Encounter with Mathematics - 《数学概观》

Encounter with Mathematics - 《数学概观》


科学出版社于2001年翻译出版了瑞典人Lars Garding的书Encounter with Mathematics(中文名《数学概观》)——距离原书出版的日子——1977年——似乎晚了点,我去年买了一本,此书与另外一本有名的《什么是数学》有些类似,都是对数学概览式地、却也是严肃地介绍,谈及了数论、代数、拓朴、分析等内容,有一些评论和历史背景介绍。网上流传一个学生写的数学家轶事集《heroes in my heart/数学家的故事》,据说有很多人看了后悔自己大学没有学数学,有这个感觉并不奇怪,因为那只是一些挑选出来的趣闻,有的甚至未必真实——至少和我看到版本不同。而如果阅读了《数学概观》和《什么是数学》以后后悔自己没有去念数学系、想要更多地了解书中谈到的内容,这个感觉倒很可能是确实的。至少,你爱上的是数学,而不是数学家的怪事。


I suffered through college math all the way through differential equations, and I never really "got" it. I just memorized the steps and, when exam time rolled around, hoped I could remember which procedure went with which problem. The light finally came on in grad school, and _Principia_ was the switch. Reading the _Principia_ let me get underneath formal calculus and imbued it with a sense of wonder and soul. To see the theory set out step-by-step, to follow with Newton as he envisioned a new way of painting the world, gave me the ability to internalize the calculus, to say, finally, "Yes, that's intuitively right." I wish I'd read the _Principia_ much earlier in my education. It would have saved me a lot of pain.


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