1. Reprojection Error——重投影误差
Reproject error is a geometric error corresponding to the image distance between a projected point and a measured one. It is used to quantify how closely an estimate of a 3D point X recreates the point's true projection x.
In compute vision domain, reprojection/reconstruction error includes two errors:
- feature matching errors;
- camera-related errors.
[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reprojection_error ]
2. Bundle Adjustment
本质: minimizing reprojection error.
adjusting the bundle of rays between:
- each camera center(angle of view) and the set of 3D points.
- each 3D point and the set of camera centers.
- it requires a good initialization to be provided
- it can become an extremely large minimization problem, because of a number of parameters involved.
it should generally be used as a final step of any reconstruction algorithm.
[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundle_adjustment ]
[ http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/ZISSERMAN/bundle/bundle.html ]
3. Bundle adjustment ——ray divergence 射线分歧
ray divergence——the shortest distance between those rays.
Assuming accurate feature matching, ray divergence reveals mainly camera parameters estimation inaccuracies.
[Mauricio Hess-Flores, Kenneth I. Joy, et al. Ray Divergence-Based Bundle Adjustment Conditioning for Multi-View Stereo]
5个内参(alpha, beta, x0, y0, theta)和6个外参(R--r1, r2, r3,T--t1, t2, t3)
【David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach (计算机视觉——一种现代方法)】