


Problem A     POJ  1753     Flip Game
Problem B     POJ  2965     The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator
Problem C     ZOJ  1716     Get Many Persimmon Trees
Problem D     ZOJ  3356     Football Gambling II
Problem E     URAL 1010     Discrete Function
Problem F     HDU  2069     Coin Change


Problem A     POJ  1328     Radar Installation

Problem B     POJ  2109     Power of Cryptography

Problem C     POJ  2586     Y2K Accounting Bug

Problem D     URAL 1303     Minimal Coverage

Problem E     SGU  195      New Year Bonus Grant

Problem F     SGU  171      Sarov zones


Problem A     URAL 1181     Cutting a Painted Polygon
Problem B     POJ  1579     Function Run Fun
Problem C     POJ  1845     Sumdiv
Problem D     POJ  3714     Raid
Problem E     POJ  3922     A simple stone game
Problem F     POJ  1092     Farmland
Problem G     HDU  4608     I-number


Problem A     POJ 2488     A Knight's Journey
Problem B     POJ 3620     Avoid The Lakes
Problem C     POJ 2251     Dungeon Master
Problem D     HDU 1258     Sum It Up
Problem E     HDU 2553     N皇后问题
Problem F     POJ 1315     Basic

Problem G     HDU 1240     Asteroids!


Problem A     HDU 1159     Common Subsequence
Problem B     HDU 1513     Palindrome
Problem C     HDU 4545     魔法串
Problem D     HDU 1257     最少拦截系统
Problem E     HDU 1677     Nested Dolls
Problem F     HDU 1423     Greatest Common Increasing Subsequence
Problem G     HDU 4512     吉哥系列故事――完美队形I


Problem A     HDU 3874     Necklace
Problem B     HDU 2227     Find the nondecreasing subsequences
Problem C     HDU 1541     Stars
Problem D     HDU 1754     I Hate It
Problem E     POJ 3264     Balanced Lineup
Problem F     ZOJ 1610     Count the Colors
Problem G     POJ 2299     Ultra-QuickSort


Problem A     HDU 2544     最短路
Problem B     HDU 3790     最短路径问题
Problem C     HDU 3665     Seaside
Problem D     HDU 1869     六度分离
Problem E     HDU 1874     畅通工程续
Problem F     HDU 1317     XYZZY
Problem G     HDU 4360     As long as Binbin loves Sangsang
Problem H     POJ 1847     Tram
Problem I     POJ 1062     昂贵的聘礼


Problem A     POJ 1469     COURSES
Problem B     HDU 2819     Swap
Problem C     POJ 3041     Asteroids
Problem D     HDU 2255     奔小康赚大钱
Problem E     POJ 1486     Sorting Slides
Problem F     HDU 3488     Tour
