Day64 Parking


Part1 对话:

     - Sir, you're not able to leave your vehicle here.

      - lt's pouring down! We don't want to get soaked.

      - l'm sorry sir. Parking is not permitted here.

      You don't want to see your car gets towed.

      - Do you know where I can park?

      - Up two blocks. There's a corner lot. You can park there!

      Tim: Thank you, officer!


Day64 Parking_第1张图片

Part 2 《Better Call Saul 风骚律师》

14FT. 8IN

- Come on.

Right. Yeah.Hey.

I was a jerk,okay?

So, I will—I will pay you what I owe you.

Plus interest,if you just let me come through.

- I suggest you find parking somewhere else.

- Somewhere else , as in — where somewhere else?

- Not my concern.

- Uh,actually,uh,this is your job.

  So,by definition,it’s your concern.

So pump out the ticket and open the stupid gate already,please.

I mean ,I don’t have time for this.

All right.

Hey,I’m gonna park right here.

- I don’t think you want to be doing that.



Day64 Parking_第2张图片

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