


using namespace std;

typedef int DataType;  //链表元素类型

typedef struct node    //链表结点
    DataType data;
    node *next;


PLNode CreatLink()
    PLNode pHead = new LNode;  //注意delete
    PLNode pPre = pHead;
    PLNode pCur = NULL;
    pHead->data = 0;        //空头
    pHead->next = pCur;

    DataType dataTmp = 0;

    cout<<"Please enter the elements of the link  ,separate with space,and end with ctrl+z :"<     while (cin>>dataTmp)
        pCur = new LNode;
        pCur->data = dataTmp;
        pCur->next = NULL;

        pPre->next = pCur;
        pPre = pCur;

    return pHead;

PLNode CreatLinkWithNonNullHead()
    PLNode pHead = NULL;  //delete
    PLNode pPre = NULL;
    PLNode pCur = NULL;
    DataType dataTmp = 0;

    cout<<"Please enter the elements of the link  ,separate with space,and end with ctrl+z :"<     while (cin>>dataTmp)
        pCur = new LNode;
        pCur->data = dataTmp;
        pCur->next = NULL;

        if (NULL == pHead)   //对头的特别处理
            pHead = pCur;
            pPre = pCur;
            pPre->next = pCur;
        pPre = pCur;
    return pHead;

PLNode InsertLink(PLNode &pHead,size_t posToInsert,const DataType dataToInsert)
    assert(pHead != NULL);

    PLNode pCur = pHead;
    PLNode pNew = new LNode;
    pNew->data = dataToInsert;
    pNew->next = NULL;

    while (posToInsert--)
        //assert(pCur != NULL);  //保证不超过链表长度
        pCur = pCur->next;
        assert(pCur != NULL);  //保证不超过链表长度,放在前面当posToInsert减到0时会出错

    pNew->next = pCur->next;
    pCur->next = pNew;

    return pHead;

PLNode InsertLinkAtNode(PLNode &pHead,const PLNode pPosToInsert,const DataType dataToInsert)
    assert(pHead != NULL);

    PLNode pCur = pHead;
    PLNode pNew = new LNode;
    pNew->data = dataToInsert;
    pNew->next = NULL;

    while (pCur != pPosToInsert)
        assert(pCur != NULL);  //保证不超过链表长度
        pCur = pCur->next;

    pNew->next = pCur->next;
    pCur->next = pNew;

    return pHead;

PLNode DeleteLink(PLNode &pHead,size_t posToDelete)
    assert(pHead != NULL);

    if (0 == posToDelete)
        return pHead;

    PLNode pCur = pHead;
    PLNode pNodeToDelete = NULL;
    size_t posPriorToDelete = posToDelete - 1;

    while (posPriorToDelete--)
        pCur = pCur->next;
        assert(pCur != NULL);  //保证不超过链表长度,放在前面当posToInsert减到0时会出错

    pNodeToDelete = pCur->next;
    assert(pNodeToDelete != NULL);  ////保证不超过链表长度
    pCur->next = pNodeToDelete->next;
    delete pNodeToDelete;
    return pHead;

size_t GetLengthOfLink(PLNode pHead)
    assert(NULL != pHead);

    size_t lengthOfLink = 0;
    PLNode pCur = pHead;

    while (NULL != pCur->next)
        pCur = pCur->next;

    return lengthOfLink;

PLNode BubbleSortLink(PLNode &pHead)
    assert(NULL != pHead);
    PLNode pCur = pHead->next;
    size_t lengthOfLink = GetLengthOfLink(pHead);  
    size_t tmp = 0;
    int i = (int)lengthOfLink; //定义为int型,在lengthOfLink为0时,lengthOfLink--为-1
    int j = 0;

    while (i-- > 1)
        pCur = pHead->next;  //每次都指向第一个结点
        j = i;
        /*while (j--)*/
        while (j-- > 0)
            if (pCur->data > pCur->next->data)
                tmp = pCur->data;
                pCur->data = pCur->next->data;
                pCur->next->data = tmp;

            pCur = pCur->next;
    return pHead;

PLNode ReverseLink(PLNode &pHead)
    assert(NULL != pHead);

    if (NULL == pHead->next || NULL == pHead->next->next)  //短路求值的特性保证pHead->next->next不会因为pHead->next == NULL而非法操作
        return pHead;
    PLNode pPre = pHead->next;  //上面的if保证此处的访问都是合法的
    PLNode pCur = pPre->next;
    PLNode pNxt = NULL;

    pPre->next = NULL;  //此时pPre为翻转后链表的最后一个结点,将next置为NULL

    while (pCur != NULL)
        pNxt = pCur->next;
        pCur->next = pPre;  //指正方向翻转

        pPre = pCur;
        pCur = pNxt;

    //pHead = pPre;
    pHead->next = pPre;
    return pHead;

void Displaylink(const PLNode &pHead)
    assert(pHead != NULL);
    PLNode pCur = pHead->next;
    while (pCur != NULL)
        pCur = pCur->next;
    cout< }

void DisplaylinkWithNonNullHead(const PLNode &pHead)
    PLNode pCur = pHead;
    while (pCur != NULL)
        pCur = pCur->next;
    cout< }

void Destorylink(PLNode &pHead)
    assert(pHead != NULL);
    PLNode pCur = pHead->next;
    while (pCur != NULL)
        delete pHead;    //删除头结点
        pHead = pCur;
        pCur = pCur->next;

void Testlink()
    PLNode pHead = NULL;

    //Test CreatLinkWithNullHead...
    cout<<"Test CreatLink..."<     pHead = CreatLink();
    cout<<"display the link created by CreatLink : "<     Displaylink(pHead);
    cin.clear();  //清除流状态

    //Test InsertLink...
    /*size_t posToInsert = 0;
    DataType dataToInsert = 0;

    cout<<"Please enter the position and the data to insert,end with ctrl+z :"<     while (cin>>posToInsert>>dataToInsert)
        cout<<"The link before insertion : "<         Displaylink(pHead);

        pHead = InsertLink(pHead,posToInsert,dataToInsert);

        cout<<"The link after insertion : "<         Displaylink(pHead);

        cout<<"Please enter the position to insert,end with ctrl+z :"<     }
    cin.clear();  //清除流状态

    //Test DeleteLink...
    //size_t posToDelete = 0;
    //cout<<"Please enter the position to delete,end with ctrl+z :"<     //while (cin>>posToDelete)
    //    cout<<"The link before insertion : "<     //    Displaylink(pHead);

    //    pHead = DeleteLink(pHead,posToDelete);

    //    cout<<"The link after delete : "<     //    Displaylink(pHead);

    //    cout<<"Please enter the position to delete,end with ctrl+z :"<     //}

    //cin.clear();  //清除流状态

    //Test GetLengthOfLink...

    //size_t lengthOfLink = GetLengthOfLink(pHead);
    cout<<"Test GetLengthOfLink..."<     cout<<"the length of link is : "<

    //Test BubbleSortLink...
    cout<<"Test BubbleSortLink..."<     BubbleSortLink(pHead);
    cout<<"The link after sort : "<     Displaylink(pHead);

    //Test BubbleSortLink...
    cout<<"Test ReverseLink..."<     ReverseLink(pHead);
    cout<<"The link after reverse : "<     Displaylink(pHead);


    /*cout<<"Test CreatLinkWithNonNullHead..."<     pHead = CreatLinkWithNonNullHead();
    cout<<"display the link created by CreatLinkWithNullHead : "<     DisplaylinkWithNonNullHead(pHead);


int main()
    return 0;
