Dry Skin Fixes 干性皮肤护理

Dry Skin Fixes 干性皮肤护理_第1张图片

Skincare is totally seasonal, just like your wardrobe. In summer, you're busy with sun protection(aren't you?), while in winter you may seem addicted to moisturizers because your skin gets so dried out and flaky (this is called "winter itch"). So why the dry skin in winter? Low temperatures, low humidity and strong, harsh winds deplete skin of its natural lipid layer which keeps the skin from drying out.


To keep your skin feeling dewy and moist even in the harsh winter weather, follow these dry skin fix-it tips:


Keep Water Lukewarm, Not Hot


Hot waterrobs skin of moisture causing dry skin, so it's best to shower in luke warmwater. If you can't bear this rule -- I can't -- try to keep your warm showers short and try showering only once per day. This also means skipping the hot tubs in winter (another rule I simply cannot bear). The hot, hot temperature, combined with drying chemicals, is torture on dry skin.


The same rule applies to hand-washing: Wash hands in lukewarm, never hot, water (this is a rule I firmly abide by). If your skin turns red, the water is simply too hot.


Moisturize After Showers or Handwashing


Moisturizer is the key to soft, supple skin in winter. Apply product when skin is slightly damp. For best effect, pat skin dry instead of rubbing with your towel before application.


Antibacterial soap in public places can be harsh on hands, so I like to keep hand salve in my purse (my hands-down favorite:Kiehls). To keep cuticles soft, I massage in olive oil.


Extra tip: I love keeping moisturizer and facial water on my desk at work. I spritz Evian Mineral Spray (about $11 in drug stores), and then dab on moisturizer. The water locks in moisture and leaves my skin refreshed even in harsh office heat.


Exfoliate on a Weeklyor Semi-weekly Basis


Moisturizer is much more effective on properly exfoliated skin. Use a scrub in the shower and exfoliate facial skin with a mild scrub made for the face.


It's best to scrub skin when it's dry, according to Marcia Kilgore, the founder of Bliss Spa in New York, in InStyle Magazine's September, 2005, issue. Apply scrub to dry skin before you turn on the water(mix with lotion if it's not moist enough). Massage the scrub in for a good five minutes for best results.

根据InStyle杂志2005年9月刊上纽约布利斯Spa中心的创建者Marcia Kilgore的说法,肌肤干燥时最好去下角质。在你开水淋浴前先抹上磨砂膏(如果不够滋润,加点乳液)。轻轻地揉搓上5分钟效果最好。


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