cartographer探秘第四章之代码解析(八) --- 生成地图

本次阅读的源码为 release-1.0 版本的代码

也可以下载我上传的 全套工作空间的代码,包括 protobuf, cartographer, cartographer_ros, ceres,,现在上传资源自己不能选下载需要的积分。。。完全靠系统。




1 local_trajectory_builder_2d类

// cartographer/mapping/internal/2d/
  std::unique_ptr insertion_result =
      InsertIntoSubmap(time, range_data_in_local, gravity_aligned_range_data,
                       pose_estimate, gravity_alignment.rotation());

    const common::Time time, const sensor::RangeData& range_data_in_local,
    const sensor::RangeData& gravity_aligned_range_data,
    const transform::Rigid3d& pose_estimate,
    const Eigen::Quaterniond& gravity_alignment) {

  // Querying the active submaps must be done here before calling
  // InsertRangeData() since the queried values are valid for next insertion.
  std::vector> insertion_submaps;
  for (const std::shared_ptr& submap : active_submaps_.submaps()) {

2 ActiveSubmaps2D类 与 Submap2D类

void ActiveSubmaps2D::InsertRangeData(const sensor::RangeData& range_data) {
  for (auto& submap : submaps_) {
    // 将雷达数据写入submap
    submap->InsertRangeData(range_data, range_data_inserter_.get());
  if (submaps_.back()->num_range_data() == options_.num_range_data()) {
    // 当range data 数量达到配置的值时,将新建个submap

void ActiveSubmaps2D::AddSubmap(const Eigen::Vector2f& origin) {
  if (submaps_.size() > 1) {
    // This will crop the finished Submap before inserting a new Submap to
    // reduce peak memory usage a bit.
    // 新建时,如果submap的个数为2,则需要先将第一个submap设置成finish,并从active submap中删掉

  // 新建一个active submap
      origin, std::unique_ptr(
  LOG(INFO) << "Added submap " << matching_submap_index_ + submaps_.size();

std::unique_ptr ActiveSubmaps2D::CreateGrid(
    const Eigen::Vector2f& origin) {
  constexpr int kInitialSubmapSize = 100;
  float resolution = options_.grid_options_2d().resolution();
  // 新建一个ProbalityGrid
  return common::make_unique(
                origin.cast() + 0.5 * kInitialSubmapSize * resolution *
                CellLimits(kInitialSubmapSize, kInitialSubmapSize)));

void Submap2D::InsertRangeData(
    const sensor::RangeData& range_data,
    const RangeDataInserterInterface* range_data_inserter) {
  range_data_inserter->Insert(range_data, grid_.get());
  set_num_range_data(num_range_data() + 1);


void ActiveSubmaps2D::FinishSubmap() {
  Submap2D* submap = submaps_.front().get();

void Submap2D::Finish() {
  // 计算裁剪栅格地图
  grid_ = grid_->ComputeCroppedGrid();

  void set_finished(bool finished) { finished_ = finished; }

// cartographer/cartographer/mapping/2d/
std::unique_ptr ProbabilityGrid::ComputeCroppedGrid() const {
  Eigen::Array2i offset;
  CellLimits cell_limits;
  ComputeCroppedLimits(&offset, &cell_limits);
  const double resolution = limits().resolution();
  const Eigen::Vector2d max =
      limits().max() - resolution * Eigen::Vector2d(offset.y(), offset.x());
  std::unique_ptr cropped_grid =
          MapLimits(resolution, max, cell_limits));
  for (const Eigen::Array2i& xy_index : XYIndexRangeIterator(cell_limits)) {
    if (!IsKnown(xy_index + offset)) continue;
    cropped_grid->SetProbability(xy_index, GetProbability(xy_index + offset));

  return std::unique_ptr(cropped_grid.release());

