Topological Sorting拓扑排序


Topological Sorting is a method of arranging the vertices in a directed acyclic graph (DAG有向无环图) as a sequence, such that for every directed edge(u,v), 即u-> v, vertex u comes before v in the ordering


  • A topological ordering is possible if and only if the graph has no directed cycles
  • Topological orderings are NOT unique

Topological Sorting拓扑排序_第1张图片



  • build systems:  a program cannot be built unless its dependencies are first built 
  • pre-requisite problems: a course cannot be selected unless its pre-requisite courses are taken 
  • dependency problems
  • task schedule




Topological Sort(){
    1. Call DFS to compute finish time f[v] for each vertex
    2. At each vertex is finished, insert it onto the front of a linked list
    3. Return the linked list of vertices



Topological Sorting拓扑排序_第2张图片

比如从任意一个vertex出发(比如,随便选个NodeH), 来DFS搜索

Topological Sorting拓扑排序_第3张图片

从NodeH出发,DFS可以走 NodeH-> NodeJ

Topological Sorting拓扑排序_第4张图片

从NodeJ出发, DFS可以 NodeJ -> NodeM

发现NodeM后面没有元素了, 我们把NodeM放到Stack里面(基于Stack的FILO特性)

Topological Sorting拓扑排序_第5张图片

从NodeM往回走,到NodeJ, 从NodeJ出发,DFS可以NodeJ-> NodeL

发现NodeL后面没有元素了, 我们把NodeL放到Stack里面

Topological Sorting拓扑排序_第6张图片


以此类推,DFS走完整个有向无环图,并用Stack保证了u-> v, vertex u comes before v in the ordering


1. 从有向无环图的任意点出发

2. 进行DFS搜索, 直到搜到当前元素已经"nowhere left to go"了

3. 将该元素放到Stack里,并将该元素mark为visited

4. 从该元素backtrack,继续DFS 



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