点云识别-Geometry Sharing Network for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation

2020 AAAI


原文 译文
In spite of the recent progresses on classifying 3D point cloud with deep CNNs, large geometric transformations like rotation and translation remain challenging problem and harm the final classification performance. 尽管现在利用深度CNN对点云分类取得了一些进展,但是大尺度几何变换transform比如旋转和平移依然是一个具有挑战的问题,并且对分类表现有一定的影响。
To address this challenge, we propose Geometry Sharing Network (GS-Net) which effectively learns point descriptors with holistic context to enhance the robustness to geometric transformations. 为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个几何共享网络GSNet,GSNet可以有效的学习全局特征的点表述,增强网络对于几何变换的鲁棒性。
Compared with previous 3D point CNNs which perform convolution on nearby points, GS-Net can aggregate point features in a more global way. 之前的3D点云网络在邻近点上进行卷积,GSNet在聚合点特征上提出了一个更加全局的方式。
Specially, GS-Net consists of Geometry Similarity Connection (GSC) modules which exploit Eigen-Graph to group distant points with similar and relevant geometric information, and aggregate features from nearest neighbors in both Euclidean space and Eigenvalue space. GSNet包括几何相似性连接模块GSC,GSC提出了特征图Eigen-Graph将距离远但是特征相似,几何相关的点聚合在一起,从而将欧式空间和特征空间上的邻近点进行聚合。
This design allows GS-Net to efficiently capture both local and holistic geometric features such as symmetry, curvature, convexity and connectivity. 这样的设计使得GSNet可以有效地抓取局部和全局特征,例如对称性、曲率、凸度和连接性。
Theoretically, we show the nearest neighbors of each point in Eigenvalue space are invariant to rotation and translation. 我们从理论上证明了特征图上的邻近点是旋转和平移不变的。
We conduct extensive experiments on public datasets, ModelNet40, ShapeNet Part. Experiments demonstrate that GS-Net achieves the state-of-the-art perfor-mances on major datasets, 93.3% on ModelNet40, and are more robust to geometric transformations. 我们在公共数据集ModelNet40 ShapeNet 上做了很多实验。在ModelNet40上取得了目前的最好结果93.3%,而且也证明了GSNet对几何变换的鲁棒性。

Main contribution

  1. 提出了所谓的几何共享网络结构,核心是将邻近点的概念从欧式空间扩展到特征空间,也就是文中所说的distant point with similar and relevant geometric information。这样得到点特征更加丰富。
  2. 从理论上证明了特征空间上的邻近点对旋转和平移是不变的。
  3. 在ModelNet40分类上取得了不错的结果,而且对旋转和平移鲁棒。


这篇文章的亮点在于引入了特征点,就是上面所提的相似特征但是不是邻近点的点,作者给了一个很形象的示意图。之前我们提取局部特征的时候,只关注欧式距离上邻近的点,作者提出有些点,虽然他们离的远但是是有关系的,比如属于同一类。下图中的飞机机翼上的点,邻近点就红色圈内一点,但是和它对称位置的点绝对是需要考虑进去的,因为他们是有关系的,或许这就是geometry sharing的意思吧,我猜的。
点云识别-Geometry Sharing Network for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation_第1张图片
点云识别-Geometry Sharing Network for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation_第2张图片