3 ProbabilityGridRangeDataInserter2D类

只在cartographer/cartographer/mapping/internal/2d/local_trajectory_builder_2d.h 中的 ActiveSubmaps2D 进行初始化时构造一次,初始化时计算 hit_table_ 与 miss_table_ ;

// cartographer/cartographer/mapping/2d/

    const proto::ProbabilityGridRangeDataInserterOptions2D& options)
    : options_(options),
          Odds(options.miss_probability()))) {}

void ProbabilityGridRangeDataInserter2D::Insert(
    const sensor::RangeData& range_data, GridInterface* const grid) const {
  ProbabilityGrid* const probability_grid = static_cast(grid);
  // By not finishing the update after hits are inserted, we give hits priority
  // (i.e. no hits will be ignored because of a miss in the same cell).
  CastRays(range_data, hit_table_, miss_table_, options_.insert_free_space(),

// cartographer/cartographer/mapping/2d/probability_grid_range_data_inserter_2d.h
class ProbabilityGridRangeDataInserter2D : public RangeDataInserterInterface {

  // Inserts 'range_data' into 'probability_grid'.
  virtual void Insert(const sensor::RangeData& range_data,
                      GridInterface* grid) const override;

  const proto::ProbabilityGridRangeDataInserterOptions2D options_;
  const std::vector hit_table_;
  const std::vector miss_table_;

3.1 hit_table_ 与 miss_table_ 的初始化

调用了两个在文件probability_values.h中定义的函数。 其中函数CorrespondenceCostToValue是将float类型的数据转换为uint16类型,并将输入从区间 [kMinCorrespondenceCost,kMaxCorrespondenceCost] 映射到 [1,32767]。


std::vector ComputeLookupTableToApplyCorrespondenceCostOdds(
    float odds/*0.55*/) {
  std::vector result;
  result.push_back(// 22327 + 32768(kUpdateMarker) = 55095
                   CorrespondenceCostToValue( // 0.6451 --> 22327
                    ProbabilityToCorrespondenceCost( // 0.6451 = 1 - 0.3548
                       ProbabilityFromOdds(odds) )) + // 0.3548 = 0.55/(0.55+1)
                   kUpdateMarker); // constexpr uint16 kUpdateMarker = 1u << 15; // 32768

  for (int cell = 1; cell != 32768; ++cell) {
                odds * 
                Odds( // a/(1-a)
                    CorrespondenceCostToProbability( // 1- b
                               (*kValueToCorrespondenceCost)[cell] ) )))) +
  return result;

3.2 CastRays()


void CastRays(const sensor::RangeData& range_data,
              const std::vector& hit_table,
              const std::vector& miss_table,
              const bool insert_free_space,
              ProbabilityGrid* const probability_grid) {
  GrowAsNeeded(range_data, probability_grid);

  const MapLimits& limits = probability_grid->limits();
  const double superscaled_resolution = limits.resolution() / kSubpixelScale;
  const MapLimits superscaled_limits(
      superscaled_resolution, limits.max(),
      CellLimits(limits.cell_limits().num_x_cells * kSubpixelScale,
                 limits.cell_limits().num_y_cells * kSubpixelScale));
  const Eigen::Array2i begin =
  // Compute and add the end points.
  std::vector ends;
  for (const Eigen::Vector3f& hit : range_data.returns) {
    probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(ends.back() / kSubpixelScale, hit_table);

  if (!insert_free_space) {

  // Now add the misses.
  for (const Eigen::Array2i& end : ends) {
    CastRay(begin, end, miss_table, probability_grid);

  // Finally, compute and add empty rays based on misses in the range data.
  for (const Eigen::Vector3f& missing_echo : range_data.misses) {
    CastRay(begin, superscaled_limits.GetCellIndex(missing_echo.head<2>()),
            miss_table, probability_grid);

