经过几天的学习研究,终于完成了广义霍夫变换(Generalised Hough transform)对特征点的筛选。此法不仅仅针对sift特征点,surf,Harris等特征点均可适用。
这几天我发现关于广义霍夫变换的资料少之又少,不过经过仔细研读各方的资料,我对Generalised Hough transform也有了一点认识,如果有理解的不对的地方,还请指正。
在介绍Generalised Hough transform之前,先简要介绍一下霍夫变换。我们都知道,用霍夫变换可以检测直线,圆,椭圆等,或者说只要该形状是可解析的,都可以用霍夫变换来进行识别。我认为,霍夫变换的关键点有两点:
举个例子,好比一条线段,在x-y坐标系下,一条直线的特征并不是那么明显的,但在转换到p,theta参数空间后,一条线段的特征就很明显,再加上投票机制,如果一个累加单元中有较大值,则可以判定存在一条线段。圆也一样。但直线、圆、椭圆等这些形状其实都是可解析的,也就是可以用一个方程式来表达,如果现在有一个不规则形状,他就没办法了。因此,D.H. Ballard在1981年将霍夫变换进行推广,提出了广义霍夫变换(Generalised Hough transform)。好了,下面进入本文的关键,广义霍夫变换(Generalised Hough transform)。
% David G. Lowe,Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints
% David G. Lowe,Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features
% D.H. Ballard, "Generalizing the Hough Transform to Detect Arbitrary Shapes"
% wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalised_Hough_transform#cite_note-1
一般情况下,要进行Generalised Hough transform,先要选取一个参考点,然后将普通的坐标转换为(r,, ɸ)这种形式,r为边界点到选取参考点的长度,ɸ为参考点到边界点的连线与边界点切线的夹角。如下图所示:
2、初始化累加表.A[xcmin. . . xcmax][ycmin. . . ycmax][qmin . . .qmax][smin . . . smax]。其中q代表旋转角度,s代表缩放尺度。在A的大小选取上,我们按David G. Lowe给出的建议,We use broad bin sizes of 30 degrees for orientation, a factor of 2 for scale, and 0.25 times the maximum projected training image dimension (using the predicted scale) for location.
OK,Generalised Hough transform过程到此为止。之后,我按照David G. Lowe在Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints一文中给出的说明,对最终的匹配点进行仿射变换,求出仿射变换的参数。模板到场景坐标的转换矩阵为:
%function: % 用广义霍夫变换(Generalised Hough transform)筛选sift得到的特征点。 % 并用最小平方法(The least-squares solution)求取仿射变换的参数 %注意: % 由于matlab没有自带sift特征提取,sift特征提取调用了该算法作者提供的底层调用。 %referrence: % David G. Lowe,Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints % David G. Lowe,Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features % D.H. Ballard, "Generalizing the Hough Transform to Detect Arbitrary Shapes" % wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalised_Hough_transform#cite_note-1 %date:2015-1-15 %author:chenyanan %转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/u010278305 %清空变量,读取图像 clear;close all fprintf('/******************************\n**It''s writed by chenyn2014.\n******************************/\n'); %读取模板 rgb2=imread ('head.jpg'); gray2=rgb2gray(rgb2); imwrite(gray2,'scene2.jpg'); %读取场景 rgb1=imread ('girl.jpg'); gray1=rgb2gray(rgb1); %对场景进行仿射变换,以验证sift特征的尺度不变性、旋转不变性 scale_value=0.7; scale_tform=[scale_value 0 0;0 scale_value 0;0 0 1]; rotate_value=2*pi/30; rotate_tform=[cos(rotate_value) sin(rotate_value) 0;-sin(rotate_value) cos(rotate_value) 0;0 0 1]; shift_x=0; shift_y=0; shift_tform=[1 0 0; 0 1 0;shift_x shift_y 1]; tform = affine2d(scale_tform*rotate_tform*shift_tform); gray1 = imwarp(gray1,tform); imwrite(gray1,'scene1.jpg'); image1='scene1.jpg'; image2='scene2.jpg'; % Find SIFT keypoints for each image %keypoint location (row, column, scale, orientation) [im1, des1, loc1] = sift(image1); [im2, des2, loc2] = sift(image2); % For efficiency in Matlab, it is cheaper to compute dot products between % unit vectors rather than Euclidean distances. Note that the ratio of % angles (acos of dot products of unit vectors) is a close approximation % to the ratio of Euclidean distances for small angles. % % distRatio: Only keep matches in which the ratio of vector angles from the % nearest to second nearest neighbor is less than distRatio. distRatio = 0.6; % For each descriptor in the first image, select its match to second image. des2t = des2'; % Precompute matrix transpose match_point=1; for i = 1 : size(des1,1) dotprods = des1(i,:) * des2t; % Computes vector of dot products [vals,indx] = sort(acos(dotprods)); % Take inverse cosine and sort results % Check if nearest neighbor has angle less than distRatio times 2nd. if (vals(1) < distRatio * vals(2)) %将有效的匹配点存进数组,方便后边处理 matchedPoints1(match_point,:)=[loc1(i,1) loc1(i,2)]; matchedPoints2(match_point,:)=[loc2(indx(1),1) loc2(indx(1),2)]; match_point=match_point+1; end end % Create a new image showing the two images side by side. im3 = appendimages(im1,im2); %绘制剔除奇异点之前的结果 % Show a figure with lines joining the accepted matches. figure('name','original','Position', [100 100 size(im3,2) size(im3,1)]); colormap('gray'); imagesc(im3);title('original'); hold on; cols1 = size(im1,2); for i = 1: size(matchedPoints1,1) line([matchedPoints1(i,2) matchedPoints2(i,2)+cols1], ... [matchedPoints1(i,1) matchedPoints2(i,1)], 'Color', 'c'); end hold off; num = size(matchedPoints1,1); fprintf('Found %d matches.