1)主线程:Tracking线程就是在主线程上 这一部分主要工作是从图像中提取ORB特征,根据上一帧进行姿态估计,或者进行通过全局重定位初始化位姿,然后跟踪已经重建的局部地图,优化位姿,再根据一些规则确定新的关键帧。
2)Local mappng线程 这一部分主要完成局部地图构建。包括对关键帧的插入,验证最近生成的地图点并进行筛选,然后生成新的地图点,使用局部捆集调整(Local BA),最后再对插入的关键帧进行筛选,去除多余的关键帧。
3)Loop closing线程 这一部分主要分为两个过程,分别是闭环探测和闭环校正。闭环检测先使用BOW进行探测,然后通过Sim3算法计算相似变换。闭环校正,主要是闭环融合和Essential Graph的图优化。
*4)Viewer线程 对估计的位姿和特征点进行可视化显示
Tracking -- 跟踪线程类: 1.接受一个frame,检测其特征点并计算描述子
3.new keyframe decision,并插入一个新的关键帧
LocalMapping -- 局部地图类: 1.管理局部地图
2.计算局部地图的Bundle adjustment
LoopClosing -- 回环操作类: 1.对每一个新插入的keyframe进行回环检测
2.检测回环后,进行位姿图优化,并在一个新的线程中进行全局的full BA
Viewer -- 可视化工具类:负责地图和当前相机位姿的可视化
FrameDrawer -- Frame可视化工具:负责在可视化窗口中画出Frame的实体
MapDrawer -- Map可视化工具:负责画出mappoint在可视化窗口中的实体
ORBVocabulary -- orb视觉词袋模型
ORBextractor -- orb特征点检测器
Frame -- 帧:输入的基本单位,包括当前相机的图像、内参和位姿等数据,
KeyFrame -- 关键帧:Map类的基本单位之一,由frame生成(并非继承),除了frame包含的数据以外(不包括方法),
KeyFrameDatabase -- 关键帧数据库:包含了当前地图中的关键帧序列,以及关键帧的在数据库中的
Mappoint -- 地图点:Map类的基本单位之一,由特征点生成,包括的该特征点的ID,在全局地图中
Map -- 地图:地图包含Mappoint和KeyFrame两个成员,负责管理维护全局的Mappoint和KeyFrame
Initializer -- 单目视觉初始化:仅用于单目视觉的初始化,包含初始化的方法
// Create SLAM system. It initializes all system threads and gets ready to process frames.
ORB_SLAM2::System SLAM(argv[1],argv[2],ORB_SLAM2::System::RGBD,true);
//我们在运行代码时,需要输入的两个参数就是 词袋路径 和 设置文件路径
// Pass the image to the SLAM system -- 将文件传入到slam系统中
cv::Mat System::TrackRGBD(const cv::Mat &im, const cv::Mat &depthmap, const double ×tamp)
cerr << "ERROR: you called TrackRGBD but input sensor was not set to RGBD." << endl;
// Check mode change -- 先检查系统状态
unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexMode);
if(mbActivateLocalizationMode) //如果激活定位模式
mpLocalMapper->RequestStop(); //局部地图建图请求停止
// Wait until Local Mapping has effectively stopped
while(!mpLocalMapper->isStopped()) //等待局部建图完全停止
mpTracker->InformOnlyTracking(true);//Track线程模式为 OnlyTracking
mbActivateLocalizationMode = false; //定位跟踪模式设置完成,标志位置为false
if(mbDeactivateLocalizationMode) //如果失活定位模式
mpTracker->InformOnlyTracking(false); //失活OnlyTracking模式
mpLocalMapper->Release(); //清空局部地图 TODO:这个有必要吗?好像有点暴力
mbDeactivateLocalizationMode = false; //标志位置为false
// Check reset
unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexReset);
if(mbReset) //如果reset,就将tracker reset
mbReset = false;
cv::Mat Tcw = mpTracker->GrabImageRGBD(im,depthmap,timestamp);
unique_lock<mutex> lock2(mMutexState);
mTrackingState = mpTracker->mState; //TrakingState为Tracker的State
mTrackedMapPoints = mpTracker->mCurrentFrame.mvpMapPoints;//TrackedPoints为当前帧的Mappoints
mTrackedKeyPointsUn = mpTracker->mCurrentFrame.mvKeysUn; //TrackedKeyPointsUn为当前帧的去畸变的关键点
return Tcw; //返回当前相机的位姿
system.cc 解读
