
1:动态规划: 1. 背包问题: 2.2.2 Subset Sums 2.3.4 Money System 3.1.2 Score Inflation 3.1.6 Stamps 3.4.4 Raucous Rockers 4.1.1 Beef McNuggets 5.3.1 Milk Measuring 2. 最长不XX子序列: 4.3.1 Buy Low Buy Lower 3. 其他 1.5.2 Number Triangles 3.3.2 Shopping Offers 3.3.5 A Game 3.3.4 Home on the Range 5.3.4 Big Barn 5.4.2 Canada Tour 3.1.5 Contact 4. Tree-DP 2.3.2 Cow Pedigrees 2. 递推: 2.3.1 Longest Prefix 5.4.3 Character Recognition 3.图结构: 1.最短路径: 2.4.2 Overfencing 2.4.3 Cow Tours 2.4.4 Bessie Come Home 3.2.6 Sweet Butter 2. 最小环: 4.1.3 Fence Loops 3.欧拉回路: 3.1.1 Riding the Fence 4.最大流,最小割: 4.2.1 Drainage Ditches 4.2.2 Pollutant Control 5.4.5 TeleCowmunication 5. 二分图匹配 4.2.2 Perfect Stall 6.最小点基 5.3.3 NetWork Of Schools 7.拓扑排序 4.4.3 Frame Up 8。图的遍历 4.3.3 Street Race 9.最小生成树 3.1.1 Agri-Net 4. 枚举: 1.3.3 Calf Flac 1.2.4 Palindromic Squares 1.2.5 Dual Palindromes 1.4.2 The Clocks 1.4.3 Arithmetic Progressions 2.2.1 Preface Numbering 3.3.3 Camelot 3.2.4 Feed Ratios 2.2.3 Runaround Numbers 3.2.3 Spinning Wheels 5. 模拟: 1.1.1 Your Ride Is Here 1.1.2 Greedy Gift Givers 1.1.3 Friday the Thirteenth 1.1.4 Broken Necklace 1.2.2 Transformations 1.2.3 Name That Number 2.2.1 Preface Numbering 2.4.1 The Tamworth Two 6.搜索: 1.DFS: 1.5.4 Checker Challenge 1.4.1 Packing Rectangles 1.4.4 Mother’s Milk 1.5.3 Superprime Rib 2.1.4 Healthy Holsteins 2.1.5 Hamming Codes 2.2.3 Zero Sum 4.1.2 Fence Rails (DFS-ID)4.1.4 Cryptcowgraphy 4.2.4 Cowcycles 4.3.2 The Primes 4.3.4 Letter Game 5.2.3 Wisconsin Squares 5.2.1 Snail Trails 5.4.1 All Latin Squares 5.4.4 Betsy’s Tour 2.BFS: 2.1.1 The Castle 3.2.5 Magic Squares 7.贪心: 1.2.1 Milking Cows 1.3.1 Mixing Milk 1.3.2 Barn Repair 4.2.3 Job Processing 8.离散化: 3.1.4 Shaping Regions 5.3.2 Window Area 5.3.2 Window Area(线段树) 9.计算几何: 3.4.1 Closed Fences 5.1.1 Fencing the Cows 10.解析几何: 3.4.3 Electric Fence 5.2.2 Electric Fences