\n', num); %Initialize the Accumulator table(初始化累加表A) %由于我们已知点之间的对应关系,故不再构造R-table; %(个人认为R-table的作用就是通过中心点与边缘点的连线r与该点切线夹角寻找对应关系,故我们没必要再构建) %David G. Lowe建议,We use broad bin sizes of 30 degrees for orientation, a factor %of 2 for scale, and 0.25 times the maximum projected training image dimension (using the %predicted scale) for location. A=zeros(4,4,12,5); %For each edge point (x, y)(遍历每个场景中的特征点) for i=1:size(matchedPoints1,1) for sita_index=1:12 sita=2*pi/12*(sita_index-1); for scale_index=1:5 scale=(2^(scale_index-1))*0.25; %Using the gradient angle ɸ, retrieve from the R-table all the (α, r) values indexed under ɸ. %用R-table中的夹角ɸ寻找与模板中哪几个点匹配,此处我们已知对应关系,直接应用即可 %matchedPoints2(i,1) :row y %matchedPoints2(i,2) :col x %用该遍历时刻的尺度、旋转变换寻找在场景中目标的坐标 xc=matchedPoints1(i,2)-(matchedPoints2(i,2)*cos(sita)-matchedPoints2(i,1)*sin(sita))*scale; yc=matchedPoints1(i,1)-(matchedPoints2(i,1)*sin(sita)+matchedPoints2(i,2)*cos(sita))*scale; x=0;y=0; if(xc<=0.25*size(im1,2)) x=1; elseif (xc<=0.5*size(im1,2)) x=2; elseif (xc<=0.75*size(im1,2)) x=3; elseif (xc<=size(im1,2)) x=4; end if(yc<=0.25*size(im1,1)) y=1; elseif (yc<=0.5*size(im1,1)) y=2; elseif (yc<=0.75*size(im1,1)) y=3; elseif (yc<=size(im1,1)) y=4; end %对累加表进行更新。 if(x>=1&&x<=4&&y>=1&&y<=4&&sita_index>=1&&sita_index<=12&&scale_index>=1&&scale_index<=5) A(x,y,sita_index,scale_index)=A(x,y,sita_index,scale_index)+1; %存储每个点各种旋转角度与缩放系数下的locations 、旋转角度sita、缩放尺度scale Apoint(i,sita_index,scale_index,:)=[x y sita_index scale_index]; end end end end %搜寻累加表中的最大值,并认为其对应参数是正确的参数 maxA=0; for x=1:4 for y=1:4 tmpA=reshape(A(x,y,:,:),12,5); tmp=max(max(tmpA)); if(tmp>maxA) maxA=tmp; locate=[x y]; [sita ,scale]=find(tmpA==tmp); sita_scale=[sita(1) scale(1)]; end end end %剔除不属于累加表中最大值所在bin的点 iner_point=1; %For each edge point (x, y) for i=1:size(matchedPoints1,1) for sita_index=1:12 for scale_index=1:5 x=Apoint(i,sita_index,scale_index,1); y=Apoint(i,sita_index,scale_index,2); sita_tmp=Apoint(i,sita_index,scale_index,3); scale_tmp=Apoint(i,sita_index,scale_index,4); if(x==locate(1)&&y==locate(2)&&sita_tmp==sita_scale(1)&&scale_tmp==sita_scale(2)) point1(iner_point,:)=matchedPoints1(i,:); point2(iner_point,:)=matchedPoints2(i,:); iner_point=iner_point+1; end end end end %用最小平方法求得仿射变换的参数 %The least-squares solution for the parameters x can be determined by solving the corresponding %normal equations, for i = 1: size(point2,1) AA(2*(i-1)+1,:)=[point2(i,2) point2(i,1) 0 0 1 0]; AA(2*(i-1)+2,:)=[0 0 point2(i,2) point2(i,1) 0 1]; b(2*(i-1)+1)=point1(i,2); b(2*(i-1)+2)=point1(i,1); end tmp=AA'*AA; tmp=tmp^-1; tmp=tmp*AA'; affine=tmp*b'; m1=affine(1); m2=affine(2); m3=affine(3); m4=affine(4); tx=affine(5); ty=affine(6); %用放射变换的结果求出场景中与模板中坐标(x,y)对应的坐标(u,v) x=120;y=200; u=m1*x+m2*y+tx; v=m3*x+m4*y+ty; %绘制出剔除奇异点之后的结果 % Show a figure with lines joining the accepted matches. figure('name','result','Position', [100 100 size(im3,2) size(im3,1)]); colormap('gray'); imagesc(im3);title('Generalised Hough transform'); hold on; cols1 = size(im1,2); for i = 1: size(point2,1) line([point1(i,2) point2(i,2)+cols1], ... [point1(i,1) point2(i,1)], 'Color', 'c'); end %绘制模板与场景的对应点并连线 plot(x+cols1,y,'r*'); plot(u,v, 'r*'); line([x+cols1 u], ... [y v], 'Color', 'r','LineWidth',3); hold off; num = size(point1,1); fprintf('Found %d matches.\n', num);
可以看到,仍有少许的错误匹配点,David G. Lowe提出可以用刚刚得到的变换矩阵继续筛选,在此不再给出。