const string &strVocFile, //词袋文件路径
const string &strSettingsFile, //设置文件路径
const eSensor sensor, //传感器类型:MONOCULAR,STEREO,RGBD
const bool bUseViewer //是否可视化
mSensor(sensor); //传感器类型
mpViewer(static_cast<Viewer*>(NULL)); //可视化地图和当前相机位姿类
mbReset(false); //系统重置flag,默认false
mbActivateLocalizationMode(false); //激活定位模式flag,默认false
//Check settings file -- 将配置文件读入到内存中,存储到fsSettings变量中
cv::FileStorage fsSettings(strSettingsFile.c_str(), cv::FileStorage::READ);
//Load ORB Vocabulary -- 读取视觉词典
mpVocabulary = new ORBVocabulary();
bool bVocLoad = mpVocabulary->loadFromTextFile(strVocFile);
//Create KeyFrame Database -- 创建关键帧数据集
mpKeyFrameDatabase = new KeyFrameDatabase(*mpVocabulary);
//Create the Map -- 创建地图
mpMap = new Map();
//Create Drawers. These are used by the Viewer
//创建观测器 帧的观测器和地图观测器
mpFrameDrawer = new FrameDrawer(mpMap);
mpMapDrawer = new MapDrawer(mpMap, strSettingsFile);
//Initialize the Tracking thread
mpTracker = new Tracking(this, mpVocabulary, mpFrameDrawer, mpMapDrawer,
mpMap, mpKeyFrameDatabase, strSettingsFile, mSensor);
//Initialize the Local Mapping thread and launch
mpLocalMapper = new LocalMapping(mpMap, mSensor==MONOCULAR);
mptLocalMapping = new thread(&ORB_SLAM2::LocalMapping::Run,mpLocalMapper);
//Initialize the Loop Closing thread and launch
mpLoopCloser = new LoopClosing(mpMap, mpKeyFrameDatabase, mpVocabulary, mSensor!=MONOCULAR);
mptLoopClosing = new thread(&ORB_SLAM2::LoopClosing::Run, mpLoopCloser);
//Initialize the Viewer thread and launch
{ //如果可视化,创建一个可视化的线程
mpViewer = new Viewer(this,mpFrameDrawer,mpMapDrawer,mpTracker,strSettingsFile);
mptViewer = new thread(&Viewer::Run, mpViewer);
//Set pointers between threads
//设置每个线程中所包含的 其他线程指针
// Input sensor -- 传感器类型
enum eSensor{
// Input sensor
eSensor mSensor; //传感器类型
// ORB vocabulary used for place recognition and feature matching.
ORBVocabulary* mpVocabulary; //词典指针
// KeyFrame database for place recognition (relocalization and loop detection).
KeyFrameDatabase* mpKeyFrameDatabase; //keyframe数据库指针
// Map structure that stores the pointers to all KeyFrames and MapPoints.
Map* mpMap; //地图的指针--用于存储所有的关键帧和地图点
// Tracker. It receives a frame and computes the associated camera pose.
// It also decides when to insert a new keyframe, create some new MapPoints and
// performs relocalization if tracking fails.
Tracking* mpTracker;
// Local Mapper. It manages the local map and performs local bundle adjustment.
LocalMapping* mpLocalMapper;
// Loop Closer. It searches loops with every new keyframe. If there is a loop it performs
// a pose graph optimization and full bundle adjustment (in a new thread) afterwards.
