Timed-Elastic-Band - TEB


  • Overview - ROS
    Tutorials - ROS
  • Source Code - GitHub
    Source Code, tutorials - GitHub
  • Timed-Elastic-Band局部路径规划算法 - CSDN
    TEB理解 - CSDN
    teb优化轨迹流程 - CSDN
  • qqfly的文章,生动形象. “听说现在自动驾驶很火,所以我也做了一个”
  • TEB轨迹规划算法教程 - 创客智造
    ROS与navigation教程-teb_local_planner - 创客智造
  • ros-teb笔记timed_elastic_band - 知乎


  1. Original:
  • C. Rösmann, W. Feiten, T. Wösch, F. Hoffmann and T. Bertram: Trajectory modification considering dynamic constraints of autonomous robots. Proc. 7th German Conference on Robotics, Germany, Munich, 2012, pp 74–79.
  • C. Rösmann, W. Feiten, T. Wösch, F. Hoffmann and T. Bertram: Efficient trajectory optimization using a sparse model. Proc. IEEE European Conference on Mobile Robots, Spain, Barcelona, 2013, pp. 138–143.
  1. Extensive
  • TEB + NMPC:
    Rösmann, Christoph & Hoffmann, Frank & Bertram, Torsten. (2014). Timed-Elastic-Bands for Predictive Control. at - Automatisierungstechnik. 62. 720-731. 10.1515/auto-2014-1120.
  • TEB + NMPC:
    Rösmann C, Hoffmann F, Bertram T. Timed-elastic-bands for time-optimal point-to-point nonlinear model predictive control[C]//2015 european control conference (ECC). IEEE, 2015: 3352-3357.
    source code
  • collision avoidance + TEB:
    Keller M, Hoffmann F, Hass C, et al. Planning of optimal collision avoidance trajectories with timed elastic bands[J]. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2014, 47(3): 9822-9827.

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