3.3 ProbabilityGrid::ApplyLookupTable()


// Applies the 'odds' specified when calling ComputeLookupTableToApplyOdds()
// to the probability of the cell at 'cell_index' if the cell has not already
// been updated. Multiple updates of the same cell will be ignored until
// FinishUpdate() is called. Returns true if the cell was updated.
// If this is the first call to ApplyOdds() for the specified cell, its value
// will be set to probability corresponding to 'odds'.
bool ProbabilityGrid::ApplyLookupTable(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index,
                                       const std::vector& table) {
  DCHECK_EQ(table.size(), kUpdateMarker);
  const int flat_index = ToFlatIndex(cell_index);
  uint16* cell = &(*mutable_correspondence_cost_cells())[flat_index];
  if (*cell >= kUpdateMarker) {
    return false;
  *cell = table[*cell];
  DCHECK_GE(*cell, kUpdateMarker);
  return true;

3.4 CastRay()

// Factor for subpixel accuracy of start and end point.
constexpr int kSubpixelScale = 1000;

// We divide each pixel in kSubpixelScale x kSubpixelScale subpixels. 'begin'
// and 'end' are coordinates at subpixel precision. We compute all pixels in
// which some part of the line segment connecting 'begin' and 'end' lies.
void CastRay(const Eigen::Array2i& begin, const Eigen::Array2i& end,
             const std::vector& miss_table,
             ProbabilityGrid* const probability_grid) {
  // For simplicity, we order 'begin' and 'end' by their x coordinate.
  if (begin.x() > end.x()) {
    CastRay(end, begin, miss_table, probability_grid);

  CHECK_GE(begin.x(), 0);
  CHECK_GE(begin.y(), 0);
  CHECK_GE(end.y(), 0);

  // Special case: We have to draw a vertical line in full pixels, as 'begin'
  // and 'end' have the same full pixel x coordinate.
  if (begin.x() / kSubpixelScale == end.x() / kSubpixelScale) {
    Eigen::Array2i current(begin.x() / kSubpixelScale,
                           std::min(begin.y(), end.y()) / kSubpixelScale);
    const int end_y = std::max(begin.y(), end.y()) / kSubpixelScale;
    for (; current.y() <= end_y; ++current.y()) {
      probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);

  const int64 dx = end.x() - begin.x();
  const int64 dy = end.y() - begin.y();
  const int64 denominator = 2 * kSubpixelScale * dx;

  // The current full pixel coordinates. We begin at 'begin'.
  Eigen::Array2i current = begin / kSubpixelScale;

  // To represent subpixel centers, we use a factor of 2 * 'kSubpixelScale' in
  // the denominator.
  // +-+-+-+ -- 1 = (2 * kSubpixelScale) / (2 * kSubpixelScale)
  // | | | |
  // +-+-+-+
  // | | | |
  // +-+-+-+ -- top edge of first subpixel = 2 / (2 * kSubpixelScale)
  // | | | | -- center of first subpixel = 1 / (2 * kSubpixelScale)
  // +-+-+-+ -- 0 = 0 / (2 * kSubpixelScale)

  // The center of the subpixel part of 'begin.y()' assuming the
  // 'denominator', i.e., sub_y / denominator is in (0, 1).
  int64 sub_y = (2 * (begin.y() % kSubpixelScale) + 1) * dx;

  // The distance from the from 'begin' to the right pixel border, to be divided
  // by 2 * 'kSubpixelScale'.
  const int first_pixel =
      2 * kSubpixelScale - 2 * (begin.x() % kSubpixelScale) - 1;
  // The same from the left pixel border to 'end'.
  const int last_pixel = 2 * (end.x() % kSubpixelScale) + 1;

  // The full pixel x coordinate of 'end'.
  const int end_x = std::max(begin.x(), end.x()) / kSubpixelScale;

