How to create an arrow in AutoCAD?
TD Tip: Absolute Coordinates
The AutoCAD Test Developement team frequently answers questions from AutoCAD users via email. They've offered to share some of their common questions and answers via blog postings. Here's a good one from Dan Kuhmann, AutoCAD Test Development!
How do I input absolute coordinates with dynamic input turned on?
There are two ways to do this. Coordinate input is relative by default. You can override this setting on an as-needed basis, or change the setting to absolute by default.
To keep the current settings and enter a single absolute coordinate, type # before the coordinates.
Example: #3,3
To change the settings to default to absolute coordinates, set DYNPICOORDS to 1. Now all coordinates entered will be absolute. To input relative coordinates when DYNPICOORDS is 1, type @ before the coordinates (@3,3).
You can also find this in the Drafting Settings dialog (right-click on Dynamic Input icon in the Status Bar, or command: dsettings).
On the Dynamic Input tab, under Pointer Input, click “Settings...” to open the Pointer Input Settings dialog. Change “Relative coordinates” to “Absolute coordinates”.
输入命令"xline"(construction line,构造线),然后输入"B"选择绘制角平分线,依次选择角度的顶点、第一条边、第二条条边即可得到角平分线。(command prompt(命令提示框)中会有提示)
参考:putting dimensions in a 3D Cube
可使用break或trim命令,不过这两个命令都会删除截取部分外的部分,并不能将另外一部分也保留下来(autocad中的也没有实现这功能的内建命令),AutoLISP: Break Circle提供了这样的功能的代码。