The Thirty-nine Clues





  I've been reading the Thirty-nine Clues series since November,and they are very interesting. It was about a fourteen year old girl, Amy, and her parents died in a big fire. Amy and her younger brother,Dan were given the choice to take a million dollars and walk away, or get the first clue of the thirty-nine ones, which could reveal a secret power that had been lost for centuries. Amy and Dan took the clue and began a very dangerous race. In this race, however, they couldn't even trust their family——The Cahill family, one of the most powerful ones in human history.

  The books contain history, geography, and humanities. In the first book, Amy and Dan uncovered the secret of Benjamin Franklin. In the second book, they set off to Venice to discover the lost secret of Wolfgang Mozart. As for the third book, well, I'm waiting for you to find out.

  There are also some secret messages in book 3,4,8,9 and 10. Here, I will show you the secret message in book three.You can find a set of patterns and alphabets.The same patterns appeared from page 39 to 67. If you compare them, you can get the competition is about Hope( Amy and Dan's mother). Isn't it brilliant? There's still a lot of secrets in the book waiting for me to find out. Are you ready to find the next clue? Read the Thirty- nine Clues ——and begin an exciting adventure!


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