  // Move from 'begin' to the next pixel border to the right.
  sub_y += dy * first_pixel;
  if (dy > 0) {
    while (true) {
      probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);
      while (sub_y > denominator) {
        sub_y -= denominator;
        probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);
      if (sub_y == denominator) {
        sub_y -= denominator;
      if (current.x() == end_x) {
      // Move from one pixel border to the next.
      sub_y += dy * 2 * kSubpixelScale;
    // Move from the pixel border on the right to 'end'.
    sub_y += dy * last_pixel;
    probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);
    while (sub_y > denominator) {
      sub_y -= denominator;
      probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);
    CHECK_NE(sub_y, denominator);
    CHECK_EQ(current.y(), end.y() / kSubpixelScale);

  // Same for lines non-ascending in y coordinates.
  while (true) {
    probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);
    while (sub_y < 0) {
      sub_y += denominator;
      probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);
    if (sub_y == 0) {
      sub_y += denominator;
    if (current.x() == end_x) {
    sub_y += dy * 2 * kSubpixelScale;
  sub_y += dy * last_pixel;
  probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);
  while (sub_y < 0) {
    sub_y += denominator;
    probability_grid->ApplyLookupTable(current, miss_table);
  CHECK_NE(sub_y, 0);
  CHECK_EQ(current.y(), end.y() / kSubpixelScale);

void GrowAsNeeded(const sensor::RangeData& range_data,
                  ProbabilityGrid* const probability_grid) {
  Eigen::AlignedBox2f bounding_box(range_data.origin.head<2>());
  constexpr float kPadding = 1e-6f;
  for (const Eigen::Vector3f& hit : range_data.returns) {
  for (const Eigen::Vector3f& miss : range_data.misses) {
  probability_grid->GrowLimits(bounding_box.min() -
                               kPadding * Eigen::Vector2f::Ones());
  probability_grid->GrowLimits(bounding_box.max() +
                               kPadding * Eigen::Vector2f::Ones());

3.5 FinishUpdate()


// Finishes the update sequence.
void Grid2D::FinishUpdate() {
  while (!update_indices_.empty()) {
    correspondence_cost_cells_[update_indices_.back()] -= kUpdateMarker;


4 map_limits.h

struct CellLimits {
  CellLimits() = default;
  CellLimits(int init_num_x_cells, int init_num_y_cells)
      : num_x_cells(init_num_x_cells), num_y_cells(init_num_y_cells) {}

  explicit CellLimits(const proto::CellLimits& cell_limits)
      : num_x_cells(cell_limits.num_x_cells()),
        num_y_cells(cell_limits.num_y_cells()) {}

  int num_x_cells = 0;
  int num_y_cells = 0;

// Defines the limits of a grid map. This class must remain inlined for
// performance reasons.
class MapLimits {

  // Returns the cell size in meters. All cells are square and the resolution is the length of one side.
  double resolution_;   

  // Returns the corner of the limits, i.e., all pixels have positions with smaller coordinates.
  Eigen::Vector2d max_;  

  // Returns the limits of the grid in number of cells.
  CellLimits cell_limits_;

map_limits 记录了地图的各种信息,分辨率,物理世界坐标的最大值(左上角的栅格最大),栅格的x, y方向的格子数量。

max_ 为该栅格在物理世界中的坐标,不是栅格的坐标。


5 Grid2D

class Grid2D : public GridInterface {
  explicit Grid2D(const MapLimits& limits, float min_correspondence_cost,
                  float max_correspondence_cost);
  explicit Grid2D(const proto::Grid2D& proto);

  // Returns the limits of this Grid2D.
  const MapLimits& limits() const { return limits_; }

  // Finishes the update sequence.
  void FinishUpdate();
  // Returns the correspondence cost of the cell with 'cell_index'.
  float GetCorrespondenceCost(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const;

  // Returns the minimum possible correspondence cost.
  float GetMinCorrespondenceCost() const { return min_correspondence_cost_; }

  // Returns the maximum possible correspondence cost.
  float GetMaxCorrespondenceCost() const { return max_correspondence_cost_; }

  // Returns true if the probability at the specified index is known.
  bool IsKnown(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const;

