vocabulary lists

2. Randomly identified grammatical structures with linguistic knowledge

3. “Connected” cultural information

Traditional Summative Assessment:


1. Vocabulary in/out of the context

2. Manipulate grammatical structures

3. Cultural information

Ture/False; Multiple Choice; Fill in the blank (knowledge-based)


1. Reading and listening (Ture/False; Multiple Choice; Fill in the blank)

2. Speaking and writing (performance)

Summative Assessments:

1. Cumulative/Comprehensive

2. Formal

3. Used to measure / used to compare

4. May be “standardized”

TCI Curriculum and Instruction:

Use the language in order to get knowledge about the world.

1. Acquire the language.

Vocabulary in context: stories, songs, purpose-based activities.

Message (sound/text) = Meaning.

2. Gain understanding.

Language in context (messages): stories, songs, purpose-based activities.

TCI Summative Assessment:


Reading: performance; Listening: performance; Speaking: performance; Writing: performance.

Application/Do: Productive


Prepared presentation: speech/project, oral report

Spontaneous presentation: respond to a picture

“Staged” conversation: with a situation

Authentic conversation: real things



Spontaneous: “Staged”, authentic

Can Do Statements:

Goals: Acquire language; understand (more).

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