LoopClosing* mpLoopCloser;
// The viewer draws the map and the current camera pose. It uses Pangolin.
Viewer* mpViewer;
FrameDrawer* mpFrameDrawer;
MapDrawer* mpMapDrawer;
// System threads: Local Mapping, Loop Closing, Viewer.
// The Tracking thread "lives" in the main execution thread that creates the System object.
std::thread* mptLocalMapping;
std::thread* mptLoopClosing;
std::thread* mptViewer;
// Reset flag -- Reset标志位,清空地图
std::mutex mMutexReset;
bool mbReset;
// Change mode flags
std::mutex mMutexMode;
bool mbActivateLocalizationMode; //为真 则 停止建图,进行重定位
bool mbDeactivateLocalizationMode; //为真 则 停止重定位,继续建图
// Tracking state
int mTrackingState; //系统的Tracking状态
std::vector<MapPoint*> mTrackedMapPoints; //已经追踪到的Mappoints
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> mTrackedKeyPointsUn; //已经追踪到的去畸变的特征点
std::mutex mMutexState;
// Initialize the SLAM system. It launches the Local Mapping, Loop Closing and Viewer threads. -- 系统的构造函数
System(const string &strVocFile, const string &strSettingsFile, const eSensor sensor, const bool bUseViewer = true);
// Proccess the given stereo frame. Images must be synchronized and rectified.
// Input images: RGB (CV_8UC3) or grayscale (CV_8U). RGB is converted to grayscale.
// Returns the camera pose (empty if tracking fails).
cv::Mat TrackStereo(const cv::Mat &imLeft, const cv::Mat &imRight, const double ×tamp);
// Process the given rgbd frame. Depthmap must be registered to the RGB frame.
// Input image: RGB (CV_8UC3) or grayscale (CV_8U). RGB is converted to grayscale.
// Input depthmap: Float (CV_32F).
// Returns the camera pose (empty if tracking fails).
cv::Mat TrackRGBD(const cv::Mat &im, const cv::Mat &depthmap, const double ×tamp);
// Proccess the given monocular frame
// Input images: RGB (CV_8UC3) or grayscale (CV_8U). RGB is converted to grayscale.
// Returns the camera pose (empty if tracking fails).
cv::Mat TrackMonocular(const cv::Mat &im, const double ×tamp);
// This stops local mapping thread (map building) and performs only camera tracking.
void ActivateLocalizationMode();
// This resumes local mapping thread and performs SLAM again.
void DeactivateLocalizationMode();
// Returns true if there have been a big map change (loop closure, global BA)
// since last call to this function
bool MapChanged();
// Reset the system (clear map) -- 将bReset置true,并在track线程中清空当前系统中的所有数据
void Reset();
// All threads will be requested to finish.
// It waits until all threads have finished.
// This function must be called before saving the trajectory.
void Shutdown();
// Save camera trajectory in the TUM RGB-D dataset format.
// Only for stereo and RGB-D. This method does not work for monocular.
// Call first Shutdown()
// See format details at: http://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset
void SaveTrajectoryTUM(const string &filename);
// Save keyframe poses in the TUM RGB-D dataset format.
// This method works for all sensor input.
// Call first Shutdown()
// See format details at: http://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset
void SaveKeyFrameTrajectoryTUM(const string &filename);
// Save camera trajectory in the KITTI dataset format.
// Only for stereo and RGB-D. This method does not work for monocular.
// Call first Shutdown()
// See format details at: http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_odometry.php
void SaveTrajectoryKITTI(const string &filename);
// TODO: Save/Load functions
// SaveMap(const string &filename);
// LoadMap(const string &filename);
// Information from most recent processed frame
// You can call this right after TrackMonocular (or stereo or RGBD)
int GetTrackingState();
std::vector<MapPoint*> GetTrackedMapPoints();
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> GetTrackedKeyPointsUn();