  // Fills in 'offset' and 'limits' to define a subregion of that contains all
  // known cells.
  void ComputeCroppedLimits(Eigen::Array2i* const offset,
                            CellLimits* const limits) const;

  // Grows the map as necessary to include 'point'. This changes the meaning of
  // these coordinates going forward. This method must be called immediately
  // after 'FinishUpdate', before any calls to 'ApplyLookupTable'.
  virtual void GrowLimits(const Eigen::Vector2f& point);

  virtual std::unique_ptr ComputeCroppedGrid() const = 0;

  virtual proto::Grid2D ToProto() const;

  virtual bool DrawToSubmapTexture(
      proto::SubmapQuery::Response::SubmapTexture* const texture,
      transform::Rigid3d local_pose) const = 0;

  const std::vector& correspondence_cost_cells() const {
    return correspondence_cost_cells_;
  const std::vector& update_indices() const { return update_indices_; }
  const Eigen::AlignedBox2i& known_cells_box() const {
    return known_cells_box_;

  std::vector* mutable_correspondence_cost_cells() {
    return &correspondence_cost_cells_;
  std::vector* mutable_update_indices() { return &update_indices_; }
  Eigen::AlignedBox2i* mutable_known_cells_box() { return &known_cells_box_; }

  // Converts a 'cell_index' into an index into 'cells_'.
  int ToFlatIndex(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const;

  // 地图信息
  MapLimits limits_;

  // 栅格地图每个栅格的概率值
  std::vector correspondence_cost_cells_; 

  // 概率最小值,最大值
  float min_correspondence_cost_;
  float max_correspondence_cost_;

  std::vector update_indices_;

  // Bounding box of known cells to efficiently compute cropping limits.
  Eigen::AlignedBox2i known_cells_box_;


// Returns the correspondence cost of the cell with 'cell_index'.
float Grid2D::GetCorrespondenceCost(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const {
  if (!limits().Contains(cell_index)) return kMaxCorrespondenceCost;
  return ValueToCorrespondenceCost(

  const std::vector& correspondence_cost_cells() const {
    return correspondence_cost_cells_;

int Grid2D::ToFlatIndex(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const {
  CHECK(limits_.Contains(cell_index)) << cell_index;
  return limits_.cell_limits().num_x_cells * cell_index.y() + cell_index.x();

// Converts a uint16 (which may or may not have the update marker set) to a
// correspondence cost in the range [kMinCorrespondenceCost,
// kMaxCorrespondenceCost].
inline float ValueToCorrespondenceCost(const uint16 value) {
  return (*kValueToCorrespondenceCost)[value];

const std::vector* const kValueToCorrespondenceCost =

std::unique_ptr> PrecomputeValueToCorrespondenceCost() {
  return PrecomputeValueToBoundedFloat(
      kUnknownCorrespondenceValue, kMaxCorrespondenceCost,
      kMinCorrespondenceCost, kMaxCorrespondenceCost);

std::unique_ptr> PrecomputeValueToBoundedFloat(
    const uint16 unknown_value, const float unknown_result,
    const float lower_bound, const float upper_bound) {
  auto result = common::make_unique>();
  // Repeat two times, so that both values with and without the update marker
  // can be converted to a probability.
  for (int repeat = 0; repeat != 2; ++repeat) {
    for (int value = 0; value != 32768; ++value) {
          value, unknown_value, unknown_result, lower_bound, upper_bound));
  return result;

// 0 is unknown, [1, 32767] maps to [lower_bound, upper_bound].
float SlowValueToBoundedFloat(const uint16 value, const uint16 unknown_value,
                              const float unknown_result,
                              const float lower_bound,
                              const float upper_bound) {
  CHECK_GE(value, 0);
  CHECK_LE(value, 32767);
  if (value == unknown_value) return unknown_result;
  const float kScale = (upper_bound - lower_bound) / 32766.f;
  return value * kScale + (lower_bound - kScale);



cartographer 生成子图


