
ROS 导航模块move_base 输出的/cmd_vel topic指定了为机器人规划的线速度和角速度, 但是这个输出值还是不够友好导致机器人运动不够流畅,这就需要对这个输出速度值进行一个平滑的过程。ROS中的yocs_smoother_velocity是一个非常好的速度插值的包, 可以对速度、加速度进行限制,用来防止机器人的速度、转速变化过快或过慢, 是其运行平滑流畅. 下面做个具体介绍.


1 输入的TOPIC

~raw_cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)

  • Input velocity commands. 输入的速度值,一般就是move_base的输出topic /cmd_vel

~odometry (nav_msgs/Odometry)

  • We compare the output velocity commands to "real" velocity to ensure we don't create very big jumps in the velocity profile.


~robot_cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)

  • Alternatively, we can also compare the output velocity commands to end robot velocity commands to ensure we don't create very big jumps in the velocity profile. See robot_feedback parameter description below for more details.


2 输出的TOPIC

~smooth_cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)

  • Smoothed output velocity commands respecting velocity and acceleration limits.

输出的cmd_vel.  Bas_ controller 的输入topic。不使用yocs_smoother_velocity的话,base controller的输入是move_base的输出/cmd_vel, 现在就是用/smooth_cmd_vel

3 配置参数

~accel_lim_v (double)

  • Linear acceleration limit. Mandatory. 线加速度的最大值

~accel_lim_w (double)

  • Angular acceleration limit. Mandatory. 角加速度的最大值

~speed_lim_v (double)

  • Linear velocity limit. Mandatory. 线速度的最大值

~speed_lim_w (double)

  • Angular velocity limit. Mandatory. 角速度的最大值

~decel_factor (double, default: 1.0)

  • Deceleration/acceleration ratio. Useful to make deceleration more aggressive, for example to safely brake on robots with high inertia.


~frequency (double, default: 20.0)

  • Output messages rate. The velocity smoother keeps it regardless incoming messages rate, interpolating whenever necessary.

输出数据的频率, 不管输入的数据频率,velocity smoother会保持这个频率发布数据

~robot_feedback (int, default: 0)

  • Specifies which topic to use as robot velocity feedback (0 - none, 1 - odometry, 2 - end robot commands). See hints below for more details.


4 yocs_velocity_smoother的安装与配置

安装很简单了,Ubuntu18.04 melodic 为例,

运行sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-yocs_velocity_smoother


Launch 文件的配置例子如下:




    <arg name="config_file"           value="$(arg config_file)"/>  //配置参数的yaml文件





# Example configuration:
# - velocity limits are around a 10% above the physical limits
# - acceleration limits are just low enough to avoid jerking

# Mandatory parameters
speed_lim_v: 0.6
speed_lim_w: 0.5

accel_lim_v: 0.1
accel_lim_w: 0.25

# Optional parameters
frequency: 20.0
decel_factor: 20.0

# Robot velocity feedback type:
#  0 - none
#  1 - odometry
#  2 - end robot commands
robot_feedback: 0

